Persistence of GR7 and Striga germination stimulant(s) from Euphorbia aegyptiaca Boiss. Weed Sci. In this regard, France is doing valuable work through the Technical Center for Oilseed Crops and Industrial Hemp, Terresinovia, where a nationwide survey of infested fields is actualized online on real time by the farmers with new cases emerging every year and recently toward new regions such as the French Centre region1 Several studies suggest that large areas of new territory are at risk of invasion by broomrape (Mohamed et al., 2006; Grenz and Sauerborn, 2007), and in fact, invasions in completely new regions are already emerging in countries such as Spain, UK, France, Algeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan (Reda, 2006; Babiker et al., 2007; Babiker, 2008; Rubiales et al., 2008; Abu-Irmaileh and Labrada, 2009; Parker, 2014). 48, 93117. 29, 867871. Phainopepla - the mistletoe bird. Hortic. Control 2 291296. Striga resistance in the wild relatives of sorghum. 19, 217231. Plant Sci. Biochem. Phytochemistry 109, 5765. Methods for Orobanche and Phelipanche spp. However, it is a long-term strategy due to the long viability of seed bank (Rubiales et al., 2009b), which requires at least a nine-course rotation in order to prevent broomrape seed bank increases (Grenz et al., 2005). doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3180.1976.tb00406.x, Katan, J. 21, 333340. Azospirillum brasilense is reported to inhibit broomrape radicle growth (Dadon et al., 2004). On the contrary, weedy broomrape species are usually generalists attacking annual crops (Schneeweiss, 2007). Orobanche aegyptiaca control in tomato fields with sulfonylurea herbicides. This is not eradication, Hanson said. 44, 284289. Polyphenols, including the new peapolyphenols AC, from root exudates stimulate Orobanche foetida seed germination. Broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) This is a short and delicate stage where the parasite either connects with the host or dies due to nutrient exhaustion. doi: 10.1002/ps.1706, Keywords: integrated pest management, Orobanche, Phelipanche, parasitism, germination, haustorium, plant recognition, seed bank, Citation: Fernndez-Aparicio M, Reboud X and Gibot-Leclerc S (2016) Broomrape Weeds. orthoceras. Chemical signalling between plants: mechanistic similarities between phytotoxic allelopathy and host recognition by parasitic plants, in Chemical Ecology: From Gene to Ecosystem, eds M. Dicke and W. Takken (Dordrecht: Springer), 5569. Dor, E., and Hershenhorn, J. Another strategy to induce suicidal germination of broomrape seed bank could be the use of gibberellin agonists. Paris: Dterville. Symplasmic sieve element continuity between Orobanche and its host. Plant Pathol. Parasite population Broomrape seeds were originally collected in Serbia from sunflower hybrids known to be resistant to race E. This broomrape population was designated as LP12BSR and was used in a previous study as . Orobanche species in Sudan: history, distribution and management. doi: 10.1021/jf5027235, Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Kisugi, T., Xie, X., Rubiales, D., and Yoneyama, K. (2014). Bot. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Weed Res. Germination response of Orobanche seeds subjected to conditioning temperature, water potential and growth regulator treatments. Sci. Being deprived of the initiation of autotrophic mode of life, the growth of broomrape seedling toward the host is only sustained by water absorption and remobilization of reserve nutrients from the seed perisperm and endosperm (Joel, 2000; Joel et al., 2012). doi: 10.1002/9780470168011.ch4, Joel, D. M., Kleifeld, Y., Losner-Goshen, D., Herzlinger, G., and Gressel, J. An official website of the United States government. The points of vulnerability of some underground events, key for their parasitism such as crop-induced germination or haustorial development are reviewed as inhibition targets of the broomrape-crop association. doi: 10.1614/WS-07-049.1, Liu, Q., Zhang, Y., Matusova, R., Charnikhova, T., Amini, M., Jamil, M., et al. 35, 445452. Biocontrol Sci. Epifagus means "upon beech," derived from "epi," upon, and "fagus," the genus of beech; virginiana refers to "Virginia.". Broomrape seed has been documented to last in the soil for at least 35 years.. (2014). Westwood, J. H., dePamphilis, C. W., Das, M., Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Honaas, L. A., Timko, M. P., et al. Ryecyanatines A and B and ryecarbonitrilines A and B, substituted cyanatophenol, cyanato-benzo[1,3] diole, and benzo[1,3]dioxolecarbonitriles from rye (Secale cereale L.) root exudates: new metabolites with allelophatic activity on Orobanche seed germination and radicle growth. 