This will tell you all you need to know about this status. Please reach out to the editor assigned to your paper about this issue. This is highly dependent on the manuscript. This does depend on their schedules. How can any one expect novelty in a survey study of this kind. This means that the journal might have requested a review that they . As youve been waiting for more than a week, you can contact the Assistant Editor for an update. This manuscript status indicates that a paper has been pre-checked and is now being peer-reviewed. Hope this helps. Kindly shed some light. Will you please let us know how much time will it take to give the decision? I am worried if the deadline is not met. Time is rather critical for this paper. Im concerned since its been 25 days and I havent heard a response from the journal side or from my assigned editor side. I have submitted my manuscript titled to Polymers journal on March 09, 2022 and the revisions were submitted on November 14, 2022. Please get in touch with the journals Editorial Office if you are struggling to meet the submission deadline. There is no limit to the length of papers! how long of status Pending Review after submission day? I wonder the meaning of (x) I would not like to sign my review report For more information about your specific case, please could you contact the Diagnostics Editorial Office? What does it mean? Access it here:, Hello! This is at the Academic Editor's discretion. Ive got 1st review We wanted to remove and add authors. This is done in much the same way as when you initially uploaded your paper. Hello Ms. Katherine! Katherine Bosworth 13 December 2022 Editorial Process Reviewing Your Manuscript Q&A Once you've submitted your manuscript, it will be pre-checked, and then sent for review. Yes, you can change to a different Special Issue, even while your paper is still being processed. I will get in touch with Energies on your behalf. Or should I wait for more time? pending editor decision usually takes 1-2 business days , but its showing from last 23.12.22. Pending decision = A first assessment will be made by the Academic Editor. The reviewers are chosen for their expertise by the Academic Editor and Assistant Editor. Thanks for the comment. At MDPI, we try to find 23 professional and efficient reviewers within the first week of sending out invitations. MDPIpending decisionPending editor decision I am planning to submit my article to the special issue of Vaccines. Please be sure to confirm this with the Assistant Editor as soon as one is assigned to your manuscript. I hope that this information helps. You can find more information about MDPI manuscript statuses in our handy blog article. The Check for Updates feature is only available in the PDF version of the manuscript. It is already more than three weeks since my manuscript was submitted, but there is still no feedback from editorial office and the status is still Under review. Im going to chase this up on your behalf. You can find out more about the specifics by contacting the Editorial Office directly. Hello Katherine. Will my abstract be posted in the same way or will the editors remove it before making it public? mdpi publication . The journal staff aim to find suitable reviewers in one week, but this depends on the research field and the availability of reviewers at that time. Our in-house editors around the world offer 24/7 services. Could you help us contacting the editorial office on our behalf. As part of our service, an in-house Assistant Editor is assigned to each manuscript. Is there any alternative way of doing this, could you please help us in this regard. Syracuse Haulers Schedule 2022 Rental Properties That Accept Evictions Venture Capital Portland, Oregon Amtrak Charger Locomotive Provo Daily Herald Local News Physical Education Unit Plan Comments are closed. You can then apply the feedback to your manuscript and submit the corrections. You can find this feedback on SuSy, MDPIs manuscript submission system. As this point is not clear in the website Assistant Editors also communicate with reviewers and Academic Editors to see if they can recommend a colleague who would make a good reviewer. Could you please contact the guest editor/assistant editor on our behalf to know the problem? For Instance I am not a IOAP institue author, but one of my co-author is correspondent to IOAP institute, and the payment mode for his/her IOAP institute is centralised to the university. Your paper will be published in under 24 hours. Our article is in the same status from the last 9 days. few more things I want to confirm.. you have commented You can include additional authors at any time during revisions (before manuscript acceptance). nearly one month ago on the blog. Hi, good morning! I have submitted my Minuscript to international journal of molecular sciences, on Friday 21st October, But the status is still same pending review. We have submitted our manuscript and even its revised version to Scientia Pharmaceutica journal, and now the status has changed to Pending editor decision. Or is the academic editor hiring a fourth