It needs to be obvious where to go if you want one or the other. - Do you prefer to do business with companies that takes the most profit from your products in exchange for a short-term higher revenue? Turbosquid immediately shuts any links down. Well, unless I can verify the quality of the model I'm not going to pay for most things. [google7|] for someone that is a little more unique. For me is more offending that kids are able to sell models here. Imagine how much easier it would be for a games company to do a search by typing in (sword, 15 dollars and then 500 polygons. Then there is the stupid "reputation" point issue. Search is terrible, and lost if you have to go backwards a page. Yes CGtrader is great! You just have to check the Sellers forum at Turbosquid to see plenty of complaints about all sorts of abusive policies. i guess both have different orientationone is cg and one is 3d printing oriented. If a company like Disney or NASA buys a model at TS, they advertise it as "Turbosquid customers buying Turbosquid models". They will be very enlightening and useful to you especially if you have never built 3D models and don't know what to expect. I wanted to test if clients compare sites (eventually wanted to avoid clients would use the expensive Ts platform to get my items). CGT is the only website that really understand both the artists and customer needs! Hello. The site owners could also act on other various levels : No overt similarites in armor designs, guns, vehicles, naming- nothing. If the buyer decided to buy after inspecting a sample, the seller would deduct the sample price from another 3d model. My sales are not still on par with TS, but I haven't published new models for quite some time, because I only have time to create models to enter challenges from time to time. In fact I hope that once buyers begin to see the difference in quality on this site they will jump ship but the thing that still trips up CGTrader is the consumer confidence. Every vendor who is exclusive is losing money and customers. Not that I like it or want to have my objects "borrowed". But i think CGT nows that pretty well, that's why they decided to bring changes in royalty policy and hopefully they will steer additional cash flow towards making this stock market more attractive to the buyers. And it is convenient for the buyer and profitable for the seller. During all these years we always felt Turbosquid favored a sort of chaos and unfair competition between sellers because they were profiting a lot from that lack of understanding and cooperation between content creators. Currently on a tight budget, would lose a substantial cut to pay for software licenses and hardware. This way we let buyers know that cgtrader got some interesting stuff. It is all about customer reputation and perception. I deleted my products here and joined sguild again, no reason for staying here. Recently I've been trying to contact my old clients and buyers and although they still have an interest in my models they don't quite trust CGT with their money. See this GFXHub where you needed to pay a fee before you could download 3d models of Humster3d, Turbosquid and many other. Buyers tend to look for things based on the category and budget and like to be able to put two products side by side to compare them and get a better understanding of why one is better than the other or which product is more suitable for them as an individual. Regarding sales, for me personally CGtrader is in lead with a small margin for almost 5 months in row now, I'm confident the difference will get even bigger (so let's be realistic Ts sales is dropping dramatically). However, fear of losing sales kept me both on Ts and CGt for long time (not liked it). --GENERAL--. We will only contact you if there's a problem with an order. I'm really happy to see CGTrader growing. I am huge fan of the CGT team because they really try hard to make us happy. I don't think it's possible to have WORKING site with both 3d printing and classic models. - Moderating some pointless threads opened by people using CGtrader as an advertising platform for their own website without even selling a single object here Downside at CGTrader is as i've just been informed from Support is NO you can't sell the licence here and transfer it into another users name. i think cgtrader can grow stronger with higher quality traffic. A rig is like a skeleton of a 3D model, which lets you move and pose it with little effort. They will be very enlightening and useful to you especially if you have never built 3D models and don't know what to expect. And it offers a more strategic dimension. The utopian view here is a successful merge of all related activities (or at least part), connecting as much people as possibly can that are doing something that could potentially involve 3D, and in doing so eventually streamline part of the global 3D marketplace and increase the amount of successful transactions between many possible parties. With only a few days on CG trader, i can already see it is miles ahead of turbosquid. My price at the time was same both on Ts as on CGt but after some time position on CGt got better and sales was picking up. Which is good, since we are the ones who will bring in the profits. That place is dead for me. CGtrader.com3. CGt basically needs to be good at one thing, "facilitating a sales platform". I was a seller on Ts for very long time but never liked it, felt the 60% cut was unjust, the aggressive tactics towards competitors was bad, the self centeredness to keep artist away from own clients was wrong, and there are many more reasons why it never felt home to me. We initially did the 3D printing focused homepage after noticing that CG customers skip the homepage and come directly to product page, mostly knowing exactly what they need for their projects, while 3D printing customers need more direction and inspiration, so that even non-professionals can discover this new industry. Fact is, the best is where is can make the most sales. The people at the top of the pyramid scheme bully all the new modelers who show any sales success because they barely scrape by as it is so it is really bad work environment to work for Turbosquid is not worth your time. i like the points system on cg trader . In fact, any properly