122, 275281. The use of those amino acids as pesticide is classified by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as innocuous to public and environment health (USEPA, 2004). Sci. The crops affected depend on the host range of the broomrape species considered but in general, those in the Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Apiaceae, Fabaceae, or Solanaceae such as sunflower, oilseed rape, carrot, faba bean, or tomato among many others, sustain the major attacks (Parker and Riches, 1993). (2012). Sci. Agric. Soil management affects the success of broomrape seeds in becoming established on the host and then the longevity of broomrape seed bank. Broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsks.) Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Phosphorous and nitrogen have been described to down regulate strigolactones exudation in some crop species (Yoneyama et al., 2007a,b, 2012). Although host phloem supplies the majority of nutrients including minerals, open xylem connections developed at the host-parasite interface allow additional mineral and water flow toward the parasite (Abbes et al., 2009; Westwood, 2013). Bot. Solar heating (solarization) control of soilborne pests. 4 - Iowa State University check engine light on and off Serotinous species in North American deserts have evolved similar seed retention syndromes as . in a subterranean clover pasture. Rev. Fernndez-Aparicio M, Masi M, Cimmino A, Evidente A. The flower shoots are scaly, with a dense terminal inflorescence (spike) of 10-20 flowers in most species. 58, 11871193. J. Linn. Mayer, A. M., and Bar-Nun, N. (1997). However, seven broomrape species, Orobanche crenata, O. cernua, O. cumana, O. foetida, O. minor, Phelipanche aegyptiaca, and P. ramosa have specialized on attacking crops causing trouble in agriculture along Mediterranean, central and eastern Europe, and Asia (Parker, 2009). Plant Cell Physiol. Plant Growth Regul. Using biotechnological approaches to develop crop resistance to root parasitic weeds. Many other interesting examples of trap crops emerged from a root exudates screening of important crops (Fernndez-Aparicio et al., 2009b). Keywords: Escape and true resistance to crenate broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) Responsiveness of Orobanche ramosa L. seeds to GR24 as related to temperature, oxygen availability and water potential during preconditioning and subsequent germination. Solarization, a physical control method for weeds and parasitic plants (Orobanche spp.) However, results recently arisen from a molecule screening identified phytotoxins that induce the development of anchoring device in broomrape radicles (Cimmino et al., 2014, 2015). The short version of the story is that "broomrape" is the partially translated 16th-century name of a genus of plants, Genista: European plants called brooms. New Phytol. Still, as the parasite is synchronized on the crop development this means in some cases that the change disfavoring the parasite could also limit the maximum potential yield for the crop. (2005). (2012). N-substituted phthalimides as plant bioregulants. Pron, T., Vronsi, C., Mortreau, E., Pouvreau, J. The flowers are irregularly shaped and produce single-chambered capsules that contain numerous minute seeds. doi: 10.1071/SB05009, Thomas, H., Heller, A., Sauerborn, J., and Mller-Stver, D. (1999). doi: 10.1093/jxb/err246, Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Sillero, J. C., and Rubiales, D. (2007). J. doi: 10.1038/nature07272, USEPA (2004). 52, 10501053. in Africa and Near East. Effect of triiodobenzoic acid on broomrape (Orobanche ramosa) infection and development in tomato plants. J. Nematol. In addition long lived seed banks under physiological dormancy ensure that germination will occur when a suitable host in its correct stage of development is present nearby (Rubiales et al., 2009b). The role of peroxidase in the resistance of sunflower against O. cumana in Russia. Joel, D. M. (2013). Broomrapes produce little or no chlorophyll; instead, they draw nourishment from the roots of other plants by means of small suckers called haustoria. An important piece of this research is identifying the best time to apply an herbicide to slow down the broomrape with a minimum of damage to the tomatoes. Sholmer-Ilan, A. doi: 10.1021/jf904247k, Evidente, A., Cimmino, A., Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Rubiales, D., Andolfi, A., and Melck, D. (2011). Natural metabolites for parasitic weed management. 