I ask that you make the findings of my biopsy tests conclusive and nothing to worry about. Sitting in silence may just be what the other person needs. Common Feelings When Waiting for a Diagnosis - Verywell Health 2 Corinthians 9:11 NIV You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us, your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. All uncertainties are not equal. What do you say to someone expecting results? If faced with bad news, I decided to create a to-feel list rather than a to-do list, Ashwood says. T | What should you not say to a cancer patient? We have found when we call patients about lab results, they give us better patient satisfaction scores. You should also encourage them to take as many needed breaths as possible. Lord Jesus, may the x-ray be clear and easy to read and understand. Now you want to go grab a bite to eat, or read a book in the park, but the nervousness of the test results even follows you out in public. Sometimes this frustration can erupt. In the morning, as soon as . I also ask that you imbue him with your wisdom to know how to diagnose me correctly. Here are uplifting words of encouragement and encouraging words and quotes for anyonefriend, family or spouse. Ask God for divine financial provision so that you can take care of the costs of all the recommended tests. As well as provide the best care possible where required. Abba Father, I ask that you give my doctors good news to relate to me over all the tests. Great God, please sit with me while I wait for my CT/CAT scan results. Cancer patients simply want to be their old selves, Spiegel says, so they often can fail to make their new needs clear to their loved ones and caregivers, which can lead to frustration and anger. Genesis 8:10-12. . What to do Waiting For That Scary Medical Test Result Do you need to allow people to help you with things like cooking, cleaning, or errands? Ask what kind of friend the person needs you to be. "The doctor may be waiting for test results before being able to treat you." "We need to see people with life-threatening problems before those who do not appear to have such serious problems." "Because this is a teaching hospital, we have our physicians and residents talk with you and examine you which also takes time." Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. Foods that are rich in vitamin B, such as avocados and almonds, are known to help reduce stress, while depression has been linked to low levels of folic acid, so introduce veg such as asparagus and broccoli as well as citrus fruits into your diet. Basically, waiting is not fun. God uses waiting to change us." For some people, talking with friends, family, a clergy person, and/or a counselor can help in dealing with these feelings while waiting for a diagnosis. Please be with him at this crucial time. I know there are so many people who need their attention. Congratulate yourself for waiting a day, two days, or longer. We have strong faith in you. Sitting back down to lunch with my wife, who, as a result of my taking the call outside so as to not cause a scene in the restaurant, should one be necessary, was in a state of panic, we ate as if it were our last, and first, meal. Sending good, healthy recovery vibes your way. Waiting Quotes Quotes tagged as "waiting" Showing 1-30 of 787 "If pain must come, may it come quickly. Do Move. When you follow your own agenda doing the things that are most important to you personally and professionally thats when you feel on top of things, energised and can be more present in the moment., To receive life-changing news is similar to grief, psychologist Julie Scheiner says. what to say to someone waiting for medical results. Lord, cancel whatsoever evil that may be discovered in my health that made my doctor recommend this test. May the MRI be successful. ~ Isaiah 26:3. Do try to distract yourself Anxiety is a perfectly natural and valid response in this situation. Non-Profit Company, PO Box 235 Please, Lord, make my diagnosis a good one. Faithful God, as I receive my test results today, I pray that your peace will dominate my spirit, soul, and body to the glory of your holy name. 15 Effective Prayers for Guilty Conscience. Mentally, I had prepared for the event of having the blood drawn, but it caught me off guard how quickly anxiety crept into my mind about the actual results of the test that we had to wait for. First, don't be hard on yourself. It can be easier said than done. Australia 1590, 0-9 | A 14bn plan to reduce NHS backlogs caused by Covid is failing to meet targets, with cancer waiting times at their worst-ever levels, parliament's spending watchdog . I reject every conspiracy of darkness to make me shed bitter tears concerning my health in the name of Jesus Christ. Next focus on the positives in your life and enlarge that image to make it the biggest in your mind, until its all you see. Another tip is to allow for a daily 10-minute worry window, when you let your mind wallow. Lord, I ask that you give me peace during this waiting time. American Associated of Retired Persons: AARP. Matthew 15:22-29 tells us healing is the childrens bread. Father God, I come before you asking for good results for the urinalysis I had undergone. M | Healthcare providers order lab tests for four main reasons: The test results may be simple and straightforwardsay, positive or negative. Y | Have you ever had a chance encounter with a stranger who showed you some unexpected kindness or help at a moment when you really needed it? Heck, even tell the person you arent sure what to say, but you just want to say something and let them know you are there for them. And in many cases, doctors may choose not to call patients because we know that they know we know whats going on, and they trust us, so we dont call unless its necessary, he says. When a friend or loved one is facing a serious health scare, one of the best ways to be truly supportive is to eliminate the burden of making the ask, he said. Healthcare providers sometimes ask you to make an appointment to get the results of routine medical tests. If you are asking, How do you pray for medical healing?. Most of all, bless me with good health, in Jesus name. If follow-up appointments are expected, check with your health insurance to