reviewer? Submitting your manuscript to an MDPI journal involves hours of research, drafting, and formatting, before finally finishing with a paper that youre happy with and ready to publish. Does it mean Rejection? Is it possible to re summit manuscript in same journal? Id encourage you to get in touch with the Editorial Office if its been five working days without an update. Any feedback will be helpful. With this in mind, I have reached out to Metals on your behalf and I am following your case very closely. MDPI has one of the most straightforward and efficient publication processes in the whole publishing landscape. You can do this by logging into MDPI SuSy, our online submission system. Hi Ham, you could start by selecting the most appropriate journal from the list at and submitting your academic paper to your chosen journal. An abstract is a short summary of your research. I went through the portal today and saw that the editors decision is to ask for additional review I am confused what does it mean. MDPI provides waivers and discounts to scholars around the world. - Ian Nov 17, 2017 at 6:54 Add a comment 2 Answers Sorted by: 22 "Decision pending" means that the decision. I submitted my article on January 4, 2023, with the manuscript ID of polymers-2173405 on journal polymers . Is it common for reviewers and editor to not agree? Hi, This is my first publishing experience and the third submission (MDPI) for my article. In addition, you can email the Editorial Office if you havent received feedback from the Assistant Editor in the expected time frame. The status is still Pending Review. I have contacted with the editorial office but I did not get response. Is the review process at MDPI fair to reviewers? [duplicate] Respected Madam, The pending review stage generally takes around 1-5 working days. However, please note that this is dependent on the Academic Editors workload. Please could you reach out to the journals Editorial Office? We are sure you will get better answers and possible solutions from her. Thanks Publishing times also differ depending on the journal. Its usually only a paragraph or two. If you have prepaid, MDPI will send a refund on request. I can see the reviewer report is not very encouraging. Each manuscript is reviewed on an individual basis. Hi, MDPI Submission Process: Your Questions Answered, Getting Involved with the Editorial Process Q&A, How to Advance as an Early Career Researcher, Challenges and Opportunities: Early Career Researchers, How to Reduce Stress Whilst Waiting for Publication, MDPIs Policy Regarding Corrections and Retractions. Take a look at our article on MDPI manuscript statuses for more info. Yes. Pending review = The paper is due to be pre-checked. The status changed from Pending review to Under review on January 5th and the Assistant Editor was also assigned on that day. To find out more, check out our interview with MDPI English editors. Yes, I understand that the reviewers and editors are too busy during this time, but I appreciate a response as soon as possible so I can make a decision about my paper. Thank you. MDPI journals all have a stringent peer review process to ensure the novelty and scientific accuracy of manuscripts. The status is still Pending Review. I have contacted with the editorial office but I did not get response. Click Editorial Office on the left-hand side. What does it mean. A professional Layout Editor is now working on the formatting. This manuscript status means that your manuscript has officially been accepted for publication. on 30.12.22 my manuscript status was accepted , then it changed to pending english. This will reduce any potential delays. Yes, you should include this information at the end of your manuscript. From sharing the latest MDPI blog news, to showcasing our most popular articles, the newsletters will keep you in the loop with everything good going on in the science world. But one reviewer gave -ve report. The manuscript was submitted on January 17, 2023. How long is the waiting period for editor decision? Please get in touch with the editor assigned to your manuscript about this issue. This is a mandatory step with no additional fee. This is highly unusual and can likely be quickly resolved. MDPI6 Editor-in-Chief This stage might take longer than 1-2 business days, depending on the Academic Editors workload. Sorry youve been waiting longer than expected. Once my publication is Accepted, if I want to withdraw the paper, DO I have to pay the APC? Because this step is out of MDPIs hands, delays can sometimes be slightly longer. The Assistant Editor for your paper will also update you via email about decisions they make. As you have been waiting for over a week, we will investigate and prioritise this issue. I submitted a manuscript in animals after the review process one recommends improve the manuscript other recommended rejection, unfortunately, the final editors decision was rejection and decline resubmission. 