31, 2730. Lins, R. D., Colquhoun, J. The length and temperature required to promote seed conditioning depends on the broomrape species but are usually described under laboratory conditions in a range of 412 days at a temperature of 1923C, in dark and humid conditions (Kebreab and Murdoch, 1999; Gibot-Leclerc et al., 2004; Lechat et al., 2012). Phytopathol. J. Phytopathol. Plant Dis. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2004.2221. Flavonoids promote haustoria formation in the root parasite Triphysaria versicolor. Weed Res. 23, 44544466. 50, 262268. According with pot experiments carried out in the tomato-P. aegyptiaca system, deep-plowing bringing the seeds to depth 12 cm will strongly reduce broomrape infection severity in terms of number of parasites, total parasitic biomass, delayed broomrape emergence and prevention of flower initiation and seed set (Eizenberg et al., 2007). Haustorial connection of broomrape with the root of a weed host In south Texas, broomrape seed germination occurs from December to February. doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2007.09.009, Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Prez-de-Luque, A., Prats, E., and Rubiales, D. (2008c). Biol. (2007). Plant Sci. (2006). Musselman, L. J. Characterization of resistance in chickpea to crenate broomrape (Orobanche crenata). Soil fumigation with methyl bromide has been proved one of the most effective methods to eradicate broomrape seed bank, but this chemical has been banned from use due to its toxic effects on the environment (Joel, 2000; Hershenhorn et al., 2009). This strategy to abort broomrape invasion requires regulating the toxin production with promoters specifically induced around the site of Orobanche penetration such as the HMG2 promoter, ensuring correct delivery of the toxic effect to the broomrape penetrating seedling and overall low concentration of the toxin in the rhizosphere. doi: 10.1006/anbo.1998.0847, Toh, S., Kamiya, Y., Kawakami, N., Nambara, E., McCourt, P., and Tsuchiya, Y. control. doi: 10.1007/s00425-011-1568-8, Yoneyama, K., Xie, X., Kusumoto, D., Sekimoto, H., Sugimoto, Y., Takeuchi, Y., et al. Weed Res. Omissions? doi: 10.1002/ps.993, Tank, D. C., Beardsley, P. M., Kelchner, S. A., and Olmstead, R. G. (2006). and their current disposition. J. Microbiol. A Comprehensive Approach to Evaluate Durum Wheat-Faba Bean Mixed Crop Performance. 38, 343349. The new nomenclature of Orobanche and Phelipanche. Dor, E., and Hershenhorn, J. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ern316. Bot. Biol. -. Nutrient effects on parasitism and germination of Egyptian broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca). We reviewed relevant facts about the biology and physiology of broomrape weeds and the major feasible control strategies. Broomrape seed bank remains viable in the soil for many years until germination is triggered by the coincidence of several physical and chemical factors that are indicative of environmental conditions for successful seedling establishment: i.e., the nearby growth of a host plant in a physiological stage susceptible for broomrape invasion and subsequent parasitic reproductive growth (Linke and Saxena, 1991; Lpez-Granados and Garca-Torres, 1996, 1999). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Gene expression analysis could be indicating that parasitic plants down-regulate their synthesis of strigolactones at the end of conditioning period, and perhaps the creation of that internal deficit for broomrape-encoded strigolactones contributes to the broomrape sensitivity for external, host-derived strigolactones at the time of host detection (Das et al., 2015). 