make sure they're covered. After all, it may not feel "safe" to release your frustration with the clinic where you are receiving care (you might want to be seen as a "nice patient"), so you may finally let it go when your spouse forgets to pick up milk at the grocery store. It is part of the fight or flight reaction designed to protect us from danger. You held me close throughout the period of waiting for my test results. Mighty God, I ask that you help me as I await my test result. Were looking to feature moments in which someone interrupted their busy life to lend a hand to someone they didnt know. Don't Stop planning for the future, including what you're going to have for dinner. When stress attacks, our brain fires excitatory neurons indicate this anxious emotion. In fact, waiting can actually be a positive good that he often uses to make us more like his Son. arise by night, you and the people who are with you, and lie in wait in the field. Do healthcare providers call you if test results show bad news? Thank you for being with me during my biopsy. She has written several books about patient advocacy and how to best navigate the healthcare system. A | , I wish I knew what to say, but I care and Im here for you. The problem is heightened levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can impair your immune system, so when faced with a health scare its more important than ever to keep calm and carry on. Her work has been published in medical journals in the field of surgery, and she has received numerous awards for publication in education. You may feel tense and your mind may be troubled with how this diagnosis may affect you and your loved ones. F | 10 Ways to Reduce Anxiety While Waiting for Imaging Test Results 1. Can stress affect your blood test results? There was a strange silence between us as if the celebration of life had been rained on by the unnecessary struggle with uncertainty over the last four days. I am here for you. Then follow through and really be there. Youve managed to get away from the all-consuming and worrisome feelings you had at home. Amy Molloy reveals how to stay positive when hoping that everything is OK. Some people find it helpful to connect with a support group (or an online community, especially with rare diseases) which offers the opportunity for you to talk with others who have experienced the same situation that you are going through. Answer (1 of 6): I had breast cancer 8-years ago and I remember that wait. How Do You Comfort Someone To Waiting For Their Results? 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. So your main task during this waiting period is to manage your anxiety. Waiting for the results of biopsy testing, scans, or lab tests can understandably weigh heavily on your mind. News of a new diagnosis should usually be given face-to-face. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. By Mary Kugler, RN It's normal to have a range of emotions when you're waiting for a diagnosis. And so now I wait for the results. Anxiety is a normal response to the feeling of being threatened. Dear Father, though this is a routine check I must have, there is always a possibility that a serious medical condition may be discovered. Its okay if youre not sure what to say, but do acknowledge the situation. 2023 MJH Life Sciences and CURE - Oncology & Cancer News for Patients & Caregivers. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Waiting for medical test results? Calm your nerves with this prayer Don't be afraid to ask for help. You're not facing cancer alone." "I am praying for you." "Go to MD Anderson. It was as if the movie of my life had been kicked out of freeze frame and I was back in the flow. She lost her father to stage 4 lung cancer in August 2016, and previously worked at a childrens cancer research organization, so she knows firsthand about the cancer experience. If, by chance, any news surfaces from the test, I am awaiting their results. Stress effects on the body: Nervous system. A note to remind you that I love youand I hate that you're sick. I pray that you help me never to have any reason to undergo anyone again. encouraging texts to send someone waiting for test results, 15 Powerful Prayers for Marriage Anniversary, 15 Helpful Prayers for Marriage Reconciliation, 50th Wedding Anniversary Prayers: 17 Inspiring. Theres often a flurry of activity and assistance immediately following a diagnosis or accident, Winawer said. Often, just being able to hear from someone who has felt the same things is an enormous help, reminding you that you are not alone. "You mean so much to me!" Tell someone what they mean to you before they go into surgery. I miss having you around. When the test results finally emerge, may they calm my nerves with overwhelming good news. Waiting for the Results of Scary Medical Tests - Fresh Living Colossians 3:15 NIV Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body, you were called to peace. nag your doctor, Test result communication in primary care: clinical and office staff perspectives, To track the progression of a chronic illness, To check for a recurrence of a treated condition. It appears you entered an invalid email. But think about ways you might cope to help yourself achieve some degree of comfort and peace of mind while you're waiting. Take action from that place of power. Think the negative thoughts. All rights reserved. You may not need an appointment for routine labs or images that are part of preventive care. Whoever said there's no way to make time stand still clearly never had to endure the excruciating wait for scan results. It depends on your age, health, and the type and stage of your cancer. "Waiting is not the problem, worry is," said Paula H. Finestone, PhD, a clinical psychologist at Fox Chase Cancer Center. An appointment gives you an opportunity to talk about: It can also help avoid confusion over what the results mean. Try authentic and empathetic statements, like Im not sure what to do to help, but I care about you, or Im feeling upset too, but want to do my best to help, Moyer suggested. Waiting for medical tests and waiting for medical test results is a very scary process, especially when you are waiting for a diagnosis for a problem or when a check-up or routine screening has uncovered something of concern. 