The degrees just add more meaning or deeper insight. Adding the flavour of Gemini means more than one career path. I have my mars in scorpio 22 degrees in 10th house. Other positive manifestation of Virgo energy is being organised, eating healthy, maintaining a clean environment and helping others. I am a Leo sun, Libra moon, Gemini rising. PLease and thank you! And there are tons of Mercurian careers these days..:), Having Jupiter at the 22nd degree in Saggi in the 12th house can be a great Sagittarius career indicator. Hi Niki I have Pluto in Scorpio 22nd degree 4th house. Ive been single every since. Kill or be killed 22nd degree - Astrology - Psychic Readings Tarot Card Mars Pisces 22 It can indicate double Capricorn-like lovers/partners. Happy for you! Or just work your a$$ off.. hii, I recently just found out about these degrees and its been making me kinda anxious I have my Sagittarius mars in the 22 in my 8th house and Gemini Saturn in the 22 in my 2nd house. And which planets are aspecting it? Because I have Saturn at 21.40, so would that count as 22?? Hi Niki! Watch out for 18 degrees as well. I have 22 degrees through out my chart and lemme tell you. Jupiter loves to be in the 11th house.. My Sun is at 22 degrees Scorpio. Work in a Capricorn way, workout as a Capricorn would do, or do some typical Capricorn sports such as hiking. hi! Hellothanks for a very interesting article. Trines my 8th house sun, opposite my 7th house Venus. My daughter is a Taurus moon at an 22 degree in the 11th house! One point to the 22 degree is to be killed, degree team. Be super organised! Collected Editions. I have 1 degree Libra Sun in 12th House; 26 degree Scorpio Ascendant in 1st House; 13 degree Pisces Moon in 5th House. Click enter, and look for all the people with Sun in 22 degrees, and take note of how they died. do not freak out, please. With Justin Meeks, Paul McCarthy-Boyington, Gregory Kelly, Deon Lucas. How would this manifest? Press J to jump to the feed. 22 degrees astrology - . What does this mean. Hi Niki! Does it make a difference if they are outer planets? hi there! Yahoo Answers. Uranus in Saggittarius 22 degrees The 18th and 22nd degrees, that everyone should know about Am i thinking right ?? The 22nd degree is often known as 'to kill, or be killed'. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Venus is at 2 22 Cancer, Neptune/Moon midpoint at 22 Sag, and my Venus/Jupiter midpoint is at 22 Cancer. my mars square pluto as well. 18 degree Aries rising and 22 degree Taurus moon. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. If one has only a good 5th house (house of joy) that is already a good life, right? i could be completely wrong, but something tells me ive got the jist of this if not in astrological terms, in universal terms. The final degree in the natal chart: poised for change. Astrology Has a Creepy-Accurate Explanation for Serial - Cosmopolitan Arianna. My Jupiter also sextile my Uranus. The Duke of Edinburgh's home or place of living (Moon) has some secrets (8 th house) but lives in luxury and glamour (Leo) in an old building (22 nd degree, Capricorn=being old).. Related post: The meaning of the 2nd degree in astrology . 8th house sun in Taurus 22.31 degrees sextile mars and minor hard aspect to pluto My dad died when I was 4. 22 mutable for insanity (I have my natal Moon on an insane degree! My health has always been excellent, but my father died when I had my first Jupiter return. Pluto, Mars and Uranus are the big red flags and they always seem to pop up in charts of people who murder/have been murdered. There are plenty of people with that placement that don't experience murder. 22 degrees astrology 21- Sagittarius: large road, foreign person. Thank you and I apologize in advance of my poor English. First of all, aim to manifest the Scprio ascendant energy on the highest possible level, and the Neptune energy as well. The 12th house is also at 22nd degrees, in pisces, it's ruler, Neptune is in the 8th with Uranus. anything is possible and we create our reality. What does this mean I should be carefull about? I have Sun in Gemini at 18 conjunct Mercury in Gemini at 18, with a Capricorn 2nd house at 22 degrees and Cancer 8th house at 22 degrees. I had night terrors and bizarre dreams. She for example is a Taurus sun in the 12th house and her sun is in square with Mars. Because it carries the agenda of that house to the 7th house). im literally SO scared rn im having a panic attack, my cancer moon is at 22 degrees in my 6th house please what does it mean? 22 Aquarius (322): A RUG PLACED ON A FLOOR FOR CHILDREN TO PLAY ON. As a Capricorn rising that is absoluety ok to feel that. Can you give me an interpretation of this position. I am really worried.. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. I used to have severe asthma as a child, but not sure if that has relevance in my future. I don't agree with this 22 degree theory at all.but, if we take a wider view of the phrase "kill or be killed", maybe :-. Just develop more Virgo qualities on those areas of life, which are affected by Mars and Jupiter. why? This paragraph shook me hella Because my dad was a Capricorn and he passed away back in 2019 . I attribute the many points to my survival and decent nature, as I have so many they form conjunctions, sextiles, and trines. I have both lol.grand trine Mercury at 18 degrees Capricorn 2nd house trine Jupiter at 22 degrees Taurus 6th house trine MC Virgo. I recently started researching on degrees and its relationship to astrology. I know it's the"kill or be killed" degree but any input on this would be helpful as i am a little scared. It is always something else in disguise and I'm usually able to distinguish what is going on in my mind. nikola has found this degree in the birth charts of murderers + people that were murdered. As I mentioned above there are many possible positive manifestations of those degrees. Ive experience so much trauma so far, nothing bad bad cos im still here haha, but its got me so worried, why do i have so many 22 degree placements? ASTROLOGY IS TO HELP US ENHANCE KNOWLEDGE. nicolas defied a birth chart and helped a woman escape from bad too. Not sure if thats why I suffer from so many headaches. Can you identify with those energies? Without seeing your chart I really do hope for you that the Saturn in the 7th house bring a long marriage. What does that mean for me? Lol XD. can you relate? But when I was a baby my father could be killed, had a threat to his life. Hi! Please help me , what can i do with my situation? Hey Olivia, I am very sorry for your loss! And the 18th degree (all the Virgo analogy) use as additional information. I have double virgo placements first and second house. Kill or be killed 22nd degree : r/astrology - reddit I believe that the degree is not due to it is called deadly. Hi Niki, Thank you so much. She has Sun, Mars Mercury conjuct in Sagittarius. Hi there! Does that mean anything bad? 19- Libra degree. Could you please give me some advice? Mars Aries 22 degrees. Read more at NPR. The king of Soul was also shot dead during a kidnapping. The Degree Key - Forensic Astrologer The 22nd degree of the zodiac | Astrologers' Community I dont think it means actual death or murder. I have my Uranus in Capricorn at the 22nd degree, Hi nicki! 3 TP Jan 17, 2018. Greetings Nikola, I have a Virgo Venus at 22. Do you think I could hear your take on this? For example I have my 2nd House cusp at 22.03degrees, is that considered 22nd or 23rd degree?.I have my Moon in Gemini at 18.55 degrees so I should assume that it's at 19 am I correct? How could I interpret that? . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You know how the FBI has an entire team dedicated to psychologically profiling murderers? I have seen all of the mystery and all the things hidden that are dark, and also some great benefits of my life being saved from the darkness in my journey of self-healing in very intense ways. Thank you! Any planet in the 11th house is good. Its a 9 in numerology, that is also the worst, which is also my life path number. Moon in Taurus at the 22nd degree in the 10th house can be awesome! and how do interpet degrees in diff planets. My forth house in Sagittarius at 22.8 degrees, my 7th house in Pisces at 22.1 degrees, my 8th house in Aries at 22.7 degrees and my midheaven in Gemini at 22.8 degrees. So, in January, when she appeared on CBS New York and predicted that 2020 would "be a great year, and it will be . I have placements at 22 degrees ( mercury, jupiter, uranus, and chiron) a lot of the information Ive found online have mentioned the kill or be killed. I have never killed I personally do feel my family of origin tried to murder my spirit..So symbolically they may have tried. What all these similarities mean? My ascendant is 18 degrees and my moon is 22 degree. Which signs? Or you might have a Leo child who will be a leader figure of sorts. I have the 22nd degree in moon (Pisces), according to some astrologers the moon symbolizes the figure of the mother in life. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I love degrees and trying to understand them as well. My Pluto is at 22 degrees Scorpio in the 4th house. My mother? What food kills E. coli? These cookies do not store any personal information. Should I be worried ?? The minutes are important for natal chart rectification and for the slow-moving planetary transits. I also have gemini rising at 18 degrees. And it is truly magical. I assume you are familiar with that, if not you can find articles on the psychology of Socprio and Neptune on my website. Thank you, Hi, I am new here. try shadow work and manifestation. note that i have also studied from various sources about this. I used to sleep with weapons (rocks, baseball bats) next to my bed as a child. Your emotional health can have a massive impact on that baby in the long run. #1. If we look at the arithmetic, each sign of 30 degrees has one 22nd degree, for a total of 3% of the zodiac. I would advise you anyway to make Mars manifests in your work. Actually star, your Uranus and 12th house are in the 23rd degree and your Venus is in the 22nd degree. Mars in Virgo at the 18th degree is already a double-whammy Virgo energy and Mars there can give the best engineers, business people of all sorts. To be honest, I was thinking about how to use that energy but your questions prompted me to think about how to use it in my business, which is mostly online and involves a large number of people. To Kill or To Be Killed? 22nd Degree in Astrology for Positive Are planets in 22 degrees always malefic, a bad omen and a kill or be killed type of scenario, or is there another int ElsaElsa - The Astrology Blog & Forum Come join us! Required fields are marked *. 25 degrees of the fixed for alcoholism or suicide. I have Mercury at the 22nd degree of Pisces. I think that it can be considered for my Jupiter in Saggitarius (8th house) 13 to be sextiling my sun, but it might be a minor aspect, it doesnt show up sometimes in charts. I have my Mars in Capricorn on the 22th degree in the 5th house. I just heard about the whole "22 degrees kill or be killed" myth and I would like to know if it's bad that my ascendant is in 22 degrees Pisces? Mars there makes things happen. What would be your interpretation of this? I have Venus in Scorpio 22 9H. Its wonderful reading this blog based on another perspective. Kill or Be Killed (song) - Wikipedia Mars in Aries, 1H Gianni Versace - WikipediaGiovanni Maria " Gianni" Versace ( Italian: [dovanni versate]; 2 December 1946 - 15 July 1997) was an This is such an interesting view of it! Ascendant at the 18th degree (Meaning+ Examples),, Special Deal! This was all very private, as I knew how crazy it sounded. Read My Chart Scorpio moon). Does someone has any experience with this? On another note, with that 10th house Pisces stellium and Sun in the 10th = can probably see quite clearly what her job was. If you have a day chart then Jupiter in the 11th house is at its best. Im 31, for those curious. She also has her moon in Aries at 0 degrees and Neptune in Aquarius at 15 degrees The Power Degrees of the Zodiac - Astrodienst , Haha not me reading this with my natal Saturn in my Capricorn 8th house at 22 degrees, along with my natal Mars, Uranus, and Neptune also in my Cap 8th house . It just struck me as odd as Ive always wanted to act but confidence & public speaking were a huge hindrance, but I adore reading & writing so wondering if this might be some sort of coincidence? Hi Nikki, Cause I know the degree 22 is "to kill or be killed" saying . I have that too, my MC is in Capricorn at 18th degree. DC Jupiter in Pisces too so it feels like theres bo point in having jupiter in its home sign. Welcome, Unregistered. Oh, and plus, the Scorpio one also has an aspect of Sun-Chiron, but instead of conjunct, is opposite the Sun. I have my moon in libra, 2nd house, 22.8 degrees. I hope I could help! The Scorpio one has Sun conjunct Jupiter, in the 12th house, and he too lost his father. Having difficulties with exams is indicated by the 9th house or the ruler of the 9th house is weak or weakened by other planets. I have Saturn in Libra 22 degree in my 7th house. 22nd degree of any of the Zodiac signs mean kill or be killed That would have a beneficial influence on your private life too. Your email address will not be published. You are definitely not doomed. Lynda writes about it in her blog as at the 22nd degreealthough the actual eclipse occurred at 20'59but anyway 22 Leo (142): A CARRIER PIGEON FULFILLING ITS MISSION. I have the most beautiful and loving parents. My chart seems to have a repeating pattern . Are you 100% sure that your time of birth is accurate? while the 22nd degree is the "kill or me killed" degree and we can see this manifest in many ways. Only the degree changes. Sharon Tate, the actress who was murdered by the Charlie Manson cult members. Also it seems like her AC falls into 12th house, even though it should always be in 1st as I know. Plus both me and my twin have 29 placements, mine being Neptune in Scorpio. Home; Forums; Marketplace; . Singer and songwriter Sam Cooke. Kill Or Be Killed, Vol. And the 18th degree has many positive attributes. A brutal murder took place in Belgrade a few years ago. You are a Pisces through and through, listen to your accurate intuitions, it will help anytime.:). Note: The mathematical points of a chart include the . sun in 1h, i think this about my death. 