7, 34133420. Those mechanisms kill the broomrape either by inducing toxic effects or by starving the parasite. Original article from AgAlert, California Farm Bureau Federation.). Bot. News Bull. (2008). Plant Dis. doi: 10.1007/s11248-004-7546-1, Harb, A. M., Hameed, K. M., and Shibli, R. A. A peptide from insects protects transgenic tobacco from a parasitic weed. doi: 10.1002/ps.1739, Sarosh, B. R., Sivaramakrishnan, S., and Shetty, H. S. (2005). And four, despite reports on broomrape inefficient machinery for nitrogen assimilation, and on amino acid fluxes from the host phloem to the parasite, herbicides inhibiting amino acid biosynthesis in the parasite via suppressive action on broomrape-encoded acetolactate synthase (ALS) and enol-pyruvylshikimate phosphate synthase (EPSPS) enzymes are able to kill broomrape. McNally, S. F., Orebamjo, T. O., Hirel, B., and Stewart, G. R. (1983). Control of Egyptian Broomrape in Processing Tomato: A Summary of 20 Years of Research and Successful Implementation. Kusumoto, D., Goldwasser, Y., Xie, X., Yoneyama, K., and Takeuchi, Y. Annu. 3585999. Several classes of germination stimulants have been identified in root exudates such as strigolactones (Xie et al., 2010), peagol and peagoldione (Evidente et al., 2009), peapolyphenols AC (Evidente et al., 2010), soyasapogenol B, trans-22-dehydrocampesterol (Evidente et al., 2011), dehydrocostus lactone (Joel et al., 2011), or isothyocyanates (Auger et al., 2012). 193, 6268. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Although hard seed coat has been described as dormancy mechanism in newly formed broomrape seeds (Lpez-Granados and Garca-Torres, 1996), water uptake and imbibition are performed quickly by mature seeds through the micropyle without the need of scarification (Bar-Nun and Mayer, 1993; Joel et al., 2012). A continuous phloem system between broomrape and its host has been microscopically observed at the terminal haustoria. Pest Manag. It remains unknown whether host factors are required by broomrape radicle to initiate haustorium and consequently this strategy has not been fully explored. Agron. 202, 531541. Reduced germination of Orobanche cumana seeds in the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi or their exudates. Once a field is infested, controlling the broomrape seed bank is very difficult due to its high resilience. Glutamine synthetase isozymes of Striga hermonthica and other angiosperm root parasites. 113, 321327. The broomrape plant is small, from 10-60 cm tall depending on species. (2010). Sudan J. Agric. Several mechanisms are involved in resistance of Helianthus to Orobanche cumana Wallr. Abu-Irmaileh, B. E., and Labrada, R. (2009). 13, 478484. Mller-Stver, D., Buschmann, H., and Sauerborn, J. Post-germination development in broomrape could be probably regulated by their own broomrape-encoded strigolactones as it occurs in the close related parasite Striga hermonthica or in non-parasitic plants (Liu et al., 2014; Das et al., 2015). The terminal haustorium develops at the apex of the seedling radicle upon host recognition (Musselman, 1980; Joel and Losner-Goshen, 1994). 49 239248. Transfer of organic substances from the host plant Vicia faba to the parasite Orobanche crenata Forsk. 11, 240246. 43, 808815. Copyright 2016 Fernndez-Aparicio, Reboud and Gibot-Leclerc. Biological traits in broomrape such as achlorophyllous nature, underground parasitism, the physical connection and growth synchronization with the crop, and the exclusive uptake of resources via crop vascular system rather than from the soil make broomrape control a challenging agricultural task. One could even imagine situation The significance of this structure in broomrape parasitism requires further investigation. Zwanenburg, B., Mwakaboko, A. S., Reizelman, A., Anilkuma, G., and Sethumadhavan, D. (2009). Besides the demethylation of PrCYP707A1 promoter required for host-dependent PrCYP707A1 expression, the high levels of global DNA demethylation observed at the end of conditioning period suggest that the epigenetic process occurring during the conditioning phase may be targeting other unknown molecules during conditioning. (2000). doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3180.1988.tb00778.x. Fusarium nygamai a potential bioherbicide for Striga hermonthica control in sorghum. Babiker, A. G. T., Ahmed, E. A., Dawoud, D. A., and Abdrella, N. K. (2007). A better understanding in the roles of major hormones in the process of broomrape germination would facilitate the design of feasible control strategies based on either inhibition of broomrape germination during crop cultivation or promotion of suicidal germination in the absence of the crop. Riopel, J. L., and Timko, M. P. (1995). Sci. Plant. The haustorium and the life cycles of parasitic Orobanchaceae, in Parasitic Orobanchaceae, eds D. M. Joel, J. Gressel, and L. J. Musselman (Heidelberg: Springer Berlin), 2123. During the grafting between host and parasite, broomrape assumes the role of a root, orientating vascular tissues from the host shoot into itself (Bar-Nun et al., 2008). 