The daring rail line, built in the late nineteenth century to haul oil across the Caucasus from Baku to Batumi reveals grand views from viaducts and passes through a 4km-long tunnel blasted through mountain rock. His unique window on Europe between the world wars takes him through a tumultuous period in German history, when the nations first democracy and its vibrant culture of art, design and decadence were swept away by fascism, nationalism and the increasing likelihood of war. He hitches a ride in a 1913 carriage to discover one of the secrets of its restoration. Second is the increasing awareness . Moving south to the city of Arles, he learns how its light and the famous mistral drew artists from all over Europe. Michael celebrates Midsummer in Marielund, learns to decorate a Dala horse in Mora and takes an icy dip in one of the countrys 96,000 lakes. Athens to Thessaloniki Zaragozas modern tram network takes Michael to a factory where he is invited to test-drive new rolling stock destined for Britain. En route, he is caught up in a war zone with the Red Cross, takes to the skies in a vintage bi-plane and tries his hand at watchmaking, James Bond style. A romantic stop at the ruined Schloss in Heidelberg follows before Michael gets an insider's guide to share dealing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. From Wroclaw it's on to the ancient capital of Poland, Krakow, where Michael lunches in a milk bar and takes a tour in an iconic vehicle of the communist era. Cycling in tandem with his guide, Michael discovers Lyon's role in the country's most famous sporting event, the Tour de France. Both series are fronted by ex-politician Michael Portillo and in this European odyssey he travels around continental Europe, using George Bradshaw's1913 . Datum der letzten bertragung: 2020-09-10; Anzahl der Jahreszeiten: 7; Heading to Bilbao, he explores the industrial ties between France and Spain and learns to cook a traditional Basque dish . And he discovers a beautiful art nouveau Palace of Music with an emotional history. In Rotterdam, Michael finds the great commercial activity mentioned in his guidebook has reached epic proportions through the port's automated terminal. Michael discovers how the leaning tower of Pisa was rescued from near collapse. His 1913 Bradshaw's Continental Railway Guidebook under his arm, Michael Portillo continues his journey through the borderland where Europe meets Asia and fulfils a personal lifelong ambition to visit the Black Sea port of Odessa. Michael discovers from a British engineer how the leaning tower of Pisa was rescued from near collapse. His rail journey takes him from the grasslands of the Steppe to the shores of the Black Sea. He visits the Reichstag and the city's Olympic stadium, site of the 1936 Summer Olympics. Michael makes a scenic journey from Stockholm to Abisko. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. Great Canadian Railway Journeys is a BBC travel documentary series presented by Michael Portillo and aired on BBC Two. Similarly, his main comment when standing before Picassos Guernica in Madrid was that without that event the bombing of civilians by Nazi and fascist troops that drew worldwide outrage Michael would never have existed. In Cordoba, Michael dances with an unusual partner and enjoys all the fun of the feria. as the hour and the miles unfolded. He learns about the health craze of the time and attempts the equivalent of a 1913 Jane Fonda workout. Along the way, he marvels at the Matterhorn and is rescued from an 'avalanche' by a St Bernard puppy. Along the way, Michael discovers the parlous state of Greek finances at the time of his guidebook. Michael's journey takes him through a patchwork of nations which a century ago formed part of the Austro Hungarian empire. . Heading north to Gargnano, Michael discovers the romantic hideaway of one of Britain's most famous writers, DH Lawrence, whose affair with his professor's wife scandalised his home country. From Tbilisi Michael takes a trip along the 120-mile Georgian Military Road, built by the colonising Russian army in the early nineteenth century. Boarding one of the narrowest gauge railways in the world, the Little Train of Pelion, Michael travels to the village of Milies, where he learns about the place of the Orthodox Church in Greek national life. A visit to a sardine cannery has Michael scrubbing octopus tentacles, and a taste for the cephalopod sees Michael set sail with local fishermen to see if he can trap one. Inspired by the music and story of Poland's national icon Frederic Chopin, Michael takes to the floor to dance the polonaise with high school students rehearsing for their leavers' ball. At Martigny, Michael puts his faith in St Bernard after he is buried in snow. This episode offers beautiful views along the Rhine and also shows various cities in the area including Colonge and Koblenz. His destination is the Adriatic port of Trieste. He visits the beautiful country estate of Yasnaya Polyana, where Tolstoy wrote his masterpieces, and learns how the author's life and works were inextricably entwined with the railways. Rotterdam to Utrecht Michael's journey through the Balkans - the powder keg of Europe - follows the route of the historic Orient Express. In Avignon, Michael savours the scent of Provence in the