Updated the Union of Britains starting technologies. Reworked Legation American recognition - they will now grant all American powers observer rights, and grant the eventual winner voting rights (or not). Added leader descriptions to the Italian Republic. New Fall of London event picture, so that it no longer features a German flag. Fixed Sweden having duplicate Landsverk manufacturers. Fixed Kenya losing the Mittelafrika state modifier due to a revolt. New flags for Ghana, Gold Coast, Mozambique and Najd & Hasa. Added coalitions to the Officer Department in SZC. You should now see the AI properly upgrading their starting templates and building a larger variety of decent units. Austria will now disband the Donau-Adriabund upon capitulation. Pondicherry will no longer be claimed by the British in their reconquest of India. Wellington Koo. Commune of France's Savoy focus now bypasses if Switzerland is socialist. Qings Jiang Baili now starts with the unyielding defender commander trait, instead of offensive doctrine, nerfed Aisin-Gioro Xiqia, buffed Aisin-Gioro Zaitao. Fixed the Left Kuomintangs CCBC event firing too early. Reduced the maximum size of the Rhenish puppet, and adjusted the annexation events to account for France annexing the west bank of the Rhine. Increased the number of starting divisions for the Combined Syndicates. Enjoy, and stay safe. Dmitry Romanovs Natsionalniy Blok party in Russia now acts as a ruling coalition between SocCon/AutDem/PatAut, instead of just AutDem. Rhodesia can now do the Cross the Zambezi national focus, if the German Government in Exile exists. Fixed Dutch East India's unity/strength national spirits remaining even after the rebellion. FNG - country path to either disable unification conference from being held, or make AI FNG agree to demands more (thus increasing odds of success). Removed the chance for Ireland to randomly decline Germany's invitation to the Reichspakt. Removed the starting heavy tank variants, technologies and templates from the French Republic, as they had the 1939/1940 gun, and also to prevent the AI from using them as garrisons. Added new traits available to Operatives. Halved the time it takes for Muscat to seek a guarantee. Adjusted Germanys AI so that it focuses a bit less on its navy. Releasing Namibia now requires South Africa to be released first. Expanded the interactions of the Austrian Military Occupation path with Germany, Poland and the Belgrade Pact - The Brotherhood of Slavs as a faction no longer exists, and its previous members now join the Belgrade Pact instead, calling them into the war against Austria. New Englands special forces path now unlocks both sub-branches of the special forces technology. Fixed some missing Puerto Rico ministers. Added a new Confederated State subject level for Italian subjects of either Two Sicilies or Sardinia when they create the Italian Confederation, offering more benefits to the overlord than regular puppets, Ethiopia now starts with claims on already-owned Eritrean lands, Paraguay starts the game with a small division limit bonus, Nejd and Jabal Shamar now receive a division limit bonus while fighting their war against each other, Arabia now receives a division limit bonus as part of its Desert Logistics national idea, Russia now fully uses the compliance system for gaining cores on conquered lands, Added the Phalanstere Internationale as a economic sphere in the diplomacy tab, Albania can no longer pull Romania or Bulgaria into its wars, Baoding Sichuan can now ally with the Left KMT, Ottoman Minister list got reworked in preparation for their eventual implementation (say goodbye to Mustafa Kemal for now as CoS, for he will come back later as HoG). Fixed the Brazilian ship namelist causing a crash to desktop. Re-added Prestes to the Brazilian commander roster, but he is still removed if NatPops come to power. Lithuania can now remove full German economic control after as SocLib, and partially if PatAut, even if this was not done before the assasination of the King. Decreased the chances of the Polish SocDem/SocLib republic being couped by SocCons. Fixed the name for the Carlists during the Spanish Civil War. Added improved starting tank armour and engine technologies to Germany. Transamurs tree has received an update, now focused on taking back the country during the Weltkrieg - as such, its AI will no longer be passive during the war, and may attack Russia if not puppeted by Japan