2- Did I receive email if the current status change to Pending major or miner. APC information is also available via the journal menu. Unfortunately, I found one correction didnt match which i told like just adding three words in literature section. At MDPI, we want to ensure that the submission process runs as smoothly as possible for our authors. Review process: 1. To find out more about specific papers, you can access the feedback on SuSy, and follow up with the journals Editorial Office if you require further details. Any delays from us are extremely short, allowing MDPI to maintain high publishing speeds. How long is MDPI under review? Kindly clarify what does this indicate? My first manuscript rejected. We are getting worried about this long delay. Is this how MDPI Journals works? The Pending decision status usually takes 1-2 days. The next status will be Revised version review, when reviewers will have their second look. I revised the manuscript according to all comments and recommendations from the reviewers reports. What should I do? Once a manuscript has been submitted, it will go through different stages of progress on SuSy. Can you please explain the editorial process for papers submitted to special issues (SIs) before reaching the under-review stage? The pending editor decision usually takes 1-2 business days. In addition, all papers are available online as soon as they are published. We have submitted on a special issue of Cells. If youre having trouble accessing this, please feel free to contact the journals Editorial Office. However, I am still not received any response. You can resubmit at any time. MDPI waives around a quarter of its APCs every year and offers one of the most affordable pricing structures in the commercial publishing landscape. Another query is sticking in researcher mind whether voucher based payments increase paper rejection or slows down editorial processing. Layout editing, as well as a plagiarism check, are offered at a fixed price. The duration of this status depends on the Academic Editors workload and availability. Another reason for addition was that, my supervisor don`t like rejection. Plz, reply me. The XML and HTML versions of your manuscript are still pending, and will be live in a few days. Its also important to remember that authors who have their manuscript rejected are refunded the APC. i submitted my paper in processes and they assigned me 2 reviwers . Pending editor decision = The Academic Editor is making a final decision. Hi I have a question about the manuscript (vetsci-10-00142). I have a concern regarding MDPi policies. Thank you. Reasons added to the comment section by the editor was that the paper isnt ready for publication. However, it can take slightly longer in some circumstances. Could you please advise me how to deal with this situation? Please get in touch with the journals Editorial Office. Reviewing Your Manuscript Q&A - MDPI Blog Should I email the Assistant Editor about it? However, we know that authors have multiple responsibilities as researchers, and we aim to be flexible as part of our high-quality publishing service experience. We want to change it later if we get aceept result. is possible to change the submission from mdpi computers to mdpi applied sciences. I have given all reasons to the editor via email as per request. ( I havent checked my status for two weeks since it was Under Review. Hi The status changed to pending editor decision on November 24, 2022 and has remained Pending Editor decision since then. We also submitted a short text as per instructions given at : Otherwise, you can keep up to date with the status of your paper by checking SuSy, MDPIs submission system. All the editorial, production, and invoicing steps are managed using MDPIs SuSy and are performed by in-house employees, largely using software created and maintained by MDPI. I have send email to Metals editorial office and asistance editor who handle my submitted article. So, Ive read that it cannot be resubmitted, without an invitation which was not forthcoming. I have contacted the personal editor, but she did not reply me about this question. Is it ok for me to upload a preprint to Arxiv which uses MDPIs latex template? You can also check out one of our other articles to find out more about what your manuscript status means. I would like to inquire about the status of my manuscript that has been under review since the 21st of November 2022 [Cells] Manuscript ID: cells-2079368. Thanks, Katherine. What is the procedure? MDPI joined CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) early on in the initiatives launch. Because we have been contacting the SI GE and he showed substantial interest in our paper (even offered us off on the APC), but the paper did not successfully go through the pending review stage. Once again, my submission status was figured as Under Review. We have checked everything, spam or junk folders but no response has every been given (apart from the automatic emails from the journal). Hi Islam. Nonetheless, no responses have been obtained from the journal, leaving us in a frustration. I have tried to email the journal editor and assigned editor but has yet to receive a response. Greetings! I fully understand that it can be nerve-wracking