Stil fit. 8. Whether we worship with hymns or hands int he air praise and worship songs, we are all suppose to be on the same side. I praise the lord for that because if I sin I dont have to announce it to anyone but my Heavenly Father and he is faithful and just to forgive me. Instead of reprimanding me why dont you pray for the lost? Steve, Im a 29 year old pastor of an independent Baptist church. Same pastor who says to his congregation I love you, we all love you here.and we will not judge you. (Genesis 2:24; Genesis 19:5, 13; Genesis 26:8-9; Leviticus 18:1-30; Romans 1:26-29; 1 Corinthians 5:1, 6:9; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8; Hebrews 13:4). (HYPOCRISY) At its finest. I can be more specific and categorize your list of 55 things to give some examples as you asked OGrodnik to do, but it wouldnt be to diminish what you and others have experienced. 6:14-17), We believe that God has commanded that no intimate physical activity be engaged in outside of marriage between a man and a woman. I am also against body piercings as well. The pew hymnal is inspired by God While I favor hymns but I wouldnt necessarily say that because even though I do use the hymnal, most people at the church I go to now sing from the Power Point. It uses the Bible to treat everything from porn addiction I forgot to mention my concerns on some of the other beliefs of the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church: I dont believe my husband was the only one hurting the relationship. Israel was the prodical.. judah is the elder son that was jealous of israel.. Study The prodigal son and the two houses of Israel. 50. Its the inspired word of God. If your not getting a lot out of your bible read I would recommend a switch to Kjv and to define any word you dont know Slow down reading and meditate on what your reading dont read as a duty each day but as a searching for fellowship each day. sad stuff particularly the responses from obviously brainwashed bible folks. While God hates divorce, but we should help those who are divorce so they can grow spiritually. Frankly its not your place to tell me what I should and shouldnt do (typical IFB who thinks they know what everyone is supposed to be doing). Jonathan I have a question for you..IF the wine is grape juice (as in the water Jesus turned to wine)HOW can you get drunk on it???? WebThe following year, the CBF became the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship (1967). This is the first and great commandment. Due to the nature of the churches being independentin their autonomy, a percentage of what is believed, practiced or condemned by Independent Baptists (or IndependentFundamental Baptists, or Bible Believing Baptists, or IndependentBible Believing Baptists, or Unaffiliated Baptists, or Unaffiliated IndependentBaptists - just to Belief number 51 is absolutely wrong. For you are like whitewashed tombsbeautiful on the outside but filled on the inside with dead peoples bones and all sorts of impurity. People to Be Executed", "Deported NZ pastor Logan Robertson shows no remorse for harassing 'sissy' Muslims", "Police investigating Auckland pastor who threatened homosexuals", "Advocates urge supporters to ask landlord to evict Stedfast Baptist", "North Texas church that called for execution of gay people won't be evicted",, Baptist denominations established in the 21st century, Anti-Islam sentiment in the United States, Organizations that oppose LGBT rights in the United States, Christian organizations established in 2017, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 23:30. If you think that mental health issues (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.) This Bible is preserved for the English speaking world without error in the King James Version. There are a couple places but, they're all pretty much much secular and worldly. But what He hates about us is the pride and arrogance in us. Sons of vipers! The school was run by Lester Roloff, an independent fundamental Baptist preacher who broke from the Southern Baptist Convention in 1954 and founded a series Also, Im not mocking Biblical beliefs. I must forgive others the same way God forgave me. First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friends eye. Believe it or not I can find time to pray while at the same time not sending my loved ones to an abusive church. 9 And dont address anyone here on earth as Father, for only God in heaven is your Father. 2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Some of these are humorous and right on the money. The home, the church, and the state are equal and sovereign in their respective Biblically assigned spheres of responsibility under God. [6] Adam Fannin, the lead preacher at SBC's Jacksonville satellite campus, refused to acknowledge the authority of Jonathan Shelley, another Texas New IFB pastor who took over SBCFort Worth following Romero's resignation. If you believe that doing, saying, thinking, etc. is Looking to God for missionaries to help expand the vision and ministries of G.F.F. Is that what the great commission tells us to do: Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and send lost loved ones to an IFB church so that they might be saved (DHV Don Holt Version). We believe the Blessed Hope of our Lord's return is literal, personal, visible, imminent, premillennial, and pretribulational. I