152, 131141. doi: 10.1007/s10535-007-0084-y, Vurro, M., Boari, A., Evidente, A., Andolfi, A., and Zermane, N. (2009). (2004). Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Weed Res. (2009). (2005). Evaluation of amino acids as turfgrass nematicides. government site. doi: 10.1007/s11627-007-9054-5, Aly, R., Plakhin, D., and Achdari, G. (2006). Bot. 19, 289307. (2002). The consequent reduced flux of water and nutrients toward the parasite, low utilization of host-derived sucrose and lower levels of soluble proteins limits the parasitic sink strength and yield losses due to broomrape parasitism (Abbes et al., 2009). 58, 29022907. Weed Res. The damage induced in the crop by broomrape parasitism differs for each broomrape-host association. Suttle, J. C., and Schreiner, D. R. (1982). Engineered host crops harboring herbicide-resistance transgenes have not yet been commercialized for broomrape management (Gressel, 20092). The physiology and biochemistry of parasitic angiosperms. In addition, the biological similarity between host and parasite characterizing broomrape-crop interactions is higher than in other plant pathosystems, which complicates the development of selective methods to control broomrape, without harmful effect in the crop from which it is feeding (Eizenberg et al., 2006; Hearne, 2009; Yoder and Scholes, 2010; Prez-Vich et al., 2013). Activity of some nitrogen assimilating enzymes has been reported low in broomrapes. Non-host facilitators, a new category that unexpectedly favours parasitic weeds. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). If the vascular connection is not successfully performed in few days the parasitic seedling dies of inanition and therefore quick invasion of the host is of advantage to avoid loss of viability. 62, 70637071. However, the overall productivity of the host-parasite system is also reduced due to the shorter growing period being detrimental for crop yield. Abstract. Res. (2009). 42, 464469. No-tillage improves broomrape control with glyphosate in faba-bean. doi: 10.1614/WS-06-135, Evidente, A., Cimmino, A., Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Andolfi, A., Rubiales, D., and Motta, A. doi: 10.1614/WS-05-151R.1, Eizenberg, H., Lande, T., Achdari, G., Roichman, A., and Hershenhorn, J. Effect of Brassica campestris var. The Problem of Orobanche spp. Rev. 67, 141148. Mechanisms limiting the geographical range of the parasitic weed Orobanche crenata. Biol. Resistance that occurs in the endodermis is mediated by lignification of endodermal and pericycle cell walls. High osmotic potential in roots and drop in amino acid levels in the phloem has been reported in tolerant varieties of faba bean in response to broomrape parasitism. It produces a large number of tiny seeds and many of them are long-lived.. The apical cells in the radicle apex develop into intrusive cells, which successively invade host root cortex, endodermis, and the central cylinder. The dynamics of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) parasitism by Orobanche foetida. Nitrogen reduces branched broomrape (Orobanche ramosa) seed germination. broomrape and bursage relationship. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.1975.tb01645.x, Mwakaboko, A. S., and Zwanenburg, B. Pest Manang. Metabolites. The opposite agricultural practice deep-plowing, has been suggested to bring seeds of parasitic weeds to a depth with less oxygen availability and therefore a reduction in its germination capacity (Van Delft et al., 2000). Crop Prot. Seed conditioning and its role in Orobanche seed germination: inhibition by paclobutrazol, in Progress in Orobanche Research. Epub 2018 Jul 3. operate at different developmental stages of the parasite. It's a cute little bird - the Phainopepla. 