beforehand. Added tech and doctrine cost reduction to two Romanian national focuses. The GER AI will no longer research naval/air doctrines while it still has the Victors of WW1 idea. Fixed Russia not annexing German land correctly after winning against Germany. Updated Japans starting navy and army, and the names of units in both. Fixed Yan Huiqing not being promoted to the leader of a puppet Zhili Republic. Guatemala and Honduras no longer start with armoured divisions. Beiyang-aligned Admirals can now join the Left Kuomintang as part of the new nabal tree. Fixed Bulgaria not getting the National Catastrophe, if annexed during the Fourth Balkan War. Added March Taharn Khong Chart (National Military March) to Siam. The Khedivate of Egypt now has a red colour like the Ottomans, Leaders and parties across the different USA factions have now been standardized for the most part. Hawaiis Communal Democracy national spirit now gives a flat stability bonus instead of a tiny weekly increase. German East Asia now gives all of Cambodia to Indochina if it somehow defeats Siam before the Indochinese Revolution is dealt with. 2 Hungarian minister posts are no longer served by a single dude. The arrival of Dutch exiles as the Dutch government in exile will now give a research buff again instead of a research debuff. Tweaked the effects of some East Turkestan events unlocking focuses. Changed Chile national spirit icon to something that fits even non-socialist Chile. Fixed the Netherlands leaving the Reichspakt, when they undergo a pro-German coup. Note that if you wish to change the ruling party of another country, you will first need to switch to them with the tag command. Afghanistan, Argentina, Japan, Paraguay, Shandong and the Ma Clique now start on civilian economy. Fixed Jorge ONeills portrait not appearing for Ireland. Fixed the Dutch East Indies releasing the West Indies Federation in Saint Martin. Fixed the AI not increasing the conscription law if they have zero divisions. Optimized Centroamericas faction decisions. Fixed the IMRO not winning their revolt at 100% resistance. Flanders now has its own separate annexation mission. Fixed the Kars and Lazistan annexation events giving the states to the wrong target. The Kingdom of Spain can now no longer be denied entry into the Entente or Reichspakt based on RNG. Russian Republic, when controlled by the AI, is no longer able to recruit new units during the Russian Civil War. Optimised the League of Eight Provinces renaming. Added a description tooltip to Japans East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. The French Republics colonial modifiers are removed if they core an African state. Fixed New Englands Joint Navy Training not giving the correct experience type. Changed the state borders for Murmansk so that the railway isn't cut off. Added Ask of Thyself, Crown Imperial, a new version of Land of Hope and Glory, Fantasia on British Sea Songs, Here's A Health unto his Majesty, I vow to Thee My Country, Keep the Home Fires Burning, Soldiers of the King, Song of Liberty and Sons of the Brave. Fixed the Russian socialists attacking Germany not triggering the Second Weltkrieg events. Updated the weapons technology for several South American countries, and Cuba. Fixed Serbia's Montenegro focus not requiring ownership of the state. Fixed Shanxi being unable to take The Suiyuan Question national focus. Added an event pic for the 4th of July event for the USA. Ported over the vanilla name list for Mexican ships. Fixed participants in the American Civil War not getting the decision to core Hawaii. Rebalanced the effects of several Left Kuomintang national focuses and national spirits. Countries will now be prompted to abandon the Legation Cities if they're targeted by Japan. The Ottoman Renaissance idea now applies to all possible revolters. Fixed the Austrian puppets joining Mitteleuropa during the WK. Fixed a broken Brazil national spirit swap. For the American Civil War, slightly buffed the CSA, PSA and nerfed the AUS. Fixed Germany being able to integrate Switzerland twice. LKMT Yunnan forming Republican of China after the loss of Fujian KMT has been fixed. Minor tweaks to the map in Southwest and West Africa. Nerfed the Left Kuomintangs political power gain. Fixed the South African party popularity swaps. Added Yong Yuan De Wei Xiao (Forever Smiling) for Chinese tags. Fixed Zhukov staying behind in Patagonia. Of course, this patch doesnt