OS Supported: Windows 98SE, Windows Millenium, Windows XP (any edition), Windows Vista, Windows 7 & Windows 8 (32 & 64 Bit). James Gibson. But with all this talk about tenderness, what on Earth could have changed Jesuss tune and made him treat the swine the way he did? Furthermore, how upset must God get seeing a doctor reach into the womb of a mother and murder her unborn child? GADARENES - JewishEncyclopedia.com Early in the video, he is very factual and seems sure of himself. So if you have the ears to hear, the Father and the Son both wrote the Law and gave it to 630,000 men (and women and children) at Mt. Many will rush for cover behind the last four Greek words of this verse, despite all of its textual, translation and interpretation problems. But Jesus still ministered to them: crowds from Tyre and Sidon came to see and listen to Him ( Mark 3:78 ). That is all I know. Now I want to say very quickly, my friends, that there is no power in this universe that can cause a rationale being to sin. Therefore they should be taken as such. He's liberated. (So much for those latter revelations or new religions arriving centuries later.). Again, these classifications come from God, not man, and show up in Scripture as early as Genesis 7:1-9. (, Still, Jesus was not in Gadarenes for judging; he was there, Not contrary, but consistent with Christs Character, Here is a prophesy that Christians love to quote: , The LORD has sworn it and He will not change his mind: You are a priest forever, after the nature of Melchizedek. The LORD is upon your right hand. Theyre written as factual history. One can only imagine the insanity the demoniac suffered at the hands of these evil forces. In actual fact, when you stop to think about it, If our faithful, unchanging Heavenly Father God made a straightforward decisive yet divisive decision and repeated it, Fourth Fact: Gods Enduring, Unchangeable Word, As was just so elegantly discussed, the destruction of the herd, Your word, O LORD, is everlasting; it is firmly fixed in the heavens. At least Im man enough to admit possible weaknesses in my arguments and to talk about the elephants in the room. ___________________________________________________________________. I trust the Lord Jesus to know what to do with demons and what ought to be done. And they begged him not to command them to depart into the abyss. The Feeding of the Four Thousand | Catholic Answers And wild animals are not forget because farmers in the Land of Israel are commanded in Exodus 23:11 to leave parts of their fields for food for wildlife. Scripture also makes it abundantly clear that God Almighty cannot change, and no one, not even the Lord's Anointed Messiah can change the Law which they both wrote. If Jesus had done anything less, he could not have been the Messiah. 3 (, Therefore you should understand that the LORD your God, Because God is so steady, and doesnt reverse or repeal, He can be trusted to do what He promises; good or, If the Eternal One, blessed be He, had said just, But the Almighty said it so many times. You know that because the people tell Him to leave. One moose, two moose. Jesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac Mark I would, however, be a little skeptical of stories about Jesus Himself visiting Spain. The passage appears to be straightforward historical-narrative writing, like the rest of Marks gospel. So instead of working or hammering away at the embarrassing elephant in the room, the good pastors spoon out interpretations to us that are not biblical, or dish up corny one-liners, all in the hope that well swallow them or be too busy laughing to connect the dots ourselves. So if you have the ears to hear, the Father and the Son both wrote the Law and gave it to 630,000 men (and women and children) at Mt. They had the exact same reaction to Jesus that Bertrand Russell would manifest two thousand years later. The thinking behind each chart is contrary to the unity and oneness of God. Ruins of the temple of Artemis, some columns still standing, are on another hillside above the ruins. Being made in God's image, we are more important to the Lord than any animal. 6 ) There were lots of laws they didnt keep. Peaceable Kingdom Series. The list in the first chapter of Leviticus contains only bovine, sheep, goats and pigeons; all typified later, in Leviticus 11, as clean/pure animals. The other, Deuteronomy 22:6-7, protects wild mother birds in a similar way, forbidding us from killing them along with their young at the same time. The story is about the power of Jesus and, even his name, to rid humans of demons and also to show that his power was for Gentiles as well. But what does Leviticus says about ham? Reading the whole account in Acts 19:23 to 41, we see that it was not hard for the sore silversmith to drum up anti-Jewish anger in the crowd that day. This one verse alone, without all the extra proof from Jesuss joke, should convince us that his commandments are the 613 commandments of the Law of Moses. Notice how Gods care is cleverly contrasted with mans callousness: men buy birds for next to nothing because they do not value them, yet The Almighty as large and in charge as He is still takes careful notice of frail creatures. We do not say that to cast the first stone. If they did, they would not see the chapter attacking the research in this blog post, theyd see a defense for it! For those near by the local name would be used; but in writing to a distant people, as the Greeks and Romans, the more comprehensive and general name would be given. We pray in Jesus' name. So lets have an exquisite examination of Scripture to better appreciate what happened beside the lake and why the pigs ended up in it. In other words, the Roman Catholic Church took four Greek words torn out of mid-sentence and declared them to mean, the end (read, death) of the law [of Moses], although numerous verses declare the fixed, eternal character of Gods Perfect Law. They are out to steal, kill, and destroy, so we dare not trifle with evil spirits. From Jesus's own mouth, we are informed of Gods special love and attention for defenseless animals and we know Jesus has the same heart for the weak. And if he missed one, he didnt do it perfectly. So