101, 261265. The transfer of nutrients from host to broomrape is performed through a continuous vascular system at the host-parasite interface. Flowchart showing major underground parasitic events developed by broomrape weeds on susceptible crops and the control strategies that successfully target them. doi: 10.1021/jf403738p, Finch-Savage, W. E., and Leubner-Metzger, G. (2006). Bot. Mechanical force exerted by the haustorium development toward host vascular cylinder combined with enzymatic secretion promotes the separation of host cells without their lysis (Privat, 1960; Ben-Hod et al., 1993; Sholmer-Ilan, 1993; Singh and Singh, 1993; Antonova and Ter Borg, 1996; Bar-Nun et al., 1996; Losner-Goshen et al., 1998; Veronesi et al., 2005). A variety of methods have been developed to specifically neutralize broomrape pre-attached development though the majority of them are not commercially implemented because they are still at the stage of development or have not proved enough efficiency or applicability for large scale crops. July 3, 2022 orange county soccer club ny manhattan beach apartments. Ann. Gain of host sensitivity in broomrape seeds at the end of the conditioning phase is mediated by demethylation of PrCYP707A1 promoter. 42, 5760. As a consequence, except when deeply infested, the farmer (and thus the market) will not retain a solution that has economical negative drawbacks. Biological control of broomrape is based on the use of living organisms either by killing seed bank or interfering with its host-recognition ability. 50, 211219. doi: 10.1016/1049-9644(92)90021-5, Abbes, Z., Kharrat, M., Delavault, P., Chabi, W., and Simier, P. (2009). 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Agronomie 21, 757765. A., and Stewart, G. R. (1978). doi: 10.1007/s00425-007-0600-5, Yoneyama, K., Yoneyama, K., Takeuchi, Y., and Sekimoto, H. (2007b). The evolution from autotrophic to heterotrophic mode of nutrition carried a reduction of the main broomrape vegetative organs toward vestigial versions, non-functional for autotrophy. is a parasitic plant that feeds on sunflower roots. Prez-de-Luque, A., Fondevilla, S., Prez-Vich, B., Aly, R., Thoiron, S., Simier, P., et al. Host plant resistance against broomrapes (Orobanche spp. Therefore broomrape seeds timely gain sensitivity for host chemodetection by means of conditioning (Lpez-Granados and Garca-Torres, 1996). Quelques aspects particuliers de la biologie des Orobanches, in Proceedings of the European Weed Research Council on Parasitic Weeds, eds W. G. H. Edwards, L. Kasasian, C. Parker, A. R. 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The first barriers are imposed at the cortex level with reinforced cell walls mediated by either protein cross-linking or with the deposition of metabolites such as suberin, or callose. doi: 10.1560/Q3BA-8BJW-W7GH-XHPX, Das, M., Fernndez-Aparicio, M., Yang, Z. Food Chem. J. Exp. In those cases, broomrape displays a pathogenic nature promoting disease in the crop mainly through negative effects on the crop photosynthetic machinery and hormonal balance (Stewart and Press, 1990; Mauromicale et al., 2008). Despite the reports of broomrape inefficient machinery for nitrogen assimilation and broomrape dependence for host-derived organic forms of nitrogen demonstrated by the fact that broomrape growth is arrested when feeding on host cultivars with decreased amino acid-phloem levels (Abbes et al., 2009), inhibition of enzymes at the top of amino-acid biosynthetic pathway by means of either direct inhibitory action of herbicides (Gressel, 2009) or by feedback inhibition induced by amino-acid end-products (Vurro et al., 2006) are able to kill broomrape. (2007). The role of strigolactones in host specificity of Orobanche and Phelipanche seed germination. The attachment organ of the parasitic angiosperms Orobanche cumana and O. aegyptiaca and its development. One of the materials we are trying is registered in California on wheat, and another is not registered in this state. 28 Articles, This article is part of the Research Topic, Specialized Mechanisms in Broomrape Weeds for a Parasitic Mode of Life, Control Strategies Targeting Underground Broomrape Stages,,,, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2010.04.011, Yoneyama, K., Xie, X., Kim, H. I., Kisugi, T., Nomura, T., Sekimoto, H., et al. Possibilities of biological control of Orobanche crenata and O. cumana with Ulocladium botrytis and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Sources of resistance to crenate broomrape among species of Vicia. Linke, K. H., and Saxena, M. C. (1991). Mol. 21, 533537. doi: 10.1016/S0031-9422(00)90779-9, Bar-Nun, N., and Mayer, A. M. (2002). Effects of brassinosteroids on conditioning and germination of clover broomrape (Orobanche minor) seeds. 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