just bring 1.9 compatibility with it, weve also put some work into the Balkans and China, along with a huge number of fixes. The Fate of Galicia event now lets you choose who keeps Lww. Fixed socialist Ireland investing in the German colonies. Fixed missing Danish endonym for Hamburg. Fixed socialist Netherlands joining the Reichspakt. Buffed the number of build slots that are granted to Brazil and Vera Cruz in their national spirits. The Aral Sea is no longer part of the Khorezm state. Fixed Khivas capital being in the wrong location. Fixed the Left Kuomintang automatically having their capital moved to Nanjing. Clarified a requirement in the tooltip for Polands National Distributism and Supreme Chamber of Commerce national foci. German socialists from the Rhineland no longer spawn locked templates for the Combined Syndicates of America, CNT-FAI, and Russian Socialists. Fixed JBS strengthening ties with a dynasty they deposed. Fixed Shandongs faction joining decisions missing restrictions. Fengtian breaks with Japan after the Fading Sun peace deal has been made. Added a fifth research slot for the Netherlands. Wars now cause a -30% stability penalty as in vanilla. Japan can no longer core Korea, updating the Korean Autonomy state modifiers accordingly. Buffed Argentina to do better in the war against Chile. Restoring the buttons does not give them any more functionality than they had previously. Fixed Russian Socialist Republic not coring Central Asia correctly. Miles (AST), Sveinn Bjornsson (ICE), Kai-Uwe von Hassel (MAF), Gabriel Auphan (NFA), Christoffel Venter (SAF), Gustaf V (SWE). Fixed an event not firing in the SocDem Lithuania path. Implemented the vanilla picture for the Regency Council for Poland, for those with the No Step Back DLC. add_equipment [amount] [name] - Add a specified amount of a selected equipment type to your national . Added a railway effect to Irelands railway national focus. Fixed the United Baltic Duchy being able to appoint two Land Marshals at the same time. Added a tooltip to Russias Realpolitik national focus, to better explain how it differs from Expansionism. Fixed Lithuania sending the wrong event to Germany about the NatPop uprising. Added Guan Xiangying as a puppet leader for Fengtian / Manchuria. Fixed the Commune of France attacking the CSA over socialist Hawaii. A country will now also annex the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, if they annex the Ottoman Empire. Fixed Russias Kirill not becoming Tsar properly. Buffed Shanxis New Central Army national spirit, so that it doesnt result in 0% recruitable manpower when combined with other debuffs. Radical Socialist Tripolitania now uses the normal Blue flag, instead of an edited red one. Added Robert S. Allen to the CSA's commander roster. Fixed Serbia being able to release Bulgaria during the IMRO uprising. Added Scout Plane air wing names from vanilla. Removed claims on Kiev and Starodub for Polands Commonwealth. Fixed the French Republics dynamic modifiers not being added in the Algiers Conference. Raised AI priority for South Africas industrial decisions. Romania is now ruled by Michael and PNL when puppeted by Bulgaria. Added a La Resistance-only decision to recruit a Head of Intelligence, which provides an additional operative slot (to make up for the fact that you cant recruit an advisor to do the same, as in vanilla). The Bharatiya Commune can no longer get military support from the Commune of France if the Commune doesnt exist. Fixed a victorious Finland not getting a non-aggression pact with a defeated Russia. Added Georges Blanchard, Marcel Gensoul, Alfred Heurtaux, Georges Guynemer, Jean-Franois Jannekeyn, Louis-Lazare Kahn, Ren Olry, Ernest Petit and Joseph Putz as potential members of the Commune of Frances Military High Command. Fixed Albania not being part of the Balkan War peace deal if they attacked independently. GBPs republican flag is used when democratic and new flag for PatAut England, Redid a lot of flags for the West African countries. KR4 Changelog | The Kaiserreich Wiki | Fandom Removed the Russian Socialist unit bonuses and increased the debuffs Russia gets in the Second Russian Civil War. Germany may now choose to intervene in the regular Italy/Austria peace event in the same manner it intervenes in the Belgrade Pact/Austria peace event, no longer making a solo war the superior choice for Italy. Fixed the former Entente member flag not being cleared in the