He wrote many novels, short stories, essays, and articles. you may feel as though no one knows you that well, similar to how medusa had many admirers but none of them knew her. try something new each week. The 7H person might idealize the Juno person and think they're perfect for each other. we can talk at a later time. and walk away - anything that happens after that statement is not your fault. if you dont understand my thought process feel free to comment with questions! you are likely very religiously devoted. whos freakier the virgo sun or virgo mars? IN MY OPINION Einstein in your chart can indicate a) where you are seen as a genius, b) how good you are at physics, and/or c) where you could make a discovery that changes the way a field of work progresses. What to expect in the air: Saturn is still home in Aquarius here, the sense of revolution is becoming stronger within the community. This can also make the relationship very individualistic, which can be good or bad. If youre in school this could be a graduation into a harsher reality, standardized testing, or grades slipping through, and sleepless nights trying to muster up the words you want to say to express the thoughts running through your mind. Type Of Spouse/ Partner/Husband Or Wife In Astrology As Per Planets: A loyal Spouse is the desire of every individual on this planet. Physically, watch for issues with the head and sinuses. @starshinesparkle retrograde is when an object appears to move backward or appears smaller when in reality, it is doing what it always does. self-care when you feel you need someone and no one is there: watch a comedy movie BUT if it life-threatening, please call or text a hotline like 988! etc. but ofcourse that is the extreme of it, -10th house dom people tend to be rlly insecure abt their appearence even if they always look great. Constancy is a noun that describes the quality of being enduring, dependable, reliable, and trustworthy. Treating others with respect is essential. you may feel complete or like you are understood when in a religious institution because everyone shares similar values. Taurus (Saturn in the 10th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly on your public persona, reputation, career choice, family dynamics, and authority around you. you may find yourself being punished by a higher-up for something someone else did - this causes damage to both your reputation and profession. you may find yourself being punished for the wrongdoings of this person. IN MY OPINION Byron in a chart can indicatea) how well read you are, b) your love for poetry, c) how people react to you and how you react to them, and/or d) bisexuality. If the 1st house is emphasized, the relationships focus may be the outward appearance of the couple. go ask your questions! * Juno Conjunct vertex. January 30, 2023. me. lol not an 8h stellium in the persona chart though. And one can find the perfect match with the help of marriage horoscope by name. there is a high probability that you may be accused of false passion and loyalty due to this. medusas head was lobbed off by perseus and then used as a talisman to ward off evil. the 2nd and the 11th. you may find that your mood is very stoic until something life-changing occurs - the saying when it rains it pours may resonate with you. Solar Return Reading (I love doing these) $40: -explaining each placement of your solar return like the planets and houses with signs. keep a dream journal. Was hoping to do astrology readings for you If you have questions feel free to ask me, Also if you dont have the money please reblog I would really appreciate it , -break down of your planets and the houses theyre in; and the sign its in, -and me breaking down some of your planetary aspects. this is enforced by the cheshirecat sextile mercury - i tend to confuse a lot of people when giving advice that ends up being just what they needed (also confirmed in the persona chart with a 3h stellium (moon, venus, uranus, and neptune). This is a difficult transit to work with, you can go through a death of a close family member or someone you idolized, and have difficulty with their assets and become responsible or liable in a way. and you certainly know what makes a person tick. Juno is the patron of married women and marriage. It appears extremely paradoxical as though its a small police box on the outside but in reality its a big sci-fi space and time machine on the inside. aries (1, 13, 25): you may notice that people are drawn to you energetically. you simply have higher priorities. you deserve more! libra (7, 19): you are likely a people pleaser, and this, of course, makes you captivating. 3h: you have a powerful mind - like medusa you have power that requires very little effort. Marriage is a long-term relationship between two opposite-sex individuals. USE THIS AS MOMENTARY FOR TRANSITS AND LONG-TERM WHEN PRESENT IN YOUR NATAL CHART. Juno Asteroid Meaning in Astrology - Committing in a Relationship nox's astrology hypothesis of marriage in astrology you have such a deep, understanding personality that others cant help but feel safe at last in your arms. i recognize that you disagree. your reputation is likely to revolve around what you preach and share with the world. NEPTUNE retrograde people typically struggle with their thoughts - during this retrograde you may feel like you cant think straight or that you are more critical of yourself. but really i have to laugh because 1h can also be philosophical thought you know who i would give this placement/circumstance too as well? and since we reached 100 posts last night, lets celebrate with this long post! and if they start talking back to you - tell them my feelings are valid. take what resonates and leave what doesnt! A moon that is intercepted, unaspected, detriment or in fall, or only forming discordant aspects will probably indicate feelings of insecurity, dissatisfaction, or distance. Car troubles are common so watch for road mishaps and accidents, this could be a time to learn to drive, getting a license, or simply moving up in learning or your community. IN MY OPINION Nostalgia in your chart shows you where and what over you are likely to experience nostalgia. Contents. Telomeres are present at the ends of each of your chromosomes (which are made up of DNA). Physically, watch for issues with the chest and breasts. Finances can run drier during this time as well, bankruptcy and going into debt can cause you to feel limited, or falling into trouble in connection to inheretence from a parent or other peoples money. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. life would be boring if we all had the same thoughts and beliefs. similar to medusa, you may work for a group in which you feel there is an important foundation and message present. its not terrible to not reach all of your goals in a day. every first of the month may help change your mindset from pessimistic to optimistic. Physically, watch for issues with the heart and spine. they may not have a solid definition of pure or have a skewed opinion of pure, holding everyone to a high standard of pure or none at all. your greatest strength is this giving and restorative nature. affirmations (youre smart, grades arent everything, you gave it your best, you tried today and youll try tomorrow, youre safe, etc.). you may become more like your past than you had wished - the family member(s) you always thought you were so different from may now seem rather familiar. It is not necessary that the house placement of 7th ruler must always indicate the environment or how you meet them. During his many years before beginning this War he assembled mercenaries from Spain, North Africa, and Gaul - his naval fleet became a great armada. This is a clean slate at living a life you can build for yourself and others, its essential to make the right choices. is it then shocking to you that i am not a very nostalgic person? In Selena's case, having three personal planets in Hailey's domineering eighth house could feel . It's the connections your planets make to your partner's. It gives insight to the interactions between you two. Marriage astrology and predictions explained by top astrologer in India 7h mars; mars is both ambition and assertion with passion both are generally found in proposals. First, because we are in the relationship, it is difficult for us to view it from a 3rd party like the composite chart does. another very odd example is currency; even those who are famous with minor aspects between this asteroid and mars have been featured on coins! : Sun in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius Sun in the 2nd/5th . lmao but for real i feel like i am getting prettier with age if that makes sense? they may hate rivalries with others. Gemini (Saturn in the 9th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly into your life through higher education, religion, spiritual journies, long distance travel, views of the world and philosophies. 9th house/lord- significator of second marriage in astrology. VENUS retrograde people may be late bloomers in terms of love and relationships - thats perfectly fine. virgo . * Saturn 1st house Denial of Marriage What Your Marriage Horoscope Says About Your Future Together - Brides Jupiter stays in a given zodiac sign for 13 months and then moves the next one. negative aspects: you could be despised for your looks and find yourself punished/ostracized by the one who despises them the most - others may fear/avoid you after this. Best Synastry Aspects For Marriage In Astrology ~ Darkstar in other words, she stood on stage worshipping athena and was admired for her beauty and devotion. Uniqueness is so important that they may adjust their opinions to deliberately conflict with others! His memoir was burned by his publisher after the work detailed his bisexual relations. they fell or have some type of foot problem now. trying one new thing a week - how do you know its the only thing that works if it took you this long to find it? ellie-mae-astrology on Tumblr. Physically, watch for problems with the kidneys and urinary system. negative aspects: you may be a very stoic person who doesnt show a lot of emotion until suddenly the world around you shifts a millimeter too much. i have written about 25 randomly selected asteroids from my interesting asteroids list on my phone that are NOT mythology related and thus have never been mentioned and likely will never be mentioned again. Know about your future life partner his status, looks and nature by (Capricorn shows architects) Mars in 10th individuals is usually shown in successful doctor's natal charts. If you have children, this is a time where your relationship experiences difficulties, a kind of distance or emotional barrier. you guys can (couldve) fix (fixed) things if they stay, you guys cant fix things if they arent there. dont comment when provoked or just to do so - think before you say things. if people dont get what you are trying to tell them or telling you no when its a good idea and you know it is going to work - stop trying to assert yourself and just do it (sheila buff is quaking). * Sun conjunct/opposite venus It is not necessary that the house placement of 7th ruler must always indicate the environment or how you meet them. @emrys21 not the desc but as stated in the post planets - jupiter for a husband, moon for a wife, and venus for a general parent. gossip may be a downfall for them or stir up worse situations for them. you may put too much stock into religion being able to save or help you with certain situations. Cancelli is an advocate for those who undergo this care and often speaks at conferences about death and end of life care. They have a natural dignity and are humorous, spontaneous, and often lucky. it may even be a struggle to start dating - they may be late to the dating realm or getting into a relationship compared to those around them. you likely quickly reaction to situations where you are in danger but may find the place you feel safest and most protected is actually not. He is considered one of the most influential and greatest cartoonist of the era having earned $1.1B USD in his lifetime. your appearance may paralyze others. my advice for surviving this retrograde: daily check-ins. If you tie the knot during this time you'll thrive as individuals and not risk losing sight of yourselves. my advice for surviving this retrograde: try something new and different from your norm. the same projection and reaction circumstances/interactions may occur in your life. let someone know when something hurts your feelings or bothers you - dont just walk away or brush it off. Lord Byron was a leading man of the Romantic literary movement. His death circumstances are still studied today. positive aspects: you may find security in a feminine group like medusa did at the temple of athena. thank you in advance. Sleepless nights are upon you during this time, a period of self isolation and reflection is much needed for a soul journey and proper self atonement. people who are in mourning or are always on the go with change in life forget to stand still and breathe! For example, a composite Mars in the 8th house can point to lots of sexual energy in the relationship along with jealousy and fear. she wasnt trying to lure poseidon into athenas temple but that is what the goddess assumed.
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