After the accident the unit returned to using the SIG P226 they had planned to replace with the P320. He had to be reprimanded by the range officer twice for unsafe handling of his pistol. The thing I hate is getting kicked around! But Shatner? My elderly aunt drove her Volvo into a parked car, and the yard behind it, and the house behind that, while she was pressing the brake as hard as she could. Strangely the car kept accelerating, almost as if she were flooring the gas pedal. Like many of our readers, weve been watching the slow drip, drip, drip of lawsuits accumulate over the past couple of years against SIG Sauer. Slowly people are realizing they arent the only ones having issues. If it was so bad, why did the US Marines, who had the Glock, drop it in favor of the carry sized P320, the M18? Before the madness SIGS were expensive. TidalWave Professional Aug 25, 2021 #17 Bassbob said: Somehow I seriously doubt the guns just shot themselves. This will include an alternate design that reduces the physical weight of the trigger, sear, and striker while additionally adding a mechanical disconnector. A lot like carrying a cocked and locked 1911 but with the safety off. The Milwaukee police department has had 3 incidents of the Sig discharging while being in a holster sitting in a patrol car in 2023. Jeff Bagnell, a lawyer in Westport, Conn., who has litigated 10 cases, mostly by commercial gun owners, related to SIG P320 misfires across several U.S. states, took note of the accident involving the Canadian special forces soldier. It has been flawless so far. Well I jumped in bed with ma and pa , told them that the devil was in Arkansas. Bagnell said he thinks the discharges are due to both design and manufacturing flaws on SIGs part. What I can say is that article reads like a hit piece on the individuals who may or may not of made mistakes with their firearms from someone who worships at the alter of sig. Not only is it now the designated sidearm of all branches of the U.S. military, there are over a million of them in civilian hands. Would you? Still waiting. The heads up testing was immediately finished the Sig was the winner. Yesterday, a Canadian news outlet, CBC News, published a story regarding the unintended discharge last year of a SIG P320 by a Canadian Special Operator, resulting in injury and his unit withdrawing the pistol from service. But were way past the days of major league, internationally known gunmakers turning out complete crap, selling it and the public living with it. My dad owned one and that is exactly what happened one time when he was using it. Thats why the US Marines have Sigs. The incidents occur outside the forbidden zone, as we disarm before we enter so we stay in assiduous compliance with their nonsensical requirement. So I think it is unconscionable, given the number of incidents of this gun defectively discharging without a trigger pull, would necessitate that someone order it to be recalled and only SIG can do that.. Time will tell if no. Contacted late Friday, a spokeswoman for special forces said the investigation is still ongoing and would not confirm the companys findings. Theyve gotten tons of contracts because the gun is cheap, cheap, cheap to make. who sells them? (b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. The Milwaukee Police Department reports "multiple unexplained accidental discharges" of the Sig Sauer P320 9mm, a gun all officers are required to carry, making for more than 1,600 firearms. As a striker-fired pistol, the P320 is "under constant pressure to fire," Bagnell said. Liberal, Conservative. This subject has two prongs; One is the negligence of those who have shot themselves with 320s through violations of Rule 2, the other the possible mechanical design failing of the gun. The new Tauruses have a good rep, far better then the P320 or P365. The linkage isnt, but the way the striker leg and sear face mate up, the two materials being MIM castings, the small camming action, etc. Cars have so many electronics these days, who knows what could have gone wrong! . What exactly did Harrison mean by legal momentum? That isnt clear, but its easy to make an educated guess. I call b-s on all these my gun magically went off. That said, I own multiple P320s, but all of them have the manual safety due to personal preference. The military is much smarter and no, the gun is not junk. NEWINGTON - A Hillsboro man is suing Newington gunmaker Sig Sauer alleging his Sig P320 pistol fired, without him pulling the trigger, causing a bullet to be discharged into his thigh. And thats just my opinion. But it also has much worse quality control on the parts in my experience owning and working on both. If its not legal momentum, it would have to be some other mechanism of failure.. Sig P320 is just one of many pistols with Safety related. The best take on this subject is by the author himself: this is about slime lawyers looking to build a national narrative and get a few wins in, so they can more easily get the next win and the next one, the next one and so on. In 1982 the G17 hit the market and in 1983 they gave 30,000 pistols to the Austrian military at cost. Fundamentally, the bits that the ambulance chaser claims are flawed function exactly the same way as a S&W M&P. Trust a P365 with your life. All chasing that pot of gold at the end of litigation.. Not that big of a stretch when considering the lawyers beating the bushs for clients to add to the lawsuits, and the fact many of them will lose their jobs if its proven to NOT be the gun, but instead negligence on their part. Then after just three years without telling anyone they stopped all production including extra parts. (unless theyre SWAT or something). Im a Kirk guy, a Shatner Kirk guy. 3. Thats the same. I mean hey, yelling about firearms preferences online is no more productive than discussing nerdy Star Trek stuff, is it? . Sigs are crap! So, unlike the Serpa holster debate, Im a believer that there is more going on than meets the eye with the P320 and is exactly why I refrained from buying one, why I still wont own one, and why I steer people away from it. Holding the striker fully cocked with nothing to block it if the sear fails is questionable at best. congrats. And have the dropping 320 go off? And the fact they used real models, and big ones, gives the ships a real sense of heft, mass, movement and solidity that the garbage CGI ships of the new movies just cannot remotely compete with. They cant even make claim to doing a twice a year qual. If it were a lowered tier manufacturer like a Taurus having allegations made against them, people would run with it without thinking twice. Ron, Sig Sauer Inc. has agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit over its P320 pistol, on which the Army 's Modular Handgun System is based. I lost $150 dumping that gun and Sig instead of acknowledging that it had a problem and calling it a recall, denied all and everything and called it a voluntary upgrade., At my LGS a P320 just went off when one of the guys put it the counter when he set up a target. But I hope Sig fights it until the bitterest of ends. If you want to find the lowest form of life on the planet interview any C.E.O. The Hide Armory. Search Texas Statutes. At least the Lion roars when he is hungry, the C.E.O smiles at you and when you turn your back he puts a knife right into it. The problem was strikers. Hilton has filed a $15 million lawsuit alleging the P320 has a serious design and manufacturing flaw. Much has been made of Nimoys Spock being the most popular character in TOS, but Id argue that without Shatners over-the-top swagger and brash manner, the balance would be lost. That could happen easily. 