sorry im just seeing this.. and i was a little over 8 weeks. Im so hoping I didnt clean good because I went to my first doctor appointment today and my Dr told me he believed it was a girl this time. Be extremely careful when using sneak peek due to there being a high chance of male contamination. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. If they get a positive result, then the kit was most likely contaminated and the "boy" result should not be trusted. Just had a gender scan to reveal I am having a little BOY! Results said boy, but this pregnancy surely is not like my previous 2. The Chinese gender thing has always been right for me lol and it predicted a girl and I had a reading last jan that said I would have a 5th and it would be a girl . But I was 2 days away from 10 weeks when I had the labs drawn. I see 3 lines in the crotch shotand not much of a turtle at all. I sanitized a full section of counter space before opening the box and used the brush provided to wash my hands and under my nails with antibacterial soap and hot water for two minutes. I would go with the NIPT results. 1 was 10+ weeks when I did the test at home in my kitchen. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. One of those was a sneakpeek result that said girl the mom had been buying girl stuff.. only to find out that she was having a boy. Sneak peek is great and definitely gives results way before the normal 20 week scan. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). Labeled Verified, theyre about genuine experiences.Learn more about other kinds of reviews. Well send periodic pregnancy news, and of course upcoming sales and events. ! After 8pm, I received an email that said my results are inconclusive and theyre sending me a new kit. Super odd question, did you shower and put on fresh clothes before your clinical? Your email address will not be published. I did mine at 8&1, got a girl result. I just took mine at 9 weeks, my husband never came in contact with the package or contents. Okay, ignore all of the bad reviews. Gender disappointment is 100% real and your feelings are valid. The company said that they were 99.1% accurate with their tests. Like everything was turning black, shallow breathing, shakingthe whole 9 yards. Im having twins. If you used SneakPeek Standard, or purchased SneakPeek at a retail store, your results will be sent by 2:00 pm Pacific Time (5:00 pm Eastern Time) the day after receiving your Sample Arrived email. I am 100% team boy and now it might be a girl? aww!! Oh my gosh I am so curious to hear if it is correct for you or not. I think the results for a girl are usually pretty spot on so cue the celebration! I wanted to know early as i am going to really struggle for another boys name . I appreciate hearing your experience!! I will say though, my son had the 3 lines so they told me girl and he was a boy lol. I just sat crying for past two hours I mean Im happy if baby is healthy but I so wanted my girl this is it for us and just its you so hard I have also had many friends who have taken the sneak peek test and gotten a false male result. Well I took the test at nine weeks and I got my results back saying that Im having a BOY again. , I am dying to know what you end up having, so you will have to save my blog address and come back and report! Sooo happy. Use a doctors blood test for the most accurate results. They are probably more accurate. I went into the room hoping for the best (the tech before was wrong), yet expecting the obvious. First off Im wondering if disinfectant is even enough?! you will have to update me via Instagram (@arinsolange) or on here! After 3 boys, I really want my bb girl. Found your blog after some googling. With sneak peak your more likely to get a false boy result. Im very Clean and follow the rules very well. Good thing you also took the NIPT though, so now you wont have any surprises at the 20 week scan (which by the way, they get the gender wrong at rarely as well). What if I cant hear my babys heartbeat? Still waiting for my NIPT to confirm but I cut my nails before I did the test really short and then scrubbed them like crazy! One test said boy , two said girl. Research the tiny amount of male DNA at such a young age. Sneak peek was WRONG! One that I thought I would never have to answer again. I took my kit over to my friends house (she has a hubby and a male cat) and we wiped everything down with disinfectant wipes. After reading a few of the negative reviews for results saying it was a boy and then going to the anatomy scan and it being wrong, we were a little concerned when our results came back and said it was a boy. I am scheduling a 3D ultrasound around 15 weeks to confirm. The blood sample is then sent off to be tested to see if they detect any Y chromosomes. I think this was an emotional roller coaster I could have completely avoided and I also believe Sneek Peak needs to do a revaluation on their statistics. Thats crazy! I really want my little girl . I find out today at 1130 by ultrasound if they are correct but Im so hoping its wrong! I shouldve listened! Hi Baylee, At least I have 6 months now to find one . After I did it I couldnt get my finger to stop bleeding and it end up bruising me. I just sent mine back out and honestly believe theres no way I contaminated it. sending love your way! I meant to say refunds not ultrasounds. That her sisters were the most amazing people on earth. Has anyone had that test be wrong? I got my result and it says Im having a girl, but Im scared to get excited but I cant help it since I was SO sure I was having a boy. I have a very strong feeling that it is just wrong!! I've previously had a boy. I have. secretly I was hoping for a girl since my 2 youngest are. Dreaming of your gender , is it the opposite or accurate for you ? Im 9 weeks pregnant with our second baby, we have a 1 year old boy. oh my gosh. Again, results came back saying girl. Which was fine with us since it is me and my husbands first child. I am now on Baby #4 and they are all boys. Your results email will be sent from [email protected] with