textured model over 5000 polys for less than 15 bucks is NOT okay, and does NOT look professional at all. I started uploading some of my items to cg trader to see if it generated any income but as I have 70+ items and 0 sales I have decided to stop. On the other hand, reason for refund should be solid. It certainly is an interesting read all together, thanks for documenting it so well and make the whole thing public, although I hope you don't stay embarked on a power struggle whit Ts management. So part of the problem would probably be solved if a buyer would indeed get reputation points for buying models and gain more access in the process. . Do not forget to check out rigged vehicles, guns and other objects, including environments, in addition to rigged characters to increase the control and interactivity you can achieve in your project. Basically, they continue to sell their previous models or are selling non-liquid assets. Chat with Support 24/7 Agree with every word. Another thing that drove me crazy about Turbosquid was how you couldn't promote any of your social media and it made it very difficult to get your clients from let's say Facebook and Twitter to notice your artwork. Alhamdulillah, we finished making the car! Most of the Ts artists also moved their work over here and almost everyone knows that, just not the ones hoe are exclusive, it's not going to take too long now before they systematically start breaking the exclusive contract when they see sales going down every month and things going up over here. I think CG Trader should remain working with printing, however, it's main concern should be CG :D, I would opt for a system that integrates different stores each with its own label/trademark placed under one common trademark (for sake of organization and readability), CGtraders main trademark would then function as a placeholder/main hub for many different sub stores. What's lacking?, All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Being between a rock (TS) and a hard place (CT) is a damn round the clock aggravation. In the long run I'm going to quit selling on TS also. A good ref point is that your average laptop with Dual Pentium 2 gigahertz processor 8 GB of ram will start having issues when running over 200,000 polygons. Gritsuk : Hello Friends, glad to present you my model Female Hand Realistic. A client would normally ALWAYS choose a cheaper price, that's a law of nature. And i cannot take care for piracy or stolen models because the 3d stuff will go in piracy anyways, doensnt matter the platform it comes from. CGTrader is bather as a platform and like I wrote above if we help in couple of months will overcome TS on search engines, which will also increase our sales. We left TS account and getting occasional spam regarding the prices from them. Turbosquid has too many models We made this limitation to protect our designers from leechers who download hundreds of free models and then try to monetize them in some other way. 2. ", Exactly, no one knows the model better than the one who made this model. Hello, I think arguments of differences in search are irrelevant when someone is looking for the same model to compare prices between the two biggest players. Hi guys, thanks so much for your very valuable comments, they are much appreciated and we are very happy to work with you in order to make CGTrader the best place for 3D designers! just share your links (: I like both but prefer cgtrader all day. I hope ideas of exclusivity get replaced by inclusive ones all over the globe. I got a bunch of scanned statues sold for 3D printing, some sci-fi characters that are obviously copyright infringements because made from movie licences, and, at the best, less than 1/2 of original characters models, many of them not being displayed because of "adult content". In other words as an artist in TS you are not so well protected, as it's here at CGT. Thingiverse remains the king for licensing, as you can transfer the licence within the site. Yes, @limonadinis, I agree with you. @ Supercigaleha, ha, a good point about ,,the famous CheckMate,, :) TS . Checkmate is the only good thing Turbosquid has left to offer. We've been doing business with Turbosquid for more than 10 years until our very public issues last year: I wish someday Turbosquid disappear or bankrupt. Agree with every word above. These changes are part of the new TurboSquid Best Price Guarantee ( in which we are assuring TurboSquid customers that they can always find the lowest prices on our site. But it should be also possible to turn this filter off. - An improvement in search results based on manual rating from sellers and/or CGtrader staff. They simply do not get the idea that Turbosquid is just another reseller for the real product developers, and Turbosquid management and "rules" promote exactly that. [link=""]google1[/link] the only advantages in cgtrader are the big rates for clients. I like how there is no join up fee. So even if TS takes 60%, I still make better profit there because here I get 94% of nothing. when the same type of issue occurs on CGTrader, the Staff policy is to do nothing. Maybe I live in an unrealistic parallel reality, where at least some people still have some dignity and know how and when to differentiate good vs evil and take a public stand with actions instead of just words. But if you are on Turbosquid as an exclusive sale (models will be sold only on the website TurboSquid), Cgtrader can lose and this position, in favor of TS You can just buy and return it if it is not to your satisfaction. Those are very interesting ideas to develop for the future. If I narrow to "man", it's even worse : 64 out of 128 models displayed are scanned 3d models. Royalty rate of CGTrader allows the seller to make a model cheaper than on TurboSquid. This concept is not new and it seems to work well over here ( It also seems to me like CG trader is looking out a lot more for the artists. But hey thats your call, That's sad, but true. although, the 3d printing industry is growing rapidly :D. I have to agree. The longing to justice is something that cannot be eradicated, the hole of human history shows that clearly. - Do you think that a company like Turbosquid, managed by/for corporate funding with clear monopolistic intentions is more likely