But for now, the main objective was to meet the girls and Cadance at Sugarcube Corner to form a plan. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction In fact, I'm sure Shining and Celestia have realized just how badly they screwed up by now. She was the Changeling Queen in disguise, and she was secretly preparing an invasion of Canterlot by her army. All passengers, the next stop is Ponyville!". ", This made Cadance lower a brow in question. "Twilight has left the city with Spike". Your capability to write off somepony's feelings as mere folly is of no surprise to me, considering it was what happened between us long ago, but in these circumstances I find it particularly hard to believe you could write off your student, the one pony besides me whom I know you care very dearly for and trust implicitly, as a jealous and overpossessive brat. Spike could only smile at that. Back at the castle, Princess Luna was holed up in her private quarters, furiously trying to win a game of Team Slayer on Halo 3's multiplayer, the game being set in the map Valhalla. "Canterlot Caves?" It was only now that everypony in the castle had learned of the caves, and ever since, Celestia had sent a scouting party of Royal Guards to investigate them, in order to find out how Chrysalis had managed to imprison both Cadance and Twilight in them, while taking measures to ensure they are never used in such a manner ever again. Indeed, it had been 1000 years since I last saw Equestria, and much has changed. "I did not let her down Luna. I chose to go with the flow rather than get shouted at for believing you before getting left alone as well. After all, one cannot be mad at a child for simply going with the flow. It was a plan she was very much impressed with. "Is that it?" Wracked with grief, Applejack flopped onto her bed in tears, but not before hurriedly hanging up her trademark Stetson. As they made their way past Town Hall and through the daily market, nopony even paid them a passing glance. With no words, he awaited his orders. What greeted the Guard Captain was a sight he had seen often enough, but still awe-inspiring in it's visage. "Come on girls, you did well the first time. Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy in A Canterlot Wedding. With that, the interrogation was over. Spike was not finished yet. Replied Pinkie, trying her best to make her reply sound genuine. Applejack replied. "Next stop, Ponyville! What you are about to hear is top secret, and absolutely nopony can know of it.". As quickly as she could, the orange cowpony mounted her Stetson atop her head before flying downstairs. "Ok girls, I trust you are all aware Twilight will not be pleased to see you?". Said source was Spike, who was facing the wall with his head bowed not in reverence, but in sadness. Cadance headed back to the library to help Twilight and Spike cool off, Rainbow went back to her cloud house in Cloudsdale, the mission to repair the broken bond with Twilight stuck firmly in her mind. "It's going to be OK.". Cried Applejack, trying to defuse the situation. What matters is that we are sorry for what we did, and all we want now is for us to be friends again. Come." However, Blade ordered Snake to hold position for a little while longer, so as to not make things seem suspicious. Nopony usually goes in there, and it would provide the perfect cover for us to carve out a plan while we wait for the moment to strike. "So Sugarcube, will y'have us as friends again?". Returning to the matter at hoof, Twilight spoke up next. "Snake Bite, I have summoned your presence for a task of great importance. I failed the Element of Kindness because I failed to show you any compassion. Before Pinkie could finish speaking, the girls heard a loud thump outside, followed by the sound of something being dragged through mud. The latter turned to Shining Armor next. Barbarousis! "I turned to the dark side for want of recognition of the beauty of the night by my subjects. DId you not realize the potential ramifications your actions could've had on her? Before long, she had reached her old quarters from when she was living in the castle, still in her early days as Celestia's protege. Applejack's voice began to waver as her normally iron will sagged, melting back into a puddle of regret. With that, Spike began packing his things. Those who gave themselves up were spared harvesting, but were taken prisoner. Cadance took a moment to consider Rarity's offer. An evil and satisfied smile crept across the Changeling Queen's mouth. Deciding to waste no further time, Shining made his move. A search party found their commander frozen solid. We all betrayed you Twilight. "The poor mare must be a mess in there.". Her focus instantly derailed, Luna had little choice but to let her guests enter. Rainbow added. I'm sorry if this interrogation caused you any inconvenience. In the midst of her struggle to find an answer to how she failed to differentiate the impostor from her niece, tears began flowing from her eyes. Unbeknownst to them, a Changeling disguised as a tanned yellow pegasus stallion, replete with a brown mane and tail had walked into town, and was quietly observing them. Twilight could have stopped the Changelings from wreaking havoc, but she was never given the chance! "Very well" Replied Cadance. Opposite them, the garrison of Royal Guards was also rushing towards them, with the mission to take down Chrysalis and exile her and her troops from Canterlot. Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle had met alone up in Canterlot Tower for a private discussion. Thus, she decided to take it upon herself to talk things out with them. This day should have been just perfect, The kind of day of which they dreamt when they was small. "Attention!" Without them, Equestria is defenseless.". Afterwards, I will update her on the situation". ", "Of course they do Twilight, that's why they're here. Nothing could get past the stony hardness of her gaze, but the worst of all? Twilight had just reunited with her brother, who also happened to be the groom. Shining was talking with one of his officers, Lieutenant Blue Hue, when a runner came up to him and handed him a letter. "And that means our forces will be unstoppable!" Black Blade's loyalty to her has never failed to impress. Spike looked back at the girls, angered. The reason he left lay largely with popular choice, and that was to just leave Twilight to think about what she had done. a canterlot wedding. It left a horrible panging feeling in her heart as once more, the magnitude of her and the girl's collective actions hit home. Luna's horn lit up as she prepared to cast the spell. Now it was clear to them just how much Twilight valued her friendship with them, as well as her relationship with her brother and with Celestia. For now, shes a 5 speed v6, but eventually will be LS swapped with a single turbo. ", "Only the Royal Guard garrison ma'am. Not the sort of difficult where Shining could not recall Night's exact words, but the sort of difficult where emotions and mentality were concerned. Asked Luna curiously. Licenses, Support us "She..she did what?" "As well as the sound of a bell!" Ah' have experienced many things both great and terrible, but what y'all did is the worst thing I have ever heard in my life, and that's sayin' a lot. My proposal is to send emissaries to towns and villages in which they live, so that we might entice them to join our cause. "Indeed we are Princess." A brief silence took hold as Celestia registered the news, before resuming her job. The reason was obvious; Twilight would be welcoming to everypony else but her former friends, her Big Brother Former Best Friend Forever and as of late, her former teacher. The Changelings could just walk right in, disguised and completely invisible to the ponies' eyes, and then strike when the time was right. Yet, for somepony who holds so much faith in her student, and especially when that same student in equal measure believes in you, how could you let her down?". "She bewitched her Smartypants doll with a Want It Need It spell which made half of Ponyville, including Big Mac, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo rip each other apart trying to get it. I have come here to undertake important business. "Prepare yourselves.". We have gone through much deliberation together, which led to the conclusion that because of the girl's collective incompetence, along with that of my husband-to-be and my aunt, Twilight would have very much gone to her death, followed by the ponies of Equestria. Shining's actions had badly damaged their honor, something the family had proudly carried and improved from generation to generation. Together the unicorn and baby dragon faced the left side of the train, looking out the windows into the station as the train rolled to a stop, steam hissing from it's every orifices. Not forgetting her strong sense of generosity, she decided to offer Cadance somewhere to sleep for the night. The Princess of Love, accompanied by the other five Element Bearers were heading to Ponyville in order to mend relations with the lavender unicorn, leaving Canterlot vulnerable to attack. Pinkie's mouth was immediately sealed shut by the force of four hooves desperate to stop her from making things worse. Stepping up on the pedestal, Shining braced himself as the personnel present in the room began to look up at him. "Princess Luna? Meanwhile, Applejack was still trying to comprehend Twilight's revelation that their actions had put her life, as well as the lives of several thousand ponies including their own in danger. "I am sure you do not need an explanation as to my sadness, Captain Armor. To Luna, that was both an outrage and a major injustice to the lavender unicorn, who had done so much for not only Equestria, but for them both. Shining Armor, in particular, was taking this harder than the others. The escort stopped just a few metres away from the Sun Princess, allowing Shining to step forward to address her. Those who tried to resist were quickly incapacitated and harvested. Twilight barged into the rehearsal and accused..well, you, of being evil with no proof to back up her claim. pleaded Shining in protest. Only the Creator knew how long they were going to be there, but that mattered little to Cadance. "Very well. However, Sharp Fang, who was also present in the war room, raised a matter which would have concerned the Changelings, were the situation any different. Spike, on the other hand, wasn't as troubled by the recent events of his life, but he certainly did still regret abandoning Twilight, and from the point where he was forgiven, he swore to himself that he would never leave her again. She smiled at