24- Pisces degree. (I mean where it is coming from? NO. I struggle with managing my finances as well. Do not freak out about the rest of your chart. but then its was called the worst degree in astrology! My Virgo Sun 18 degrees, conj. May 9, 2020. Those who have this degree found in the natal charts would have . If you have more questions about your Virgo Venus, Im always one mail away. My venus is in 3rd house at 22 degrees gemini what could this mean? Learning about the degree is so depressing. If you have an opportunity and can help me with that, it would be great! I made a vow when I was young, never to practice magic or paganism this lifetime and I was very intuitive about this. , Thank you Niki I was actually blown away by the accuracy here I have Mars in Aries 22 in my 5th house(romances, relationships), which is already Aries 8. You have any insight on that? The 22 degree rings true to me because my father is emotionally cold and distant as well as a workaholic. Which is the native needs to have 3 different indicator in the chart, by transits, progression or profection to something life-alerting to happen. Hmmm, I will try. Hi The degrees are scary, is all I can say. What does this mean?!?!?! I have Mars at 18 Gemini. I appreaicte that you you shared it with us. All I find are Sabian symbols and they're so vague and unhelpful. I hope this helps and I am definitely in the process of feeling comfortable in places that are not as comfortable as they should. My daughter has 18 degree Saturn in her 2nd house Virgo. And titles such as PhD are under the domain of the 11th house. I have my Sun 22 08 degree Virgo, Pluto 22 39 degree Virgo. i feel like astrology is not to scare us. A lot of military, and politicians have 22 degrees through their chart. If most of the angles are 29 degrees then the native would have a violent death for certain. Such as working a lot, be of service, helping others, health etc. I did this too, a various mixtures of death but noticed a lot of them were writers, journalists or actors. Please help me out in understanding what i need to do?!.. !Its also said it is the degree of a lousy reputation and overshadows our power of manifestation, which I'm absolutely shocked and saddened to read tbh, BUT it gets worse it also said I'm going to lose my husband and will never get over it!.could this be true , I'm petrified. I love your blog, it gives so much insight in simple points. This degree indicates unhappiness in love. Mars 22 degrees Aries 8th house . About the placement: Mars is in my 5th house, and I was born before noon. Hopefully some light will shine on my life too. Hi I have a Gemini Venus 18 degree in the 8th house? It was released on 21 July 2022 as the fourth single ahead of their ninth studio album Will of the People, having already debuted in live format during festival shows of their Will of the People World Tour.It was nominated for Best Metal Performance at the 65th Annual Grammy Awards. It is a process that really helped me transform and let go of what was and the cool thing is it shows you your possible trajectory, your life path and its lessons. I have my study notes and the results of my researches, which Im planing to share. my sun, uranus and chiron in 22 degrees sun leo/ uranus aqu /chiron sag what would you think of these settlements? Which I also heard it terrible. 22 Gemini (82): DANCING COUPLES CROWD THE BARN IN A HARVEST FESTIVAL. They were at once the lay face of the church, the spiritual heart of civic government, and the social kin who claimed the allegiance of peers and the obedience of subordinates. Moon there can make you gainful with Moon domains. Degrees of Violent death as per astrology - My Capricorn sun is 18 degrees. This doesn't imply the literal death. North Node in Aries 18 degrees, I have my libra jupiter in the tenth house at the 18th degree. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I learned everything I needed to know from this website. Leo degrees: 5 th degree and 17 th degree and 29 th degree. please do no freak out. Having the 3rd house cusps at the 22nd-degree means add Capricorn qualities to the 3rd house interpretations/domains. All of my planets are at 18 degrees except for 2 of them witch are in 19 degrees and its making me anxious , How was your life going? 6th house rules work, work environment, and having the ruler in that house, it means that the Moon will take good care of that house. But him being a Capricorn is also a literal manifestation of the 22nd degree. I dont think that would harm your career or reputation. Natal Sagittarius sun at 22 degrees squaring Mars in Pisces 22 degrees, natal Jupiter in Sagittarius at 18 degrees. At work, you can carry great responsibilities and endurance. 2 TP Aug 9, 2017. With all my love, Niki, Ok this is scary. Well, Virgo Venus is not a walk in the park especially at a young age unless you channel your Virgo Venus in your work. And bizarrely on point. 