to improve your situation as a content creator in the future? Brittney CGtrader has been growing steadily faster than Turbosquid for several years, that's why they are making this desperate "first blood" move asking their Investors for an extra cash to buy Sellers out against Marius and his people, with the promise that they will fuck you to death later once the war is won for the #SquidClan. Another point in favor cgtrader is that the royalties and buy a model possible in the payment system WebMoney. No matter how many 3D models you need, we'll take care of it. I do not know if micro-managing brand or front-page appeal helps drive sales more effectively on other sites than on CGTrader. After that response I selected all my models and took them offline. The designers make a deal with each other and negotiate a percentage on the sales. According to me ,in the future, more a 3DMarketplace will be open more it will take to success. Site issues? but outside of the fact cgtrader is 95% designers and 5% customers its way better and easier to use more professional looking and feeling. It's like if will start selling classic "cg" models. Work directly with a 3D artist for your project. Turbosquid is the exact opposite. 4. what you say doesn't make any sense because CGTrader has a 100 percent guarantee return policy on all models as far as I know. Closed my Ts account because it was completely useless and obsolete. I tried to edit the obj for him and renounced because of the bad quality, especially, UVs and material names that were impossible to edit, such as mat000_0571 and other flaws ; he also bought a model of a bad quality from TS but was offered a refund immediately even on a sunday ; he posted his experience on our forum ; needless to say that others members of this community won't consider, now, CGTrader as a top quality website), same with people starting everyday a new irrelevant thread on the forums just to take advantage of the reputation system, which was a good idea, but which was hijacked by some unscrupulous sellers. Maybe they would understand that sellers can't be treated as slaves. cgtrader is far better than turbosquid in my opinion coz cgtrader offer 80% royalti payment and turbo only give you 40% royalti payment which is sad. They recently changed their search engine over there and when you search for Free models it comes up with a few free ones and many more paid ones so from that perspective Turbosquid makes your life even harder lol. I really enjoy the chance to get to know other people's opinions and experiences regarding how they sell, network and do business and that is something I have only been able to do here on CGT. At least some aspects of it. That is a big killer for licencing anything here that you intend to sell the licence for, leaving me with having to licence at Thingiverse first then using CGTrader as advertising or selling copies of the files only. Needed something better and found it at CGt. Pleas just stand your ground, we need people coming in not leaving out. Personally, I felt I in no way infringed on said IP. Get this item for $ when you bundle it with the items in your cart. You could say CGt is a service platform that harbors and connects sellers and buyers of specific digital goods, in theory there's no limit to how much people and their digital products/services they could connect. The art is to do it structurally organized and easily navigable and then it is a matter of giving the people the right tools and they will do the rest issue I think. Dear adentonclark, https://www . However, probably allot of us silently disagree on how we are treated as artist on places like Ts. After 60 days, we will put your content back online. They often would ask me to just send them a model through email and pay me through paypal like in the old days. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas, Thank you for shopping at TurboSquid. The rumour that they can "borrow" models for check-out before buy to particularly trustworthy clients could also be true. Spider-Man (Rig) for Maya Shaders is a new section that we recently added. For me CGTrader is the best and CGTrader has the best structure of a 3d site !!! I see what you mean but I think it depends on how you are covering markets. In CGtrader you can accumulate many until you set up payment agreement. This use is prohibited if the virtual world-type is an open MMO, like Second Life. IMHO that is main area where CGT must up their game significantly. TS staff do their best and is not responsible for the strategic choice of TS Contact your Shutterstock Customer Success Manager, + blend c4d xsi ma lwo 3ds dae dxf fbx obj X, $10,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), Uncapped Legal Protection (Indemnification), $1,000,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), $250,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification). As someone suggested most serious buyers will end up buying 100 bucks worth of models so putting down 1 Dollar isn't going to cause any trouble. I think posting links to showcase your model in an animation or to show how a rig works is extremely advantageous. I still get more sales on TS, despite having adjusted all prices to compensate their extortions. A serious problem indeed about Turbosquid is its policy of setting up barriers to avoid having a direct link to customers (this includes banning of al communication technologies). Then someone ells will just create another CGt alike and Ts would have to keep buying these places ones a year, and after that it would have to buy them every month. So it is, but it's a matter of time and CGTrader will be able to master these positions. 60% is an insult. Does anyone sale something on Cgtrader?where are customers. And to be fair, you will never get exact 40% from squid either, because they have payout fees too and also they withold certain amount from US purchases. People are followers they have always been and always will be. But they can still contact the artist for fixing issues directly here on CGTrader. Build your own Brand with your own criteria and goals. (e.g. Sometime buyer in frustration just leave bad review on the model for issues that can be solved easily, but since he cant contact seller he thinks he cant do anything about it and he wasted his money. So that is why sites like Amazon are making a fortune. If the assumption is correct that a client goes to TS by default as a reflective action, "huh, there's another site, didn't know that! Hi from Will and Mr Data :) :] Important only is that there buy many people. CG Trader. 