the subject line "Your SneakPeek Result Is In!" With FastTrack, your sample is prioritized at the lab, and you'll get the results the same day we receive your sample. I have a 10 month old boy and 10 weeks pregnant with number 2. I am very much expecting to see girl. I took the test around thanksgiving, found out we were having another little boy. i had ivf done trust me i was over 8 weeks for sure theres no doubt on that so no sneak peak is not 99.1% accurate. I have similar story as yours, for all of you wanting a girl desperately I get it. I just had my ultrasound and the tech asked if we wanted to know the gender (I didnt say that I already knew) so to our surprise she said, youre having a girl!!!! Oh I love hearing these results too!! This kit is actually very easy to use. What ended up happening? I was very excited but she told me that SneakPeak is wrong more than it is right. Sure enough, I got the results 2 days later as expected in my emails. Im still convinced she is wrong but we will see. The tests we offer access to are for informational and educational use only and not intended to diagnose or treat disease. were the results correct? Then I have 2 boys, 7 and 2 and a 14 year old stepson, as well as a husband and 2 male animals. We did sneak peek snap around 11 or 12 weeks and it said boy. I started reassessing and picking up my mistakes after the results came back saying BOY. I thought for sure I could believe it! If you used SneakPeek FastTrack, your results will be sent by 8:59 pm Pacific Time (11:59 pm Eastern Time) the same day your "Sample Arrived" email is received. Fast forward one week. it would have shown boy. They are probably more accurate. I took the SneakPeek clinical test at 7 weeks 2 days and got a girl result. Started to doubt it so I did another one at 10&4, got girl again. Going to do NIPT in a couple weeks to confirm. Sign up and stay in the know! Accurate but follow all the instructions!!! I'll feel much better after the ultrasound lol. I did the sneak peak test at 11 weeks and it came back 100% boy. (A smaller room?) I immediately asked for a refund and was told I was not eligible for a refund until I was able to provide a birth certificate as proof. She has to be wrong! But I pray yours is correct! My husband left for work. I was very disappointed and Felt so down. Im also not sure if Ill be able to confirm since my hospital isnt allowing me to personally go in. which means if 8 weeks is to early its false advertising!!! Results came back girl !!! Kristen! Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. However I missed the brushing . And once you take the test and they receive it they give you the results in two hours. Youngest son is 23 months old. Im holding out hope its wrong!! Desperately wanted a boy. They are sprinters. I am so over the moon about it even tho right now it doesnt feel real, once shes born and in my arms I think thats when it will be, I did my second at home test today because Im paranoid of false results. I am still in shock and so happy cannot believed. With the increased accuracy, their reviews would increase, so they'd probably sell more kits and any time they return a "contaminated" result they may end up selling another kit as well -- much better than sending a "boy" result and having an angry customer bashing you to their friends and on Amazon when they get the ultrasound and see that its really a girl. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Wow, you took the time to read my blog post where I poured out my heart and you decided that this was the way to respond. Just found out today we are having another boy. Girl it is!! And now I have 5 weeks to wait until I can find out for sure why did I do this test. Im currently 8 weeks and hoping for some different news by the time the ultrasound comes. Okay all these people leaving bad reviews calling this a scam.. one person said you cant test from moms blood and that sneak peek guesses a gender and hope for the best, you obviously dont know how dna works it will accurately show boy or girl as long and you have no contamination to the kit. Is the sneak peek gender test accurate? While my oldest is 7 & also a girl. How can I view my SneakPeek Traits reports? I remember when I hit 8 weeks with Av and I didnt feel sick, I started getting some pretty strong feelings I might be carrying a different gender. I am 12 weeks today and I am enjoying this pregnancy but hoping and praying that the sneak peek results were wrong. Also 11/10 recommend getting the fast track version. I know this thread is older but I m curious to what anyone thinks of my situationI went for my first blood test at 7 weeks on the dot since they changed the time of when you can do it. Its the ones that you do at home thats usually wrong. I also read that ultrasounds are only 95% accurate so now i dont even know if i will believe it when i hear the results from her!!! Congratulations on your pregnancy. My husband has guessed the sex every time, he said girl this go round and so did sneak peak!!! I have 3 boys, my husband and one of our dogs are male. They did refund me for the boy result. La Jolla, CA 92037 USA, @sneakpeektest There are 2 options based on what you buy. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. . This kit is actually very easy to use. This makes me so sad and I totally feel your pain . Now I must admit I didnt clean as much as I should from what Im reading and my 3 year old was bothering me lol . Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Thanks Amy!! I didnt know you did this! I had a feeling this would be a problem, so I immediately sent a message in asking about next options. His response was well genitalia can be ambiguous at 12 weeks, but this doesnt look ambiguous to me, this looks like a girl. So well see! In light of COVID-19, is SneakPeek Labs still accepting return samples? Why would they risk that? I was hesitant to take the Sneak Peek test because I didnt want to worry if I would get an inaccurate result, but I did it anyway because Im impatient. First off, biggest congratulations to you! So this time around when I found out I was pregnant I decided I would try out the Sneak Peek Gender Predictor Test. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. She went on to tell me she had 2 girls and a little boy. Who knows? I will tell you I had a bit of gender remorse with both of my boys at the first moment (people dont like to talk about that but it is a real thing and thats okay!!!) That was sort of my heart as well Ashley either way I was fine but man I regretted taking the test! A beautiful healthy baby girl. HIGHLY doubt anyone will respond. Results came back boy and Im devastated, but hoping at my ultrasound this weekend that by the grace of God, my test was wrong. They did send me another test completely free and also fast tracked my test so Id find out the same day they got the test back, so Im grateful for thatmy second test I did at 9 weeks + 4 days and got girl results back. If you think of it I would love if you updated me here or on Instagram (@arinsolange)! I have 2 girls and 1 boy and honestly I was hoping for another girl! I took the test in our guest bathroom where my son bathes. Once I felt well enough, I got up, used my last alcohol swabs to clean my bloody finger(and of course without thinking cleaned a new finger with the same alcohol swab), I sprayed rubbing alcohol on my hands, pricked another finger and proceeded to fill the vial. I am literally broken in half right now after I received my results from my Sneak peek test. I just sat in my car. I ordered the test on January 10th. So I did sneak peek at 12 weeks a d it came out it was a boy. Itll get here Thursday and well do this whole rigamarole all over again. What is the difference between Refer a Friend and Affiliate Program? If I purchase a second test for a different family member at a separate time, how are the tests linked together under the same main family account? xoxo. I get mine back early next week. For so many reasons. The tech stated that we could do another scan but it wouldnt be possible for a few weeks because of the holidays. Thank you for sharing your story. With more women like you. (I have not personally had anyone report a false female result). Hi! awe my doctor actually recommended it since our insurance wont cover NIPT. We Were told we were having a boy from the sneak peak result and did the test with no male or pet present, followed all the procedures correctly and gave us a false boy result. I have been asked a few times when you can first take the sneak peek test. She then began to tell me that she actually had 2 sisters. How could SneakPeek be wrong twice?! I havent gotten my test back quite yet but if you dont like needles youre gonna get yourself upset. I thought the lab draws were pretty accurate? Amy, I am so curious to hear what you are having! I really just dont know how to feel at this point. Incase you arent familiar with the test, let me first walk you through how the test works. I did sneak peek at 8 weeks 1 day, the test where you actually go to a lab and they draw your blood and send it off. Check out with Sezzle and split your entire order into 4 interest-free payments over 6 weeks. It goes against our guidelines to offer incentives for reviews. Hoping NIPT comes back this Friday so that it can be settled one way or the other. Do hormone disorders such as PCOS affect my results? I posted all about the symptoms and old wives tales on this post, so if youre curious on that be sure to check out that post too. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU and I dont even know you haha. YALL,. The customer service is awful. Yep, happens frequently. Ive learned that there are many like me. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. SneakPeek test results are sent by email to the "results email address" provided at kit activation. I did my test at 6 weeks and 3 days. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. . It is so crazy that a body shows the Y chromosome so soon. I had my boy in 2019, my husband has an older son from a previous relationship so we were really hoping this recent pregnancy would be a girl! So the likelihood of contamination is real! Hey hun Im soo curious to know if it was false . Ive had 4 miscarriages over my time at 6 weeks and I believe these were my girls . If there was a .0001 spec of male in my blood or on my hands, in the air etc. You guys should have just chosen the option where you take it to a lab and get a phlebotomist to draw your blood for you. If I cant enter a post office due to social distancing or limited hours, are there other ways to return? But again, super easy to see today on an abdominal ultrasound. This was so helpful. Thinking of naming him Leonardo as my first sons name is Vincent (Vincent Van Gogh and Leonardo de Vinci) The process was super simple and I got the results quick enough, which is why it even has 2 stars.I've also had family members use it before and the results be right.I did the snap it and sanitized the bathroom and myself as best of my abilities. Reading the reviews for Sneak Peek test it seemed as tho false results were only if it said boy. I havent had mine yet but scan said another boy, this cant be. Make sure to update us when you get your nipt results!!! I took the sneak peek test at 11 weeks. Im not sure if its changed since 2021 when I did it last but I highly recommend that over this! We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Worst experience ever. Hello!!! Eventually, I realized that I am very naturally a boy mom, I love being a boy mom, was excited thinking about all the pros of having another boy. I already have 4 boys who I love deeply and wouldnt change for the world . How accurate is the SneakPeek Early Gender DNA Test? good luck, no matter what your sweet babe is! He said so now that you know youre having another girl, are we still planning to tie your tubes at your c section?. Megan, did it turn out to be a boy? I cried. I just took sneak peek and it came back boy and I already have a 13 month boy.
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