to wait for updates on a manuscript. MDPIpending editor decision~mdpi_ Regarding the significance, our survey is very important for dentists to find out shortages and limitations of Thiet practice and try to correct and improve. If not why MDPI did not make publication free of charge as of elsevier and other reputable journals? Thanks for reading. Can we add and remove the author during proofreading step? Hi, we submitted a paper in Agronomy journal almost 2 months ago. MDPI will allow authors to edit their manuscript in the case of author revisions before peer review, and during author revisions in the peer review process, according to reviewers and Academic Editors suggestions. This stage refers to an internal process. However, we may ask you to withdraw your paper if a round of revisions will take longer than a month. Is it normal to take time. The Assistant Editor aims to find reviewers within the first week of sending out invitations. Across all Wolters Kluwer journals, the average . Our Micromachines paper has been Under Review for 22 days now, despite the 14.4 days review speed posted in the website. When submitting your manuscript to SuSy, it will start with an option to select whether or not you have used the journals template; some of the fields will already be filled out if you use it. In general, if the editor does require more information, they will reach out to you. Very soon, it will be converted to XML and HTML. I submitted paper to agriculture journal number of article is 1972147 and I finished two rounds of major revisions. 10 Editor Decision 11 Production Services: From Acceptance to Publication 12 Production Steps 14 Scilit: A Powerful Database 16 Contact If the deadline date is 28.02 what time is the latest I still can submit my manuscript? Please could you reach out to the journals Editorial Office? Your paper has been published online in PDF format. It will be published online within 24 hours. The Pending review stage usually takes about five working days maximum. You can get in touch with the journals Editorial Office about this request. While submitting the paper, I pasted an abstract directly from my latex editor that contains dollar signs $ before a number. The editor really supports our effort as authors. Dear Madam, I have contacted the Data Editorial Office and I will keep you updated. Please could you take a look at the Under review section of this article? Make sure to review the rejection feedback in SuSy and apply it to your manuscript, if applicable. During the review process I have add one new author and replace the other one. I would greatly appreciate it if you can help us with this matter. You can keep up with updates to your manuscript by logging onto MDPIs SuSy. What Does My MDPI Manuscript Status Mean? thanks for your question. Our article is in the same status from the last 7 days. What should I do to get the editor to take another look at this paper? Tq. Yes, thats correct. Apart from contacting the Editorial Office, support is readily available at Can I cancel the request for an update of the published paper? This means that your paper is being converted to different formats, including PDF. Yes, you can reach out to the Editorial Office of Polymers and theyll be able to inform you as to why there might have been a delay. Hi Muhammad. Shams. Congrats! Yes, you can use all of your vouchers together, and publish for free! If I submitted an article in mdpi and 3 reviewers review the manuscript. Hi, please for the status (Conversion Skipped), can we fund the PDF article online? A final decision is now being made about your paper. It may be slightly higher if the Academic Editor has a high workload. Apologies for the delay. You can then choose between the vouchers in Step 5 of the submission process. If it is missed during the proof read? I was asked to review for an MDPI journal and realized while requesting to extend the deadline for my review that the editor at MDPI intended to send review requests to several reviewers, to gather enough reviews to make a decision on the basis of the first 2-3 he received. Take a look at the article What Does My MDPI Manuscript Status Mean? for further information about manuscript statuses. MDPI journals do not discriminate against manuscripts with waivers or vouchers. The APCs currently range from 1000 CHF to 2400 CHF (Swiss Francs). It could be because the paper does not fit into the scope of the journal, or because the reviewers felt the findings were incomplete, for example. I already submitted our manuscript and it was under review. The IOAP entitles authors to a 10% discount on APCs. Now its more than 21 days. Take a look at our How to navigate SuSy video for guidance. For authors from low- and middle-income countries, waivers or discounts will be granted on a case-by-case basis. Thank you very much! You can also contact the team at one of our offices (, including MDPI Headquarters in Basel (Switzerland), by calling them on +41 61 683 77 34. pending editor decisionpeer revieweditorial memberfinal decisionmdpi. You can find their details on the journal webpage, in the