will say though having grown up in that environment, there was a HUGE sense of support from the congregation, I always knew that if I needed something, I had people surrounding me who would help. I believe this passage is a description of the IFB church Im a member of. Such as??? Thanks for being thankful for the grace God has giving us. N/A This is simply an attempt to bring some humor to the blog for the readers enjoyment. Great job adding a bit of levity! We had been boyfriend and girlfriend for 5 years and a baby that was 10 months old. They are usually so full of themselves, because they went straight from salvation to knowledge, and Peter says to add to your faith virtue, and THEN go to knowledge, 2 Peter 1:5. By the way Jason, if you think theres something spiritual about tolerating abuse, I feel sorry for you. Or preferring the KJV? The Lord is doing His work in ths world through local churches. All rights reserved. I disclosed to (2) pastors at this church personal and heart felt feelings that I thought and grew up and was told you can talk to your pastor, because he is a man of God. Their testimony is great Im sure they won more people to the lord than you. 34. 1. Every person is individually responsible to God and will be judged according to the beliefs and practices he or she freely chooses. Grow your faith in a less toxic environment. Marriage for two people that want to make a life together is biblical. Even I believe that if you are living in sin you are getting to the point where you are eventually will lose your salvation. Pastor and his wife paid for reception, photographers, and and shower. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Person who reproves the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; and that He is the Supernatural Agent in regeneration, indwelling all believers and sealing them unto the day of redemption (John 16:8-11; II Corinthians 3:6; Romans 8:9; Ephesians 1:13-14). We believe that a Fundamentalist is defined by their adherence to orthodox theology, orthodox methodology, and will only fellowship with those who do the same. When you finally get the blinders off let me know, we will rejoice with you. The Baptist Distinctives are easy to remember using the acronym B.A.P.T.I.S.T.S. They bought your loyalty. You dont just GO WITH THE FLOW. Its about Jesus. I hope you found some church that preaches the truth (even though they may differ on some things with me). He says he isnt saved but is open minded and is at least asking questions. the Bible teaches us to prove and test matters. As I sit under preaching, sing worship songs unto the Lord, pray earnestly, read my Bible as often as I can, and search through commentaries to help me gain a deeper knowledge instead of surface reading, I KNOW Im drawing closer to God in a personal relationship with Him. If you feel guilty for not having devotions 7 days a week, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 42. No, because thats not Gods will. Every time I got to a low point in my life, I knew that I could count on the church to be there for me. If you believe that perfection is something to strive for and/or attain this side of heaven,you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Bible, as it is in truth, the Word of God (I Thessalonians 2:13). (Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 6:4; 1 Corinthians 11:23-32), Every individual, believer and unbeliever, possesses the God-given privilege of free will having the liberty to choose what to believe. We struggled putting off our addictions, but over came them trough prayer. The Bible talks about a CHEERFUL GIVER. If a person gets right with God, then they will usually give, not because they have to, rather because they want to give. 2. If you think that homosexuality is an unforgivable sin, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 55. In 1974 Kenneth Chrismans father passed away. That being said, your list is probably only funny to those of us who have lived it. The pastors name is Kevin Draganac. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! The Bible terms pastor, elder, and bishop refer to different responsibilities for the same office. He says he isnt saved but is open minded and is at least asking questions. If you think that you should cut your vacation short so that you can make it back in time for Sunday morning Sunday School, but think its OK that your pastor miss a Sunday or two because hes on vacation, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 5. 44. Hes a different man today thanks to Gods grace in our life. A Baptist church may choose to associate with other churches of like faith around mutual interests or ministry opportunities, but one church cannot exert authority over another. I dont have a boarden to preform any religious works. 10 And dont let anyone call you Teacher, for you have only one teacher, the Messiah. Many Christians believe some of these distinctives, but true Baptists believe them all. I do agree that any time when you have health issues its because of sin which is why God allows pain and suffering. The New Independent Fundamental Baptist network, most prominently associated with anti-LGBTQ pastor Steven Anderson, appears to be in turmoil as infighting again erupts, this time between Anderson and fellow pastors in the network. If you think that you can be a better Christian or have more favor with the Lord with good performance You cant make up for sins nor can salvation be earned. If your pastor refuses to be called Reverend, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist. The word fundamental simply means that we adhere to the fundamentals (basics) of the true Christian faith. Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: 8 These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: (Mat 22:37-40) Can you honestly say that this is of God. For example, #54. This is because primarily I am a Bible Believer and if church doctrine of any individual church does not line with scripture, then this so called doctrine is nothing more than a vain tradition. Sometimes it makes you wonder if they have EVER read/learned anything from Jesus! The New IFB began with Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church in response to perceived liberalism in other independent Baptist churches. Many on here were saved at a IFB church. Baptists are traditionally strong believers in Biblical authority. I do think that you can drink but you just cant be drink which is a legalistic problem within most Independent Fundamental Baptists. (Acts 20:7, Hebrews 10:24-25). (Acts 2:41-47; 1 Corinthians 12:12,18; 2 Corinthians 6:14; Hebrews 10:23-25), Scripture mandates two offices for the local church: Pastor and Deacon. insidious I like that word. He perhaps worded somethings poorly perhaps, but he is completely turned off by your attitude and responses Steve. We believe that all the redeemed, once saved are kept by God's power and are thus secure in Christ forever. 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word. operating or proceeding inconspicuously but with grave effect. God knows the names of his children and for anyone to accuse another of security in Christ is hypocrisy. What Jesus did on the cross is for our salvation. Baptists believe the Bible and strive to live according to its teaching. I had a pastor who was reaching out to me in the darkest part of my life, he used a broken phone as a way to get to me, he knew I could try and fix it, so he brought it to me and, rather than berating me, after I had fixed the phone he simply asked me Would it be okay if we just prayed together? and I knew, in that moment, that he actually did care about me, he didnt ask me to come to church, didnt ask for money, didnt ask for anything except for the opportunity to pray with me. There isn't much out there on the web. But I did want to let you know that although some ifb churches may not be the best it doesnt make us a cult. Im not sure where your pastor got that from, but its not in the Bible. Womens should not wear pants This is not the case at my congregation. 38. Maybe one day I can reach your level of acceptance and spirituality. IFB people as a whole, are generally willfully ignorant people. Even if you cant tithe now you can still serve in some way and later when you are able to improve your financial situation they will get your tithe. (1 Timothy 2:1-6; 1 Peter 2:5,9; Revelation 5:9,10), The local church is mandated by God to practice two ordinances. People are more willing to change their ways when confronted in love rather then with criticism and bitterness. You wont go in yourselves, and you dont let others enter either. [2] They are described by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as "a loose network of independent churches concentrated in the U.S. connected by their belief in certain religious doctrines and a shared brand of deeply anti-LGBTQ and antisemitic teachings." You might be an IFB if Your child has went to church there 3x a week, his whole life, but when he leaves the church, your to have nothing to do with them. That makes no sense. So the IFB pastor did counseling for 2 weeks and then, despite physical abuse, told you to get married! 5. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:1-5: Judge not, that ye be not judged. You got me I am an IFB college grad. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. I had a wedding dress from when my boyfriend proposed on December 5, 2010. Its insidious and extremely toxic. God has given each institution specific Biblical responsibilities and has balanced those responsibilities with the understanding that no institution has the right to infringe upon the other. Whether u believe its talking about judah/Ephraim or not. 6. An individual independent church might come up with their own definition of faith, they might subscribe to a preexisting one, or they might not use any. 49. If your denomination knocked on their door im sure they wouldnt have gotten saved and the helped they needed. XII. Our path is narrow, must we fight amongst each other while we walk it? Anyway, Im sorry that you had a bad experience at an IFB church, but that doesnt excuse you for mocking Biblical beliefs. So, are you happy about that, or wanting to change? On the Arminianist view the church I go to now teaches from a biblical standpoint that salvation can still be lost. There I am separate does that mean Im never going to curse, or think negative thoughts. Not all churches are the same and if they are teaching Bible, they do teach about sin, and it should not be to make you feel any constraint towards the pastor to get away from that sin, but to learn to have some personal conviction that their sins need to be addressed, but THEY have to make that decision. This group is for fellowship, sharing of resources, devotional thoughts, posting of sermons, news of interest, ministry ideas, missionary/church links, KJV verse photos, and general edification. 