you not only see the power of Christ over Satan in this passage in the miracle that He performs in casting these demons out of this man, but you also see Jesus compassion towards sinners. Perhaps a tenth, or a quarter, or a half of the 613 commandments were fulfilled by Jesus, but not all. Christ's journey into "the country of the Gerasenes" (Mark 5:1) was somewhat unusual. Jesus was a Jew. From the readings of the best texts and from the unsuitability of the locality around Gadara it appears that the proper reading should be "Gerasenes" and the place located at Karsa, on the left bank of the Wadi Samak, near the sea of Galilee. And it's the glorious picture of the value that He puts on an immortal soul. were the gerasenes gentiles And he was the one who said that the Father doesnt miss the , Everyone's wondering why the pigs got the raw end of the deal. Not that I believe my case has holes. Pingback: The Prophet in the Hometown A Pilgrim in Augsburg. We use cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Please note how John repeats the commands, adding a zinger curse to both. However, the silversmith was a smart cookie and knew that the more people bought into Pauls line of thinking, the less theyd be buying his souvenir Diana statues. He showed mercy to the men who were possessed and brought judgement on the pig farmers. Was it correct to destroy so many for just one (or two men). Show us the only hope of deliverance from those sins and teach us these things from this passage. This city was better known than Gadara or Gergesa; indeed in the Roman age no city of Palestine was John Oxenham1 wrote a poem about this passage. Why explain something that is as plain as the nose on your face? And the unclean spirits came out and entered the pigs; and the herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the sea and drowned in the sea.". Learn a new word every day. Do you remember when a serpent, an animal, came and exercised authority over God's man and woman, Adam and Eve, who had been made in His image so that instead of them ruling over the animals, the animals ruled over them? Swine there because they could eat pork, just not while it is representing a clean sacrifice, which would be representing Jesus as the real sacrifice not yet available until Jesus actually came and died for all of our sins naturally. ; Mark v.; Luke viii.) They dont care about about the demon possessed men, they want their pigs back, (My opinion) Jesus was raised with sacrifice so animals were thought of for food, not so much as pets like today. Gentile 5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their Still, Jesus was not in Gadarenes for judging; he was there for mercy and for judgement. The concept of Gentiles is found in the Old Testament. He was no longer naked and he was no longer babbling and he was no longer living amongst the tombs, but when they came, he was clothed and in his right mind and sitting at the Savior's feet. There is no captivity that you can be captive to that is not captive to Jesus Christ for He has ascended on high and led captivity captive and He makes a sport and a spoil of the forces of darkness which are arrayed against God and against heaven. : A similar remark came from Mosess lips when he described God as eternally faithful and then connected Gods faithfulness to His faithful love. The entire herd ran straight off a cliff and drowned. The city was large and well planned. And sadly, neither of the two Johns considered Gods extreme love for His Creation when giving their interpretations. I definitely dont want to be near that doctor on Judgement Day.). 2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. Therefore he had every right to judge the Jews and how they used land. We come to understand that the God of the Universe is willing to wait and to stall our own behaviour so as to give mother cows and mother sheep more time together with their babies. If you have your Bibles I'd invite you to turn with me to Luke chapter 8 and this great story of the man who was possessed by demons, liberated by the Lord Jesus Christ. borrowed from Anglo-French, borrowed from Medieval Latin galilea, probably after Galilea, Galilaea galilee, from a monastic and clerical comparison of the church porch, where the laity gathered, to biblical Galilee, regarded, in opposition to Judaea, as a country of Gentiles (as in Matthew 4:15) What care we for his soul?What good to us that Thou hast made him whole,Since we have lost our swine? Heavenly Father this is Your Word. Worse yet, dont trust one who says Scripture evolves. Show us the sins of our hearts that we are captive to. Doesnt Pastor MacArthur know his Bible? The hard hearts of those who reject Jesus. Later, Leviticus 11 explains to His Chosen People that He had chosen only ritually clean/pure animals for them to eat. Now you understand what sitting at the Savior's feet means? Youll notice at the beginning of the passage that they go across the lake to the east side and that puts them outside the bounds of Galilee and outside the bounds of Israel and over into Gentile territory on the other side. Seven Biblical facts await you that prove Jesus was obliged to love all creatures, except that a higher command forced him to partially judge the Jews who owned the two thousand poor pigs. Wasnt this just a temporary fix to a bigger problem? WebHealing of a Demoniac. Thats really why they were sent. To top it off, Jesuss farmers see Jesus and see their property floating belly up in the surf, but they dont throw him after them! Many of the events are corroborated by other authors. Perhaps that is his point. Dr. Ligon Duncan | December 13, 2009. They tried to kill us. We But once the door is open, well, we see in this story what can happen when you give in, what can happen when the demonic takes over. Legion Destroys Some Swine | Reformed Bible Studies By using our website, you accept our use of cookies. The vision had nothing to do with shrimp rings or BLTS. The conversation showed that the illness had a will, a coherent sense of past, present and future, knowledge of the supremacy and authority of Jesus Christ, and a compulsion to worship Jesus.
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