2). 29 Memes That Might Make You Laugh If You've Waited for Test Results Winawer suggested. American Psychological Association. In fact, it may be the hardest thing youll ever have to face. In some cases, a visit isn't all that necessary. Scanxiety . Words Of Encouragement For Someone Waiting For Exam Results How long can you be chased for a council tax debt? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ask them to name five things they can see, hear, smell or feel. If this includes you, then you may enjoy some of the memes about waiting for test results weve gathered below. And because you did not allow me to spend my money running further medical tests or buying drugs to manage an ailment. Immediately upon leaving the mobile scan machine, it was once again 2009 and I was walking out of my first CT scan trying to read the faces of the technicians who had monitored the process. "I'm here for you." Show up for your loved ones and remain by their side as they go through this process. Lord I thank you for your strength, your love and your peace, all glory belongs to you, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Lastly, Father, strengthen me as I wait and grant me faith to hope for the best. Gracious God, I will not fail to ask for your abiding presence. Let love be the one to knock on your door so that by the time you start to feel, you'll know it's real.". 1. Lastly, Alison and Brian urge you: dont over-promise! Sometimes it can be satisfying to take charge of a situation, solve a problem, and move forward. Plus, if a disease is contagious, your provider will want to talk in person about how to help you avoid future risk and protect other people. In fact, the helplessness that loved ones often experience can magnify your feelings even further. Yes, it does! The word of God in James 5:16 says The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. It is early days still and I presume that you have not had any results from your MRI, Ultrasound and biopsies yet. O | And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. The irony is, I just wrote a post on how to help an anxious child at the doctor's office . >>How hashtagging can improve your health. Everlasting God, I surrender my anxiety to you and ask that you overwhelm me with your love. Holy God, you know how I have been feeling for some time now. 1 Peter 5:7-8 NIV Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Sanders, who wasnt able to leave her house due to her accident, said that her relationships and social life suffered. 40 Prayers for Good Medical Test Results - Bible and Prayers Our Father in Heaven, thank you because you have blessed the health sector with incredible technology. It might be natural to offer to help by saying, Let me know if you need anything at all. However, that can put a person dealing with an illness in an awkward position of having to think of a way for you to assist them, said Nick Arquette, founder and CEO of Walk With Sally, a nonprofit that provides services to families impacted by cancer. Sometimes the uncertainty leaves you seemingly without an anchor. Many people may feel angry at times while waiting for an answer. And be thankful. A note to remind you that I love youand I hate that youre sick. It is only natural to worry. They have a tough job. During the seminar, Freiberg said "that many people who are prescribed the medication . How to ease worry when waiting for medical test results | Patient P | If a healthcare provider asks you to schedule an appointment to go over test results and it doesn't seem necessary, ask why. . Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. When first meeting with a new healthcare provider, ask about their test result policies. We did manage a toast to health, and once again cursed the evil bastards who, in my cynical mind, think nothing of taunting those of us challenged by cancer with our very survivorship. So, I can assure you that as you make the above prayers for good medical test results, the Lord will give you nothing but a favorable outcome and peace to wait patiently without any anxiety for a doctors report. E | Nurses often say that they've witnessed many patients and families yelling at medical staffand at each other. My husband was very adept at helping my friends navigate my ego.. Give me the courage to go through all the required stages, procedures, and entire processes. St Leonards NSW . Here are three things you may want to say but should skip: If you want to help but dont know where to start, here are some suggestions on how to support someone with a serious illness. "There is actually something happening while nothing is happening. . It can divinely turn around the outcome of any medical test when waiting for the result. Do things that induce your flow experience. Why You May Need a Healthcare Provider's Appointment to Get Your Lab Results. Words of encouragement for someone waiting for test results what to say to someone waiting for medical results Getting surgery is hard, but I'm sure it will improve your quality of life in the long run. Follow-up appointments for going over test results are appropriate if you're just being diagnosed, monitoring treatment effectiveness, or trying to manage chronic illness. Check out the dos and donts below: No matter what, it is better to say something than nothing, said Ron Blake, a sexual assault survivor who has experienced post-traumatic stress disorder. Have you still no faith?. Getting test results may prompt new questions, which you can ask at this appointment. Even if you have had surgery in the past, 'I know how you feel' isn't the best phrase to use in your conversation with someone about to go to surgery. Also, imbue the medical personnel who are conducting his tests with the wisdom that comes from you. When theres a chance you may have a serious illness, the delay between testing and diagnosis can be torturous. Cut out caffeine as it overstimulates the nervous system and can increase panic, nutritionist Rosie Mansfield says. That could be from an infection, cancer, genetic disorder, or chronic health condition like heart disease or type 2 diabetes. We know you will again come out with flying colors.
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