6 Dont waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Ive used tattoos but not permanent ones. Believers will be caught up to be with the Lord prior to the seven years of tribulation, and at the end of the tribulation Christ will return with His saints to establish His thousand-year reign on the earth (I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Titus 2:13; I Thessalonians 1:10; Revelation 3:10; Zechariah 14:4-11; Revelation 19:11-16, 20:1-6; Psalm 89:3-4). Baptist Churches Since 1975 Are From the Ministry of a Man of Whom it Has Been Said: You are probably the most childish acting preacher (Ephesians 2:8-10; John 1:12; I Peter 1:18-19). My husband sinned, and wanted forgiveness. We wanted help and we wanted to know what the Bible said. I already know where the IFB is coming from, I was indoctrinated in their dogma for 25 years. Smoking in itself is not sin but I do agree that smoking can cause teeth decay, lung cancer, breast cancer, etc. [5], New IFB pastors have been the subjects of controversy on numerous occasions. Why do people think that I dont have time to pray for loved ones simply because I have this site up? 31. If you have others please feel free to share in the comments section, 1. I forgave through the example of Jesus. I also KNOW the areas that Hes not pleased with as I choose to hold on to that which the Bible clearly states as sin. I will cut to the chase: my Pastor and his wife took a much needed vacation a few years ago. There are those who are called to rebuke abusive religious practices. Abortion constitutes the unjustified, inexcusable taking of unborn human life. Forget the past and move on to do those things that shine light to the lost, edify the saints, and glorify God. Youre judgment of me by one blog post and its comments is typical IFB tactic. The parable of the prodigal son is talking about Israel the younger and Judah the elder. (Matthew 22:15-22; 28:19-20;Romans 13:1-7). Luke 8:17, Daniel 2:22, Luke 12:2. 48. Everyone as an individual should get right with God in whatever he has commanded them. The pastor pointed out (over the course of his long 2 hour sermon LOL) that a shepherd doesnt use a rod and staff to beat his sheep but to prod and guide them. How about shortchanging the Lord out of 20 minutes of Sunday service time worship for game show gimmickry hype to boost attendance? I talk to her about my faith she talks to me about her faith. 36. [11] Also in June 2019, Grayson Fritts, pastor at New IFB-affiliated All Scripture Baptist Church and a former detective for the Knox County, Tennessee, Sheriff's Office, delivered a sermon calling for the execution of gays.[12]. The New IFB's website lists its core doctrines as salvation by faith alone, once saved always saved, King James Bible-only, the Trinity, soul-winning, "hard" preaching, prewrath post-tribulation rapture, and opposition of worldliness, Calvinism, dispensationalism, liberalism, and Zionism. I forgave and praise the lord in my life forgiveness was indeed profitable. If you think that secular music (i.e., anything other than old time gospel hymns) is sinful, you might be an Independent Fundamental Baptist, 19. If you look down on people who are divorce That is absolutely wrong. 54. N/A We believe that the ecumenical movement is a demonic attempt to unite all Christian denominations around experience to the disregard of biblical doctrine. No one is "born into the church." Who are the Free Will Baptists, and what do they believe? If you might confuse KJV with KJB its the same thing but its a preference on how people might want to call it. They act like childern, but my church loves them because Jesus loves them. Satan's eternal end is everlasting torment in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10). If this method were a stock, who would invest in it with such a low return. Those are my concerns about the 25 topics about the Independent Fundamental Baptist beliefs. Its NOT ABOUT US! The Pastor leads, feeds, guides, and guards the church at the direction of Christ. If you pray using the KJV language I dont pray like that except when I recite the Lords Prayer because nobody talks like that anymore. WebWOL's Directory of Independent Baptist Churches; Independent Baptist Churches. Tithing is also commanded in the bible and we are to give because he loves us and give with a joyful heart. when you run into her at Wal*Mart. Just because we forgive people doesnt mean we are obligated to marry them or anything else. An independent Baptist Missionary (24 years in Romania) has posted a site The Laymans Biblical Handbook. More than 200 doctrines at We got saved that day September 14, 2014. Thanks. If you are really interested in finding out about my poor experiences with the IFB please read the website rather than make assumptions. Jesus saved by dying on the cross in my husbands place. I cant stand when preachers pound the pulpits because its distracting and irritating for me though I am not against preachers yelling as long as they dont yell too loud. To be brought back to the norm of what being a Christian is all about.
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