region's lavender fields before relaxing with a glass of the city's famous tipple, Chateauneuf-du-Pape. In Verona, Michael discovers the 'House of the Capulets', bought to attract Edwardian tourists to the scene of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. After a 14-year hiatus, a further three series were broadcast between 1994 and 1999, using the shorter series title. Heading further into Andalusia, Michael arrives in Seville, the city he has made his Spanish home and where, in the city's tobacco factory, he learns about a gypsy girl named Carmen. A little over a year ago, confronted by a new series of Great Continental Railway Journeys, I wrote a piece confessing that I couldn't stand its presenter. In Baku, Michael explores the thousand-year-old walled quarter and is treated to a thrilling display of Chovgan, the national horseback game of Azerbaijan. The six episodes of 1994's Series 2 were also released on VHS. Following in the footsteps of early 20th-century British tourists, Michael tours this compact country, which boasted a mighty navy and a global empire to rival that of Britain. Michael Portillo travels by rail throughout Continental Europe. With Bradshaw's 1913 Continental Railway Guide in hand, Michael Portillo penetrates the eastern extreme of Europe to journey through the vast country of Russia. Released in 2013. Michael Portillo leaves Europe behind to take in the sights, smells and tastes of north Africa as he travels from the Mediterranean port of Tangier to the Berber city of Marrakech. The latest series of his travelogue sees the politician-turned-presenter delve into his fathers life in Spain. A spot of on-the-job training as a welder is a salutary lesson to stick with the day job. Since summer visitors have not yet arrived, spring is a great time to get hotel discounts. In this borderland where Europe meets Asia, Michael crosses swords with Cossacks, learns the secrets of Ukrainian cuisine and gets down and dirty in a mud spa. His journey ends at the gateway to the former French empire, Marseilles. At the Bolshoi Theatre, Michael performs an important role in one of Russia's most dramatic operas. Like the railway traveller of a hundred years ago, Michael discovers a land full of surprises. After arriving in the German capital, Berlin, Portillo is reminded of its turbulent past. This will follow Michael as he journeys from Berlin to Stuttgart, soaking up all of Germany's history. Bradshaw's 1913 Continental Railway Guide in hand, Michael Portillo makes a grand tour of a favourite Edwardian destination - Italy - where he experiences first hand the nation's need for speed in a state-of-the-art Maserati sports car. Will four-year-old puppy Easy rise to the challenge? No one would. A romantic stop at the ruined Schloss in Heidelberg follows before Michael gets an insider's guide to share dealing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Aboard the West Galician Railway, Michael hears how a 19th-century British railwayman sought his fortune in Galicia and ended up running the company. Michael learns how diplomacy brought Britain and Spain closer together and rides on a hair-raising scenic railway. Michael begins this journey in Berlin, the capital of Germany, which at the beginning of the 20th century was a powerhouse of science and technology. Following in the footsteps of Edwardian railway travellers, Michael discovers a nation already famous for its neutrality when the rest of the continent was on the brink of war. In a vast stadium in Berlin, Michael hears how new rail lines were constructed to transport crowds of spectators to the Nazi Olympic Games in 1936. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MOTIVATE :)Support me here : Will Enable me to Optimize my Creative Production to Showcase Journeys of. Special dispensation to fly to the Balearic island of Mallorca allows Michael to spoil himself rotten with spectacularly scenic rides aboard a sublime 1912 vintage railway and a 1913 tram. The first series is notable in that it featured the first television travelogue by comedian and comic actor Michael Palin ("Confessions of a Trainspotter"), who would go on to become as well known for his travel series (such as Pole to Pole and Sahara) as for his comedy. Michael bags a ride in a high performance Porsche to the manufacturers Stuttgart headquarters and discovers that, in the 1930s, the founder designed an affordable car for mass production the Beetle. Back in the city again, Michael meets former Russia correspondent Martin Sixsmith to discover how the strikes, mutinies and massacres, which took place shortly before Bradshaw's 1913 guidebook was published, were to unfold and the part the railways were to play in those tumultuous events. Armed with his 1913 Continental Railway Guide, Michael Portillo embarks on a Greek odyssey from Athens's port of Piraeus north to the city of Thessaloniki, captured the year before from the Ottoman Turks, who had ruled much of Greece for 400 years. In the Romanian capital Bucharest, the nation's leading violinist Alexandre Tomescu introduces Michael to the music of his country's greatest musician and composer, George Enescu, in a private recital with his Stradivarius. With his 1913 guidebook in hand, he discovers in Tangier how this once proudly independent nation fell under the