rare instance where the Entente collapses more than once. Decisions to improve Iceland infrastructure, ports and airbases are now available for both Canada and Britain if Iceland is in their faction. Players will now get a choice to join Liangguangs faction or not when the latter presents an ultimatum, rather than being added to it automatically. Fixed RKMT China's capital being reset by occupation. Players can build past this limit, but they will be notified when theyre over it (via a flashing alert on their Recruit & Deploy tab) and will receive a malus that increases the more they go over that limit. The Ulster state is renamed to Northern Ireland, to more accurately represent what land the state consists of. Independent Chinese splinters can declare rival governments if they are as strong as all other government claimants or control Beijing. Fixed the borked Patagonian national spirit triggers. Changed the traits of Austrian Chiefs of Staff Alfred von Hubicki and Emil Hickmann so that they match their respective national focuses. Germany can now start WK2 itself after solving Black Monday. Fixed Canada never attacking a puppet Great Britain. Natal now gets wargoals on any African countries that South Africa is at war with when the civil war starts. Fixed a missing Poland event about Germanys reaction to the peasant unrest. Fengtians pre-rework bandit events have been fully gutted and reworked. If obedient, Fengtian will still attempt to balance its internal factions, and may become rowdy, but should not declare war. The Ottomans can now gain control of Western Thrace if they've managed to capture Sofia, and Greece hasn't taken them yet. Puppets of tiny countries can no longer access the generic industrial tree. The Railway Reaches Barotseland national focus for South Africa now actually makes a railway to Barotseland. Fixed the wrong influence level being checked in Polands decisions to deal with socialist and nationalist unrest. Douglas MacArthur is now a member of the Republican party candidate for the presidency, instead of a Democrat. Fixed Italian countries giving Kotor to themselves. Fixed Albania's oil prospecting decision giving aluminium instead. New England now inherits USAs techs, rather than Canadas. The result is a more competitive naval build-up over the game, the AI spending less resources buying fuel for an oversized navy in the early game, and a slight performance increase. Decreased the timer for Lithuanias The Fraying Front mission from 200 days to 120 days. Socialist Russia will now revert to Russian green after winning the Second Russian Civil War. Fixed Lianguang not joining the Anguojun due to a war with one of its members. Fixed black-coloured text showing up on tooltips with dark backgrounds. PNL will be founded regardless whether you complete Renew Pride. Fixed restored democratic Syria keeping PatAut/NatPop national spirits. Slightly rebalanced Russias starting infrastructure, industry and resources. Fixed a West Indies Federation event not modifying the NCP concessions national spirit, if it's already present. Added The Army Goes Rolling Along for the United States, Pacific States and New England. Fixed South American countries having European generic advisor pictures. Added a news event for the 1936 Dublin Olympics. Fixed the Italian Republic causing the Belgrade Pact to merge with the Moscow Accord, before the Second Weltkrieg. The Habsburg archdukes in Galicia and Lodomeria, and Hungary, now rejoin Austria when Danubia forms. Fixed a Pacific States event firing for China. The Nanjing Clique should now perform a little better during the League War. Fixed the Don-Kuban Unions Andrey Shkuro not being promoted to the leadership role correctly. Bhutan no longer has negative production efficiency. Added images to several Scandinavian events. Added coalitions to the post-unification Federalist China elections. Added AI strategy for Brazil to deal with the rebel tags. Added a description for An unlikely Alliance spirit for UoB. The Princely Federation now starts with a core on Goa. Fixed Yucatan not getting any ministers set. Fixed a Mittelafrikan event referring to Gring, even if he has been ousted. When Greece becomes syndicalist, it no longer drops out of a faction/wars if its faction leader is also socialist. help: help [command] France no longer annexes Flanders-Wallonia mid-war. Otherwise? Increased the duration of Bulgarias State Protection Act national focus.