him warmly. Replied Snake. The poor mare was exhausted, having gone through so much up to this point. Twilight couldn't finish her words. She wondered if she should stay with Twilight, just to watch over her, but she felt that perhaps it would be an invasion of her privacy, and anyway, Spike was there for her, so it was best she served only as a mediator between the two sides. To make matters worse, he knew that it wouldn't end there. Added Pinkie. To top it all off, there was an overbearing and very heavy feeling of speechlessness and regret hanging over the room. What if that really was Cadance? If you know of any of their movements, let me know immediately! I just didn't think that what I did would hurt her so badly. "Princess, I don't know about this. The Twilight Time Lord, Adventurequest Worlds : Twilight the Hero. Celestia remarked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. Meanwhile, Princess Luna had flown out from Canterlot Castle to the home of Twilight Velvet and Night Light. Applejack could only look at her with a face that bore a very clear expression of horror. No matter how hard she tried to ignore it, it throbbed away in her mind like the many bruises she sustained from her numerous crash-landings. Now, do me a favour and try not to cry while I'm spying on you.". Asked Twilight from inside. Unfortunately for Luna, she would be proven right as the group approached the throne room. It was just a slip of the tongue. Standing before Chrysalis was a tall and thick stone gate, which opened immediately to reveal an equally tall iron portcullis. Pinkie and Fluttershy were also crying in their sleep, Rainbow was tossing and turning, her attempts to wear out her body coming to nothing. It was making her apprehensive, but her overall mood was not shaken. Aunt Celestia asked me to tell you that if you wish to seek a private audience with her, you are more than welcome to do so. That lesson was to never ignore the concerns of your friends, no matter how small. Sorry I'm late. Somewhere in the outskirts of Canterlot, Chrysalis regained consciousness after suffering both a heavy defeat and a long fall from Canterlot Castle deep into the province's borderlands. May I come in?". How it got the seven key ponies ultimately responsible for Canterlot's safety to drop every responsibility they had to the safety of the city in order to spend their time preparing for something as trivial as a wedding. ", "I'm not sure darling. ", "It even got to the point where Twilight had to make a problem herself." The cowpony confirmed glumly. The girls fell into an uneasy silence. How much she cared for Twilight was made obvious after she scolded us for betraying her, and we didn't realize it until then just how much everything made sense! Shining could only hang his head deeper from the truth in her words. Meanwhile, a second echelon, made up of thugs and lowlives from neighbouring towns and villages in the Badlands will advance northeast towards Canterlot, where upon arrival they will smash their way through the city and, through sheer brutality, cripple the Royal Guard's defensive perimeter.". They have my permission to use tracking magic as well. . ", "No problem Cadance." His partner did the same, before stepping back to allow Shining access. "Well, why would she do it? ", "Yeah..I guess." Fluttershy said before yawning mid-sentence. The Mane 5, Shining and Celestia turned their heads to the source of the voice. It is I who should be remorseful and ashamed.". "How are we going to get the message across with Twilight still mad at us? I'm just wondering why the girls are trying to make it up to me. "Right away your Majesty". You doing OK this morning? Still, we are confident there will be no problems with the execution of the mission.". It was just them against the world. "Which is something I intend to fix immediately, because I'm planning a super special We're-Sorry-For-Betraying-You party just for you! princess twilight ts - twilight sparkle rd - rainbow dash ry - rarity aj - applejack fs - fluttershy pp . "Listen up Changelings!" They were all suffering equally as bad as she was, and thus they had to be there for each other and for Twilight especially. As for what you're going to tell her, I'm sure once the time comes, you will know what to say, and more importantly, how to say it. She glanced at the three commanders, before looking at General Skoula, whom she greeted with a nod. Concerned for his princess, Shining tried waking her up. Honestly Luna, I can't explain it. "It will not help Twilight if both Night and myself are turned to the dark side. "Is that so?" You may proceed with the mission.". Celestia cried. The Mane 5, with Cadance in tow, entered the main room of the library. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction ", "Thank you your Majesty." She decided it was high time Spike was given something to think about. Nodding to their sergeant, the Changeling troops assumed their disguises, as did Icy Tone and Snake Bite. Shining Armor had left you. "Without her, we can't be friends anymore!" The fate of all ponykind depended on these talks, and Cadance could only wonder how this fact couldn't be more obvious to anypony in general apart from herself and the girls. I'm so sorry Twilight. "I wish to inform Princess Celestia of an attack on our subjects." All you need to do is think of a Plan B, something that can make and have Twilight understand how sorry you really are. How were they able to come to Twilight's aid the first time, when they did not the second time? Not to mention how foalish we had all been!". A mlt rnyai - Edward szemszg fanfiction (A dialogue Carlisle/Esme: Selfish by baphne The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (original title) Don't worry Twilight fans Don't worry Twilight fans. I want you, ALL OF YOU, to get out of my house at once. No doubt the events from earlier were still taking a hefty toll on her mind. Replied Rarity. "Oh my Celestia, my poor Twiley!" ", "Yes. How A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 Should Have Ended "Rainbow!" Rarity, meanwhile, had a relatively peaceful journey back to her place of business, but she also had a feeling it would be a while before Twilight will forgive her and the other girls. "You have not seen the last of me Celestia! Sniffling her tears up her nostrils, Celestia turned to face Shining. "Attention everypony! "Darnit" Rainbow grumbled in annoyance. "How typical of your lot, Chrysalis" Chortled the lead Guard, Defiant Aegis. "Yes. Like Twilight, Spike and Cadance before me, I find it hard to comprehend how you, along with Shining and the Element Bearers can dismiss the impostor's attitude as mere stress. Even Spark was having trouble dancing the ballet of clashed blades with his other, despite his high morale. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction . ", "Thank you Cadance. Eventually, Celestia got a hold of herself. The latter looked up at her, waterfalls flowing down from her eyes. Just gimme a second." However, that was the least of her concerns. Having settled himself in the living room, Shining gathered what remained of his steely nerves and what was left of his resolve to break the news to his parents. He could tell she was hurting badly from being abandoned, but there was something else. "Yes Aunt Celestia. We'll be waiting.". ", "But that's not true Granny Smith! Each and every sob that Twilight sobbed made Cadance shake a little, but still she held onto the unicorn for all she was worth. "Aura is the energy which is generated from a pony's emotions. "Yes ma'am." The stallion was beginning to grow desperate, fueled by his intense remorse for his actions. Velvet and Night looked at each other, shuffling anxiously as they did so, before deciding it was best if the former explained what happened. Dark and evil thoughts began to seep into Chrysalis's mind, but her thinking was quickly ceased by the yelling of a nearby farmer who fled to the village to warn the garrison. And all this came from me feeling alone and abandoned, just like Twilight was.". ", "We also failed our Elements." There was a brief pause as Spike registered what he had just heard. "Girls, remember what you learned. Spike bowed his head, fearing whatever reaction he'd get from Twilight. "Twilight and Spike left, my bride hates me and called off the wedding and now I'm left to wonder if I really deserve to be Captain of the Royal Guard and be with Twilightmy LSBFF, the pony I loved so much and missed every day before she returned". however what happens when her only chance is also in the mafia. Having settled in, Chrysalis decided to pass on some fresh orders to her officers. Just please, do not chastise me. I need to check with Twilight. I am her number one assistant, and one of the few loyal friends she still has. Luna spoke softly. Now she knew what was going on, but then came the million-bit question; how would the events of the wedding affect her, and what would come in the future relating to that event that would also affect her? ", "The point here, your Majesty" Night Light continued "is that our daughter was the key to stopping the invasion before it ever began. May I come in? Celestia has requested your presence in the wedding hall immediately.". The first, she imagined, would be giving her a gift of a simple, but beautifully made dress. Replied Twilight, who headed back inside. I don't deserve your forgiveness, heck, I don't deserve nothing from you. "You need not explain to me why you and them are here. They betrayed her trust, they crushed her spirit and left her to die all in one fell swoop.". We will take our revenge on Celestia and the ponies of Canterlot, and there's nothing that they can do to stop us! No one said a word until Velvet finally cut in, it was all too much for her to take. Not only was this the most important moment of the Mane 5's lives, but it was quite possibly the most important moment in Equestrian history. "No Rainbow!" Applejack had heard enough at this point. said the recomposed Night Light. Their disguises were as solid as their nerves. In the aftermath of the wedding, Twilight has found that her friends have grown. "Lieutenant Fang, let it be known that this operation will be enacted on a size and scale greater than that of the first. The sound was so loud that it caused everything made of glass in the room (along with Shining's eardrums) to shatter. How will the mane 5, Celestia and Shining Armor bring Twilight back to . Even if she had managed to find an answer, it didn't matter anyway. "Cadance and Twilight were so close that they did everything together, even the hoofshake. "The Elements chose us because we were supposed to be the physical