control of the French as rival European powers scrambled to extend their empires in Africa. Michael uncovers the Celtic roots of the Galician people and tries to master the bagpipes but finds himself upstaged by a six-year-old. At Belorussky Station in Moscow, Michael hears how thousands of Russians journeyed to the capital in 1913 to mark the Romanov royal family's tercentenary year. Airs Sundays, July 20 - August 10 & Sept. 7, 2014 at 7 p.m. on KPBS TV. Armed with his 1913 Bradshaw, Michael Portillo explores a very different Spain from the one he knows best and ventures across its border with Britain's oldest ally, Portugal. In Bologna, he embarks on a doomed search for spaghetti bolognese - until a cookery teacher takes pity on him and shows him how to make a much more authentic tagliatelle al ragu. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MOTIVATE :)Support me here : Will Enable me to Optimize My Creative Production to Showcase Journeys of. Described by the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians as "probably the first ever railway song", Glinka's express Travelling Song is a . On the first stretch of his journey from the Latvian capital, Riga, to Tampere in Finland, he braves the freezing temperatures of the Baltic Sea and encounters medieval knights. Packing tip: The springtime climate can feel cold at times. The point of no return came at 3.10am with a return no one had been expecting. [1] Using an 1899 copy of Appleton's Guidebook to the railways of the United States and Canada, Portillo explores historic Canadian railways and learns about the places along the way. / Great Continental Railway Journeys. Steered by his 1913 railway guide, today Michael journeys through a prosperous pre-war Europe of emperors, kings, pomp and elegance. Indeed, in the "tragic week" in July/August 1909 perhaps 150 were shot by the army during protests organised by socialists and anarchists. But the interwar guidebook also tells him that the head of government in Italy is the fascist leader Signor Benito Mussolini. Were you still up for Portillo, a hundred years ago in 1997? His final stop is the industrial city of Stuttgart, where he visits the Porsche factory and learns of the origin of the Volkswagen Beetle. Great Continental Railway Journeys continues on Tuesdays 9pm BBC2. He then heads west via the picturesque Harz Mountains to the Industrial Ruhr Valley to learn how imperial Germany was war ready. In Stockholm, Michael braves a precarious tour of the city from its rooftops, before boarding a heritage tram to get the lowdown on 1930s Sweden from an expert. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. The fourth series aired in 2015. Armed with his 1913 railway guide, Michael Portillo returns to his native Spain to discover what the intrepid tourists of the Belle Epoque experienced on their travels through the fading Spanish empire. Michael Portillo continues his railway adventure which takes him across the heart of Europe. Relax. He then heads over the rail bridge across the lagoon to Venice, where he finds a microcosm of pre-First World War Europe in the Venice Biennale art exhibition. An attempt to make Portugal's national sweetmeat proves challenging, but help is at hand. He encounters a bloodsucking vampire in Transylvania and brown bears in the Carpathian forest before visiting a fairy tale castle with modern conveniences in Sinaia, striking oil in Ploesti. In Palermo, Michael takes in the art and architecture of the futurists. Copyright 2023 Ravel-Chapuis Music Library, Great Continental Railway Journeys (BBC2). In high spirits, with the help of the local liquor, Michael says 'Nosdraviya' to Slovenia and heads south. Armed with his 1913 Bradshaw's Continental Railway Guide Michael Portillo resumes his rail journey through the former Russian empire from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea, taking in present-day Georgia and Azerbaijan. Michael ends his journey in futuristic style with a high-speed boat trip across Lake Garda. Gaud perished on the tracks, hit by a tram. Over the border in the former imperial territory of Slovenia, Michael discovers how an earthquake in Ljubljana encouraged its citizens to assert their national identity in architecture and art. He refers to a 1913 copy of Bradshaw's Continental Railway Guide, as he describes how the places he visits have changed since Edwardian times. Arriving in Naples, Michael savours spectacular views across the bay. In Carrara, he finds out how the marble used by Michelangelo is still quarried today and is invited to chip away at a contemporary sculpture. After braving one of the world's oldest rollercoasters in Copenhagen's famous Tivoli Gardens, Michael takes the train across the Oresund Bridge linking Denmark to Sweden, where he retraces the tracks of a train which carried a revolutionary Russian passenger on an epic voyage. After breakfast on board Michael sets out to explore a vibrant and cosmopolitan city with French, Italian, Russian and Jewish influences. Making history in contemporary art at the Venice Biennale, Sensationalists: The Bad Girls and Boys of British Art. A hundred years ago, Latvia, Estonia and Finland were part of the Russian Tsar's vast empire but, as Michael discovers, each country had a vibrant identity and culture of its own. The