3D is great for creating things that can restore old products. 3. The entire way of setting up your model seems backwards and chaotic. However, the behavior of these clients kept me thinking and I had some dilemmas about what was actually going on here. @limonadinis The paypal commission is paid 2 times - 1 when the model is bought, 2 times - when money is paid to the seller. Hmm, i went to your profile and i see no negative feedback. Since you havent contacted us about any of these changes being incorrect, we are resetting prices on these models one final time (see the attached CSV file listing these models). Plus, as I saw in another post, turbosquid does not let you post any links. @Supercigale, this is worrying to read, i think such things shouldn't happen. Such an arrogant attitude. It doesn't matter if the printing industry is growing fast. Turbosquid has a bot spying cgtrader prices. If you are a buyer you don't have a lot of time to find what you want especially if you are buying on behalf of your company. I sell fantasy-themed miniature models, and uploaded most of my then-current catalogue (consisting entirely of my original work) to Turbosquid only to have over half of it taken down a week later. But Also Turbosquid actively promotes models on their site with the use o. So i need to try to make money with my models as long as possible, means as long it is not uploaded to anywhere else. Plus giving much higher royalties, instantly paid, much better support, publishing system, etc. They just took multiple of my most expensive items and run for it. i think they both have there place . CGtrader is just better in all possible ways. Order 3D models. I'm not a modeler, I come here to buy models and this site is surprisingly obtuse when it comes to layout. Some may post their old stuff they just don't want to ask money for, consequentially it is also not representative of the work they currently do. First of all make great and spectacular models for it and promote it on forums, facebook, linkedin groups and forums. royalty scale you work up on is all very cool the fact you can print here sell files here and stream files all on one listing CG TRADER FOR THE WIN!!! It's the artist that need to make a stand and simply take the short term loss from less traffic and exposure and join the marketplace that respects the artists. TurboSquid is not a company that practices any kind of #FairBusiness, and there is many other cases from other people stating the same for different reasons: They already sell 3D printers on amazon so it isn't a far stretch to just add the models in the suggested items that go with 3D printers. My personal experience, having had a short stint as a 3d print seller on Turbosquid, is that they paint with way too broad a brush when it comes to potential IP infringement. New content is not provided to the on "Turbo" site. What I mean is CGt isn't rely making products, it is offering a sales platform and leaves the problem salving involving product issues (between sellers and buyers) to the product developers themselves (in theory) and in doing so minimizing/reducing overhead in sales. [quote]2. Turbosquid has the traffic and so you get the sails. It is always very reassuring to know that our opinions are taken into account. I guess it is because of the youth of the site, which has not yet reached its maturity.,, still turbosquid has the most paying clients. If you have any questions about these. Bottom line is if people are used to buying from TS they won't buy here because they need to use a different system so let's create our own client base. I like, CG Trader is ascent. You need to find what you want based on category and budget and purchase it quickly so you can use the product or send it to who will. And it is convenient for the buyer and profitable for the seller. in the name of freedom expression of the buyer (???). Buyer can contact seller directly, which can save him/her lot's of time and frustrations. Contact your Shutterstock Customer Success Manager, + blend c4d xsi ma lwo 3ds dae dxf fbx obj X, + c4d unitypackage upk max ma c4d max ma fbx max, $10,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), Uncapped Legal Protection (Indemnification), $1,000,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), $250,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification). Speaking of it, noting even stops me here from adding in the description of the model something like this,"If you are a maya exeprt and can successful convert this project, then I will completely refund you in exchange for that converted maya file". Yes. I can't download that lamp and see it's quality myself - so why would I purchase anything from the creator when I don't know if I'll be satisfied? They don't allow you to communicate with the customer, with Turbosquid support acting as a "human firewall" (and a bad one) that is constantly supervising every interaction to ensure that Turbosquid always gets the best outcome (and neither the seller nor the customer). It seems to me that over time a CGTrader will be able to overtake TurboSquid in many positions, if TS does not change its policy. I think I like the another item the modeler has created (Modern Villa), but that item is $40. To be honest, when I first found this site a few days ago I was really excited. A real pointless task. This is due to discrimination in the pricing policy of the "TS" site. What I read on different forums seems obvious, exclusivity no longer pays. I'm just dreading that sober moment when TS offers to buy CGT to kill off the competition. Contact your Shutterstock Customer Success Manager, $10,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), Uncapped Legal Protection (Indemnification), $1,000,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification), $250,000 in Legal Protection (Indemnification). What I saw after that was a 50 to 50 ration decrease on Ts and increase on my CGt account.
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