representations of what they stood for. That was the question burdening Applejack's mind, however. Replied Shining, who prepared to inform his officers via magical telepathy of their orders. "Yes sir!" ", "Well, things happened, concerning a few ponies including mahself, Twilight and the other girls. "The wedding's been called off", said Shining, trying to keep a straight face. Unfortunately, in his haste to leave, he wasn't prepared for what came next. After a long and hard trudge through the Black Widow's Peaks, Chrysalis, along with what remained of her army and the prisoners they took from the Canterlot settlement arrived at the Changeling hive, one of the tallest peaks in the entire mountain range. The girls proceeded inside, the front door open, but Cadance could still sense the traces of rage embedded within the shield's structure. I like this plan. Twilight looked at Spike with a frank expression. ", "It wasn't just you that betrayed our friendship Applejack." "I don't know Luna. Maintain your cover and I will report back when the time to attack is right. That is what Shining told us when he came here, and it is the reason Velvet and I are so furious. mlp canterlot wedding fanfiction abandoned twilight I was left feeling alone and betrayed, believing the ponies did not celebrate my night like they worshipped Celestia's day. Good day to you all!". a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction. Everything that happened.it's all stuck in my head and I can't get it out!". "If it helps, none of us wanted Twilight to die. The skin of a killer, Bella!": sparkly vampire skin hits the runway at @DIESEL Autumn/Winter . Said Pinkie. "Oh Cadance" Sobbed Twilight, who embraced the former in a hug. Together they moved out of the brush, making their way southeast toward the Everfree. Am I clear Snake Bite?". ", "I did not forget!" She had come to make sure the lavender unicorn had a good morning, and it looked like she had. "You see, while my sister did care for me, and while my subjects worshipped me in equal measure, Celestia was the only one between us who witnessed the ponies celebrating her day and singing her praises. Answered Pinkie, her voice, for once, devoid of any jubilance. The army is in need of replenishment. Mlp canterlot wedding fanfiction abandoned twilight Twilight whimpered sadly. They are led by Cadance, the Princess of Love and their mission is to broker a renewed peace with Twilight. Unfortunately, it was too late. This was made worse with the memories of Fake Cadance sending her into the depths of the Canterlot Caves through a ring of burning green flames, followed by the former taunting Twilight about how nopony would think to look for her, considering nopony even knew the caves existed, and topping all of this was the memory of Twilight finding the real Cadance. "Guards, let's go. It was supposed to be the happiest day of his life since the day he had met Cadance. In fact, let her know that if she wants an audience with me to gain her trust, I would be more than happy to meet with her. Said Fluttershy. Luna nodded firmly. The dreadful events of the rehearsal were still eating away at her heart, not least that of Shining or any of the other parties involved in the fiasco. Replied Rarity. The aura around the room and the three ponies inside it shattered to pieces like a sonic boom. They heard me cryin' last night and wanted to know what was wrong. Finally, Luna cast the spell, and it encapsulated both Velvet and Night in two white bubbles filled with interlinking particles of magic. A Canterlot Wedding - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki Cadance was focused mostly on how Twilight was going to feel seeing the girls again. Still, that is not the reason you summoned me.". You know what we want, and if you do not surrender, then we will happily walk over you and anypony else who stands in our way to get it". "How could I have been so blind Shining?" Furthermore, the want of a hoofshake at this time would have been utter folly. The Changeling Queen took her place at the top of the table, flanked by her loyal general. Cried Rainbow. #3056427 - safe, lemon hearts, lyra heartstrings, minuette, moondancer, twilight sparkle, twinkleshine, pony, unicorn, canterlot six, female, initials, mare, unicorn twilight - Derpibooru Home Upload Forums Tags Rankings Filters Galleries Comments Commissions Channels Donate Every second of her absence is killing me. Everypony in the room stood to attention as Chrysalis stepped inside. To make me be Celestia's attack dog again?!!". I have a job for them.". As she cried, there were three audible, but gentle knocks on the door. Cadance was taken by surprise at how quickly the plan went belly-up, but as a firm believer in Twilight, she knew the latter would still allow room for a second chance. Oh, and by the way Twilight. ", "I failed the Element of Generosity because I was not generous enough to show you that I still cared about you." Everything she had been through, especially the part where Twilight drilled the thought of her untimely death into her head, had finally caught up with her. The two princesses stayed close so that one could be there for the other in times of distress, but for now that was not to be as Luna was monitoring reconstruction efforts down in the city.
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