left-hand navigation bar. If I want to withdraw it, Can I refund my money? I hope to find the solution from commenting in this blog. After two rounds of revision and the status is pending decision since 31st may 2022. Please send it to the assistant editor assigned, she/he will guide you. Thanks and regards. I am sorry to hear that you have been waiting for longer than our estimated time. Papers are submitted via SuSy (MDPIs Submission System), at how long would it takes to review. It would be great if you could let me know when I can expect the decision. Could you please help us check if there is anything wrong with our submission? The official classification of newly discovered or long-known unassigned viruses by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) requires the deposition of coding-complete or -near-complete virus genome sequences in GenBank to fulfill a requirement of the taxonomic proposal (TaxoProp) process. Topic: Mdpi | Final Decision to accept or reject my paper, is it based purely on the Review Report of Additional Reviewers (Round 2) only? Moreover, it significantly contributes to knowledge and guides dentists to evidence based recommendations in the practice. If you have questions or queries about the feedback, you can reach out to the Academic Editor assigned to your manuscript, for more details. Most of our journals suggest 5 days for minor revisions and 1014 days for major revisions. Not necessarily. We expect to receive revisions within 5 days (for minor revisions) or within 10 days (for major revisions). Hi, I submitted my manuscript 29, July. or Will there be any weightage with regard to the Review Report sent by Round-1 Reviewers? I submitted the manuscript 6 days ago but still, but it is showing Pending Review Ive read that pending review takes around a few days and I should contact you if it takes more than 5 days. They should respond within 1-2 working days. How long the pending review process takes? Please can you tell me if we want to add aithors during revison for Funding? As you know we cannot add/remove any author directly, so I have submit the authorship change form. You can find their details by visiting the journal webpage and clicking Editorial Office in the left-hand column. Additional MDPI information for authors is provided here: My sincere apologies that you have been waiting so long. This stage should take around two weeks, but may take longer depending on how easily we can find reviewers. It is already more than three weeks since my manuscript was submitted, but there is still no feedback from editorial office and the status is still Under review. I would encourage you to contact the Academic Editor for any missed updates. Your manuscript is now being made available as a PDF on the MDPI site. This status also applies to second review rounds (revised version reviews). I will keep in contact with you via email. Because we maintain a very quick publishing service, we do not offer expedited peer review. Best wishes. MDPI is a different publisher. [9] Hi Mubasharmubashar. Our Editorial Office may agree to extended revision time, provided that the authors send their request to the in-house Assistant Editor. Whether my work is it Good or Bad? May I know why is it so? We could not find specific box to upload it in susy. Yes, you are welcome to re-submit your manuscript. Here is a short video on manuscript status in Editorial Manager, and some additional articles on the manuscript submission process. what is the chance for publication ? Is it possible. Is it possible to request for a second authors proof? Please do the needful. If the journal cannot accept addition of new author, so they should tell us the reason. They will be able to provide you with further details on the delay and any action that needs to be taken. Otherwise, we will send all co-authors a daily reminder. Thank you for the comment. Sorry that youve been waiting so long. What does it mean? Thank you very much for your comment. Professor, Moataz Elgezawi. In addition, I am a undergraduate student who are applying the master degree, so this article is of vital importance for me. so how to upload the revised proposed paper? If the paper is rejected by an editor in one SI, can we submit the paper to another SI in the same journal? In most cases, the MDPI peer review process is single-blind, meaning that authors dont know who the reviewers are. Once youre clear on the ins and outs, get in touch with the Editorial Office, and theyll process your request. This is because the average waiver rate across all MDPI journals was 35%. You can find out about the journals scope in the Aims & Scope section, which can be accessed via the journal menu, or by searching for individual Special Issue webpages. This form applies to manuscripts that have already been published. Hello Cheng-En. They will be able to help and advise you. For questions about individual submissions, we recommend contacting the Editorial Office of the journal. This year, we consistently provided discounts of 10% or more to authors affiliated with our institutional partners or reviewer vouchers.