1.A rush to market, and as usual the blind greed of the gun companies who no longer test pistols before marketing them think it is cheaper (so the idiots think) to let the public test them. She claims that her holstered P320 pistol went off while she was carrying it in her purse. They passed every state and national drop test requirement out there. There are tens of millions of gun owners, far more than there are cops, and the VAST majority of those folks buy their guns and drop them a nightstand drawer or up on a closet shelf and leave it until theyre needed. Right up front, the use of an ill-fitting/improper-for-the-gun holster instantly negates any idea of an unintended discharge being the fault of the design. Both versions of the ABC report included comments from Officer Hiltons attorney, Jeffrey Bagnell, who said, Its not credible to claim that people with this amount of training, this amount of skill are all shooting themselves. Is there any major military anywhere that ever issued one of their guns? The P320 should be scrapped and SIG Sauer USA should redesign a new pistol around the striker firing mechanism instead of just retrofitting a hammer fired pistol (P250). In a straight up Glock vs. Sig battle, the United States Marines chose Sig, and that was AFTER watching the P320 perform for four years. To be sure, Ive informally asked every other owner of a Serpa holster when I meet them, whether they have ever had an ND because of the holster. Fair enough. 2) The p320 does have a half cocked notch. Sig fanboys are almost as bad as Glock fanboys. No picture for me. Ironic that the trendsetters of yesteryear are trying to tear down the innovator of today because its Not perfected yet! and the Design isnt worked out!. That is the point of most of the video at the end of the article. The lawsuit, filed Wednesday on behalf of . These officers are not gunfighters. This leads me to conclude that the problem is not the gear but the moron using it. As they should. The clearest memory I have about the many people experiencing post-upgrade discharges is a cop who set his P320 on a table, and several seconds after letting go, IT DISCHARGED ON ITS OWN! That show with no Shatner-Kirk and only a Nimoy-Spock wouldnt have gotten past the first season. Or you would have to have enough slide play for the slide movement to physically disengage the sear and striker leg mating surfaces. This is just blind greed using some careless doofus to sell a lie and cash in because a civil jury, like the average American voter, can be manipulated easily though emotion, tears and stories of anguish, pain and suffering at the foot of some super-rich evil corporations cold-blooded behest. That took a lot. Keep the phrase legal momentum in mind. . Not much detail is provided in any of those other claimed incidents, but a few stand out. He takes your wallet and car and leaves the SIG. Sig P320 discharge while holstered. I have no idea. The HK VP70 was made in 1970 when Gaston Glock was making curtain rods. They suck and Im awesome!, 2. brakes, remember? I would rather play handball with the Devil himself because if you deal with the Devil he will tell you that you agreed to lose your soul for a big box full of millions in cash. Training and experience are not a talisman that magically prevents accidents. Oct 20, 2022 #36 ; vh20 said: . Even if it was an issue with the sear interface, there is still a firing pin safety that will not move unless the trigger is held firmly to the rear. These cops seem pretty dang stupid if they put loaded guns in gym bags and purses with other stuff and carry them around, especially a gun that lacks manual safeties. SIG doesnt so you get killed by a punk with a Hi Point. Anyway there was one good thing to come from those movies, The USS Vengeance. Upgrades are for things that didnt work right in the first place. Again the Far Right Stupidity and hypocrisy is infinite. He probably had a double until it was over. Being prosecuted and convicted of a third degree felony in Texas can lead to: Incarceration in a Texas state prison for a term of two years or up to 10 years. Which in and of itself is user error / misuse. Bagnell told TTAG that he believes the problem with the striker-fired P320 is an inadequate sear/striker connection (he has images he says illustrate this on his website). Mine is very accurate. Its pathetic how often these legal stunts work. I used to laugh at his bragging about how skilled he was with a weapon.. Its not credible to claim that people with this amount of training, this amount of skill are all shooting themselves.. Theyre cheering for a noose around their own precious Glocks throat. The fact is that the plaintiffs will get paid regardless of who did what. Whats this silly BS? and youve gotten this far reading our thread. LOL! So park the Cops suck cause they aint gunfighters! bull**it. saw the video, doesnt explain how it bypasses striker pin safety. The P320s and P365s were junk, plain and simple. DND/CAF is not in a position at this stage in its investigation to offer insight into the potential causes because our investigation scope is broader than the technical aspect pertaining to the unintended discharge of the pistol.. Dont care for them, not my jam. Trigger is lighter than the Glock, it took years of aggressive training to reach the point of acceptable discharges with the Glock. I think in the end even if there is no mechanical defect (dont hold your breath) it will be found that the Sig is causing accidental discharges for the same reason the Glock does, because if you snag the trigger on the Sig model that does not have a manual safety (some do) the gun will accidentally fire.
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