4 TP Aug 15, 2018. Beneficial to be an authority one day. I have 22 degree Cancer Ascendent and that applies to my Capricorn 7th house cusp but none of my planets have the 18/22 degree. I was just wondering if you had any insight on how Venus in Aquarius at 22 and Mercury in Aquarius at 18 could impact someones life trajectory? Im very sorry for your loss. 22 degrees astrology - Designed to teach you about some of the issues that this can bring into your life as we explore each of the signs throughout the miniseries so stay tuned for more episodes on this topic!Cover Photography:Designed on CanvaBackground photo from www.shutterstock.comPhotography Featured In Video:Photo of Band Killer Be Killed retrieved from www.nuclearblast.comPhoto of White Dress Marilyn Monroe retrieved from of Marilyn in Pink Dress retrieved from of Marilyn Monroe Singing Mr President by Yale Joel retrieved from Capricorn degrees: 10 th degree and 22 nd degree. You are having a Venus return soon. Its one of the best houses of all. Jupiter in 18th is also * my MC in taurus. I have Saturn at 18 degrees Scorpio in the 8th house and Mars at 22 degrees Capricorn in the 10th. Btw with 8th house Pluto its great to dive deep in astrology, in occult topics, in pscyhololy. Watch popular content from the following creators: Cosmic Drugz(@cosmic_drugz), Cosmic Drugz(@cosmic_drugz), A rat(@thebeesaredyinghelp), Roses and Alcohol(@roses_and_alcohol), (@factsrological), Forrest (@saliorgoon), Alyssa Sharpe(@thedivinevenus), Feelings(@astrovibe.z), astroa3h(@astroa3h), Cosmic Drugz . 4h in taurus at 22.44, I also have Uranus at 22 in the 9th house. Ive made some other comments on 22 degrees if you want me to tag you in those posts. Is that bad for my long term career? Thank you for your insights and for sharing your beautiful knowledge, Im a huge fan of Mr. Nikola and I had the honor to talk to him twice before he passed (he was a legend). trust the universe has good intentions for you and do shadow works to be a little more content and less slef victimization will happen , also do not surround yourself with people who do so because, ive been there and it sucks, they are primarily why my standards in terms of envy are so low. Chapter 5 - THE SABBATH.,,,,,, The most important are your Ascendant and the Sun to interpret. I have enjoyed reading your article and all of the comments. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 9 degrees mutable for homicidal tendency. Chapter 2 - THE NAME OF GOD. Best wishes, Lia x. I was freaking myself out! Hello I have Virgo Venus at 18degrees in 4th house Gemini ascendant conjunction with 29.55ketu south node. One has difficulties in understanding that self-centeredness harms relationships with friends or lovers, and that other people's aspirations must be given due consideration. so you have your Saturn and Mars in weak conjunction in Taurus, correct? Hi Niki, You know one or two minutes difference can indicate a 1 degree difference in the natal chart. My mars in leo is at 22.04 (VII house), If I had been knowledgeable about our chart before this violent tragic incident Im wondering if this event could of been prevented?!?!? 22 degrees means you have to experience a very raw and difficult part of this world. I have 18th degrees Neptune in my 7th house Scorpio. [Post-Chorus] (Kill or be killed) [Verse 2] They've driven a stake right through my hart. 22 degrees astrology - Soon, in June there will be a solar eclipse on your Sun, I hope it will bring something amazing for you in regards to your career or life goals! The Theology and Liturgy of Reformed Christianity - I just found this article and I am curious. Pluto in Sagittarius in 9th house. He died last year, he was murdered. This is so exciting!!! Pluto in Sag, 9H I really hope youre still responding to these because I recently found out that 22 degrees was kill or be killed and I have 4 placements at that degree and its scary to me. (2nd house). This is a community for discussing and learning astrology, not for personal chart and life questions. You can find more info about the 22nd degree in the article above. The 22nd degree found in astrology charts is sometimes referred to as the "to kill or be killed degree". I beleive the challenge with Leo Venus is be mindful of the real values, such as valuing kidness over appearance etc. Thx. I don't know a lot about astrology but it's fun to learn. He is a Libra sun, Libra moon, and Libra rising. For a more in-depth interpretation of your Mars in Capricorn, one must know which house is affected and the aspects. 22nd degree in astrology to kill or to be killed? - Medium No sign of the 22 degree. So Mercury in 22degrees in cancer. Your blog article gives me some peace of mind. The Worst part is it says this is 1 of the worse placements you can have for your life it indicates the worst possible life scenariosI'm absolutely heartbroken and don't know what to do. To interpret that planetary position the whole natal chart must be seen.
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