drama of the interwar period comes to life in front of Michaels eyes as he joins six characters in search of an author at the Teatro Pirandello. Starting in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, he travels via Bratislava in Slovakia to the beautiful and elegant city of Vienna, where he immerses himself in pre-war decadence. In Versailles, Michael visits the opulent palace and neighbouring Trianon Palace hotel, where his Bradshaws describes the signing of the Peace Treaty at the end of the First World War. Series 5 of Great Continental Railway Journeys begins on Tuesday 20 September on BBC Two at 9pm. His first stop is Paris, where he absorbs the atmosphere of La Belle poque, before he travels south to the Cote D'Azur, where he samples the Edwardian highlife and learns why the area attracted the rich and artistic alike. He had a go at slicing an ibrico ham, while the seller hovered anxiously in the background watching his livelihood literally being shredded. Michael boards an early 20th-century yacht to experience the thrill for himself and learns how British yachtsmen spied on the German navy. ere you still up for Portillo, a hundred years ago in 1997? Heading south west from Warsaw, Michael's fellow passengers come to his rescue with a crash course in Polish pronunciation. He learns from the buffet car cooks how to prepare a supper of meat-filled dumplings - Dagestani specialities called pylmeni. The point of no return came at 3.10am with a return no one had been expecting. Transylvania, the Carpathian Mountains, Pele Castle in Sinaia, the oil refinery at Ploieti, Romania's most famous composer George Enescu in the capital, Bucharest and the oldest inhabited city in Romania, Constana on the Black Sea. Great Continental Railway Journeys is a British television documentary series presented by Michael Portillo. [2] To avoid offending Spanish sensitivities, the line was built concluding in Algeciras, a town in Spain on the opposite side of the Bay of Gibraltar, rather than at the Gibraltar border. In Tallinn, seasoned members of the Tallinn Ice Swimming Club introduce Michael to their sport. Michael is in his element, stoking the boiler on the footplate of the enormous locomotive. Armed with his 1913 Continental Railway Guide, Michael Portillo embarks on a Greek odyssey from Athens's port of Piraeus north to the city of Thessaloniki, captured the year before from the Ottoman Turks, who had ruled much of Greece for 400 years. Striking south to historic Cordoba, Michael dances with an unusual partner and enjoys all the fun of the feria. At the city's Great Synagogue he hears how the once sizeable Jewish population is beginning to recover after the violent pogroms of the 19th and early 20th centuries and the Holocaust. In Madrid, he visits the scene of an assaination attempt at the royal wedding of a British princess and a Spanish king. Season 7. "Chief Minister is Interviewed for Popular BBC Show", "UNESCO World Heritage Sites Thuringia", Article by Michael Portillo - 25 Oct 2013,, 2010s British documentary television series, 2020s British documentary television series, Documentary television series about railway transport, Television shows set in the Czech Republic, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, The assassination attempt at the royal wedding of the British princess, One of the world's oldest roller-coasters in Copenhagen's. The painter Gustav Klimt seemed to mock the stiff morality of the establishment with his painting The Kiss. From Naples, pausing only to pick up a pizza, Michael boards a ferry to travel to the beautiful island of Capri, a magnet for the writers and artists of Europe at the time of his guidebook. When The Rite of Spring premiered, there was pandemonium. Travelling through the Corinth Canal, Michael finds out about the surprisingly ancient origins of the modern railway. Need help? Although there have been no complete series of Great Railway Journeys released on DVD, Michael Palin's 1980 and 1994 programmes are available individually (BBCDVD1626) and as part of a box set of his collected travel documentaries, The Michael Palin Collection (BBCDVD2214). Great Continental Railway Journeys: With Michael Portillo, Andrew Martin, Mitch Waite, Clive Lamming. With his 1913 Bradshaw's Continental Railway Guide in hand, Michael Portillo continues his journey through Latvia, Estonia and Finland. 5 Episodes. Michael Portillo embarks on a rail journey through Germany. He learns how an aristocratic English poet became a Greek national hero and relives Greek athletic victory at the first modern Olympic games. Production of a second series included filming in Spain and Gibraltar in May and June 2013, following the RondaAlgeciras railway line, built in the 1890s by British interests under the Algeciras Gibraltar Railway Company, for the benefit of British officers stationed in Gibraltar wanting to travel to Spain and the rest of Europe. Michael Portillo travels across the European continent with his handy Bradshaw guide book. , tracks: 8.6 (19) Rate. Cycling in tandem with his guide, Michael discovers Lyon's role in the country's most famous sporting event, the Tour de France. Michael Portillo, the treasury secretary with the curiously collapsed yet labile face and shoo-in for next Tory leader, lost the seat he had held comfortably five years before, to a Labour unknown, Stephen Twigg. In Bucharest, Romania's leading violinist, Alexandre Tomescu, introduces Michael Portillo to the music of his countrys greatest composer, George Enescu, in a private recital with his Stradivarius. He travels to Leipzig on a historic railway line, built by British engineers in 1839. A trip in a works train to oversee the electrification and straightening of the new 300 million section of line between Parvomay and Svilengrad culminates in a chance to live the dream - driving the train on the tracks of the historic Orient Express. Without access to a smartphone, though, I had to wait until the morning to find out precisely why. He carries with him the Bradshaw's Continental Railway Guide book from 1913 and compares photos of then versus the reality of today. In Vienna, he encounters a pre-Cold War spy and hears for himself the concert that caused a riot in 1913. Today he experiences the dazzling cities of the pre-war Low Countries and tastes the delicacies of Brussels before travelling to the French sector of the Western Front, where from 1914, the trains carried a new cargo of artillery shells, and the Edwardian tourists of 1913 were replaced by soldiers, facing the horrors of the trenches. Following in the footsteps of early 20th-century British tourists, he pays homage to the romantic poets at the foot of the Spanish Steps before boarding the train south. Hard on their heels in Madrid, he visits the scene of a grim assassination attempt at the royal wedding of a British princess and a Spanish king. Steered by his 1913 railway guide, on this journey Michael Portillo explores the once-great empire of Austria-Hungary, domain of the famous Habsburg monarchs. The temperature varies from 33F to 66F. English musician and sound artist Chris Watson worked as an audio recorder for the fourth episode "Los Mochis to Veracruz" of the fourth season. Steered by his 1913 railway guide, on the second part of this journey Michael Portillo continues to explore the once-great empire of Austria-Hungary, domain of the famous Habsburg monarchs. Jon Wygens is a multi-instrumentalist and award winning composer for film and television. In Delft, Michael learns how the city came to specialise in pottery and finds out the secrets of its success. And there was a mercifully brief attempt at learning a few steps from the Aragonese folk dance la jota, but, for the most part, he stuck to limning Spains history and detailing the horrors of the civil war. In Zermatt, Michael learns how intrepid early 20th century British mountaineers turned Alpinism into a fashionable sport for the rich and famous and how one group of British climbers came to grief on the Matterhorn. Bradshaw's Continental Railway Guide was published in 1913 and was a guide to Europe's rail network on the brink of the First World War. In Avignon, Michael savours the scent of Provence in the region's lavender fields before relaxing with a glass of the city's famous tipple, Chateauneuf-du-Pape. Presenter: Michael Portillo, Executive Producer: John Comerford, Series Producer: Alison Kreps, Production Company: Boundless Productions. Great Asian Railway Journeys. Honestly yellow jacket, purple shirt and tomato trousers comprised his opening outfit. Michael Portillo uses George Bradshaw's 1913 Continental Railway Guide to explore the dazzling cities of the pre-war Low Countries before tasting the delicacies of Brussels. Other similar series followed: Great Indian Railway Journeys in 2018 and Great Alaskan and Canadian Railroad Journeys and Great Australian Railway Journeys in 2019. The highlight of the trip for me was to be given a private recital by the great Romanian violinist Alexandru Tomescu, playing music by George Enescu, a composer who was coming of age as Romania gained its freedom from the Habsburg empire, and who celebrated his country's folk tradition. On this leg Michael explores the once-great empire of Austria-Hungary, domain of the famous Habsburg monarchs. Following in the footsteps of early 20th-century travellers, on this journey Michael uses his 1913 railway guide to explore Switzerland, whose remarkable railways helped make it a favourite with Edwardian tourists. Season 1. playing music by George . He then heads to Poznan and rides one of the few remaining steam-powered commuter trains, visits a factory in Wroclaw that manufactures car bodies for locomotives, and ends his journey in Krakow, where he takes a tour in an iconic vehicle of the communist era. Immagini degli episodi (Great Continental Railway Journeys - Stagione 6 Episodio 2) Il regista e la squadra dietro Great Continental Railway Journeys Stagione 6 Episodio 2. Arriving in Lodz, he discovers how the former industrial heartland - the Manchester of Poland - supplied the vast Russian Empire of the early 20th century and marvels at how the region today has been transformed into a breathtaking version of 'Hollywoodzh'. In the medieval Bavarian city of Nuremberg, Michael visits the monumental buildings and parade grounds, which were the stage for vast Nazi rallies to publicise the regime around the world and arouse popular support at home. But 1936 was a turbulent time in Spain, with political upheaval descending into a brutal civil war.
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